AT-11 Beta This Week

Wild Bill posted a thread over NZFF about our civvy version at MOTAT, posted these over there but will post here also.

Great stuff, Steve - very nice of you to drop in to MOTAT and collect these.
I'm quite looking forward to this one...
Great stuff, Steve - very nice of you to drop in to MOTAT and collect these.
I'm quite looking forward to this one...

Had planned to go to MOTAT before Milton mentioned doing the civvi version, shore residents free entry till mid November, so took the kids and their cousin along (and the camera!):jump:

PS Markus, the photos loaded on NZFF with better resolution, no zaggys.
Great pics, Steve!
Thanks a ton!

Doesn't she look neat in this civil dress?

Please pardon my ignorance, but I didn't know up to now that the NZAM Kansan did survive and is presented in such a good condition at MoTaT. Good to see her alive - even grounded!
Too bad that most aviation museums don't have the space to present their treasures more photographer friendly...

They take pride at Motat keeping them best condition they can given the preservation staff are all volunteers. At the moment a massive display hall extension is being built on the end of the 'hanger', the small aircraft are crammed in at the moment until complete. The new extension is big enough to house the Sunderland and Solent inside with plenty of room for the Lancaster, Hudson, Ventura, Mosquito, Kittyhawk, all the rare civvi types they have. Check it out
The future Civie version is coming along. I cleaned up the cabin and nose, replaced the prop spinners, rebuilt the fuselage roof to cover the turret hole, and remapped all the exterior. Not sure what else to do here now on this unless Peteham gets more info on the photo mapping unit. I sent the revised mapping to Damian.

I will also do a turretless version of the military ilk for the many trainers that had none, at Damian's request. That should open up a lot of repaint possibilities.

Damian is hiking the Alps this weekend but said he will work on the paint kit Monday. :applause:

Still awaiting gauge updates from Scott as he is out this weekend.

Mr. Milton Shupe;
I am looking forward to an AT-11 "Bombing Trainer" (probably sans top turret).
My Dad logged over 740 hours in the AT-11 (more time than he had in the B-17!), and I am replicating all his flights per his Flight Logs and Form 5's from Pre WWII thru Korea.
I wish I had a picture of him next to the AT-11.. That would be so cool!
From the number of posts, I'd say a fair number of SOH Flight Simming folks are looking forward to flying this twin-engine aircraft, as well..
Patiently (Not! ;-} ) waiting the AT-11's release.
Thanks for this plane, and ALL the planes you have done.. Great Work!
Mr. Milton Shupe;
I am looking forward to an AT-11 "Bombing Trainer" (probably sans top turret).
My Dad logged over 740 hours in the AT-11 (more time than he had in the B-17!), and I am replicating all his flights per his Flight Logs and Form 5's from Pre WWII thru Korea.
I wish I had a picture of him next to the AT-11.. That would be so cool!
From the number of posts, I'd say a fair number of SOH Flight Simming folks are looking forward to flying this twin-engine aircraft, as well..
Patiently (Not! ;-} ) waiting the AT-11's release.
Thanks for this plane, and ALL the planes you have done.. Great Work!

Thank you Charles.

While we await gauge changes, Damian and I are working on the canopy top, and blanked top, and the civvie versions, and paint kit in progress. Damian has a few paint schemes to add as well. Looking pretty decent so far. :)
Looking pretty decent is an understatement Milton, that is just one fine model and one super bit of skinning from Damian.

Looking pretty decent is an understatement Milton, that is just one fine model and one super bit of skinning from Damian.


I think Milton is just being modest. Thanks Milton, Damian and team. I have been waiting for this for a long while. The beta At-11 is superb. Looking forward to the other variations.

best regards

I think Milton is just being modest. Thanks Milton, Damian and team. I have been waiting for this for a long while. The beta At-11 is superb. Looking forward to the other variations.

best regards


Thanks everyone; sorry for the slight delay but we all benefit from the additional WIP. This is Damian's latest texture for the bubble canopy.
And, this is the capped version borrowing the textures from the turret model.

Having 4 models should give you plenty of repaint possibilities.
We are held up awaiting the gauge changes and additions. Scott is tied up until Thanksgiving.

Meanwhile, we now have 4 models and 5 textures to release.

And, Gary Jones has just put together a soundset specifically for the AT-11 and Beech 18's. Testing it right now and it is sounding great!

So, we are still busy filling the void while we await gauge changes.
Take your time team. It will get here when it gets here. From the sounds of things, it's going to be well worth the wait.
...The picture just got sharpened a whole bunch in my eyes :ernae:
One of the five paint schemes available is this almost finished civvie version. Paint kit will be finished for release. Final touches on all 5 schemes should be done this weekend.
Milton and Team

I am sure you have grown tired of receiving bucket loads of compliments on the AT-11. So, I am going to give you a break from compliments by saying:

That looks terrible. I have never seen a more hideous aircraft in my life. You should be ashamed for bringing such a monstrosity into existence.

Of course, I do not mean any of those things...just giving you a break from the compliments, oohs and aahs that are justly deserved on the AT-11 and every other aircraft you have produced and given to the simming community. Utter perfection!

LOL OBIO. Not searching for compliments; just trying to keep everyone informed. We are wanting to release as badly as others are wanting a release. Just have to wait for those gauges.

So wrapping up and tweaking, working on the website, and documentation this weekend. Everything is coming together.

Also Fliger747 and I piddling with the xp47j (mainly Tom) for a future release, but next out is likely the Dash 7 ... awaiting textures.
Glad to see Milton has a whole suite of interesting and varied projects. He mentioned the XP47-J earlier. One that has been sitting on the back shelf for some time, but a real hoot to fly. At 505 mph at altitude, the fastest bird of it's era. Unfortunatly only a experimental model so no hope as a RTW racer there. Still a lot of fun to fly, I had it up to 43,000 ft last night on a FS9 test flight, though doing most of the development work in FSX Accel.

The Dash Seven should bring back memeories, I flew one as Captain for about a year out in the Alutian Islands about 20 years ago. Still have the dusty manuals.

Cheers: Tom