AT-11 Beta This Week

I like the new flight model much better. The roll rates are a bit more responsive, and feel to me more realistic. The yoke is now gone all together. Not knowing if that was your intentions. But works for me as I'm sure you'll get it sorted out.

My controls consist of the X52pro by Saitek. Tailwheel steering has been a chore by twisting the grip and squeezing the trigger (diff braking) at the same time. I'll play around with the numbers of the diff brake settings.

Thanks Milton :)
I like the new flight model much better. The roll rates are a bit more responsive, and feel to me more realistic. The yoke is now gone all together. Not knowing if that was your intentions. But works for me as I'm sure you'll get it sorted out.

My controls consist of the X52pro by Saitek. Tailwheel steering has been a chore by twisting the grip and squeezing the trigger (diff braking) at the same time. I'll play around with the numbers of the diff brake settings.

Thanks Milton :)
Ditto here as well "OleBoy". Actually the control column being gone is great for me as I'm always looking for a way to hide it anyway, lol. Thanks Milton, nice work!!:salute:
The control column is invisible by default. Pressing the slash "/" unhides it.

If you are using a joystick, then I am sure that roll rates seem fast. I use a yoke and the roll rate is rather slower than a single engine low or high wing aircraft. It is sometimes hard to judge where to set the rates and responsiveness when everyone uses different controllers, senstivities, null zones and realism settings. :) So I use my best jusgement there. You can esily adjust to your needs using the Flight Tuning sliders: aileron_effectiveness = 1 is default. Decreasing effectiveness from 1.0 to .9 reduces effectiveness by 10%.

Oleboy, if I were using a twist grip, I think I would change the contact points to use a "steerable" tailwheel.
Thanks for the updated flight cfg Milton, much better.

I also use a joystick with twist grip, and while I can control direction with differential brakes , I prefer to use a stearable tailwheel .... ( lazy eh :icon_lol: )

Here's my contribution to the screenshots for the others ....

I love the way the sun reflects off the polished metal.

Oleboy, if I were using a twist grip, I think I would change the contact points to use a "steerable" tailwheel.

I did just that. I saw your note when looking for the Differential Brakes settings. I can live with those settings. I appreciate that you already added the different steering options (tips hat)

I wasn't the first to post a screen shot of the AT-11.....but I am the first one to post a screen shot of the AT-11 CRASHED! It was a Top Secret mission to fly into the Swiss Alps and retrieve some German scientists and get them back to the UK. Mission FAILED due to pilot error on landing.

Where are you guys getting the Beta from? Am I missing a link on one of the pages in this post? I have scoured the five pages and can't find one.

On the 26th I sent you a PM with the link .... check your PM's

It's a dang good things snakes do not hide in the upper right of my monitor, I would have been long bitten! LOL

Got it Milton, thanks much, going to install and fly it. Don't have long, I have house duties this morning, as I have to work a HS X-Country running event this afternoon in Danville. And it is Friday night, that means HS football here, going up the road to see the Gretna Hawks vie for their way to a state championship in their Division.

Real world life always comes first. No hurry, I have so much to do it will take a week to get it all done. Enjoy.

I see you put out another nice piece of work, can't wait to try it out. I know its not done, but it is amazing how nice all of your projects turn out. I'd love to try it out.


Had a couple of days off (due to r/l occupations...) and missed the Beta party!
Took her out now for a few spins. Can't tell how many hours I spent in Milton's D18S, but this Kansan feels like coming home...

I think all of the positive items were already mentioned and actually I can't add anything to be improved. The overhead panel sight is great for full-view takeoffs and landings, groundhandling feels like I assume a taildragger to be handled, takeoff run with the throttles gently moved forward keeps her nailed to the centerline with just a little rudder input needed (flightmodel from post #59 applied). VC gauges show up very sharp and smooth with no observable frame impact, VC point of view is fun in tight turns, looking through the upper eyebrow windows.

I particulary love the very subtle prop blur:


With a reasonable 85 kn flare, I made her sit down in a perfectly smooth three-pointer in the first try - what else could a taildragger aficionado desire?

Brilliant work, Milton :applause:
You (and your team) have created a true gem (once again)!
Thank you so much! :salute:

As I sit here and admire Milton's work, it strikes me that nearly all of his projects are all my favorites. The ground handling, landing, flying and VC's are outstanding creating the perfect experience. Another is that many are for 2004, but work perfectly in FSX. it's like his is the only one out there that can accompish this. He has a great group who help with all of the projects. The invader is my fav (duh) and the B-18, Grizzly, Aero commander, F7F, Howard, Puss Moth and AT-11 (even though I have not found the link to download) will certianly be in the mix. 90% of my AC are yours Milton AND best of all they are FREE.....

Thank You Milton and all of your Team,

As I sit here and admire Milton's work, it strikes me that nearly all of his projects are all my favorites. The ground handling, landing, flying and VC's are outstanding creating the perfect experience. Another is that many are for 2004, but work perfectly in FSX. it's like his is the only one out there that can accompish this. He has a great group who help with all of the projects. The invader is my fav (duh) and the B-18, Grizzly, Aero commander, F7F, Howard, Puss Moth and AT-11 (even though I have not found the link to download) will certianly be in the mix. 90% of my AC are yours Milton AND best of all they are FREE.....

Thank You Milton and all of your Team,



Thank you for all the kind words. Right now I am drowning in great feedback on the AT-11 and a long list of fixes. We will get this one out as quickly as possible. I appreciate your patience as we try to work out the kinks.

Damian has added two more paint schemes and is working on one final for Taigh Ramey of

I will be busy over the next few days trying to get the fixes done. Thanks to all the beta testers who helped us out here.
I also have not found the link to the beta download. If the d/l was for a limited audience I totally understand and I'm happy to wait, but if I have missed something here I'd like to take it for a test flight. :)
Damien sure does nice work to compliment your teams hard work Milton. A great way to finalize the challenge set forth to all involved.
...Do you mind if we get a peek of the scheme Damien is committed to currently?
I also have not found the link to the beta download. If the d/l was for a limited audience I totally understand and I'm happy to wait, but if I have missed something here I'd like to take it for a test flight. :)

Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm. The beta was for a limited audience as I can only handle so much feedback and conversation and maintain focus and sanity. :)

Hang in there and we will get you a more ready-for-prime-time example. :)
Damien sure does nice work to compliment your teams hard work Milton. A great way to finalize the challenge set forth to all involved.
...Do you mind if we get a peek of the scheme Damien is committed to currently?

Damian is working on the RW version belonging to Taigh Ramey who was our technical assistant, picture and information provider for the project, and owns the site. It is very similar to the M78 but with chrome spinners and large Red, White, Blue Stars and Bars of the early vintage. I have no pics and do not yet have the textures. This will be his final texture before release. We haven't yet discussed the paint kit but feel certain one is forthcoming.