Attention all skinners!

From what I've seen, it appears the Revi 3D was in use only on the earliest Bf 109Es, and the Revi 12 was the main version used. Pretty sure the Hs 123 used the Revi 3D though, and maybe the Ju 87. Unless you have a different source.
The Revi C12-D reticle needed to have a mask added to match the DR Shared Cockpit gunsight used in the Bob, MAW, and ETO Bf109E, so I created a new texture for it rather than trying to reuse the Revi 16D one.

Installation instructions are included in the zip file.

The TextureMagic.ini entry for this reticle is range calibrated for a Spitfire at 300m.

View attachment Revi C12D Dynamic
So do I understand not to use revi3d for the Bf109E-4?

Back to your gunsight list txt file from the latest High_Resolution_Dynamic_Reticle_Collection, I note the last line just ends "GR_OKL_Revi16d_gunsight" but I don't see what ac it's for?
So do I understand not to use revi3d for the Bf109E-4?

Back to your gunsight list txt file from the latest High_Resolution_Dynamic_Reticle_Collection, I note the last line just ends "GR_OKL_Revi16d_gunsight" but I don't see what ac it's for?

Revi 16d is evidently the same pattern as the one the C12-D gunsight used so you can probably use it for Bf109F-1, Bf109F-4, Bf109G-6, Bf109G-6/R6, Bf109G-2e, Fw 190-A4 if you can believe yesterday's list I found. As indicated by yesterdays post, I occasionally run across some new information on what reticle was used with which aircraft, but I know of no comprehensive list, and as you saw this afternoon, internet reference material often get's refuted by different sources.

Once you know what reticle pattern you want to use, each cockpit model needs it's own x, y, z location to display in the proper location.
The original package included only a few examples as a starting point for everyone to use for their own needs. I have not gone through the 1,000 plus aircraft in my collection to find the correct positioning for all of them since it takes about a half of hour for each one. I use the test reticle (it has a visible background square), and a lot of back and forth until I find the right placement. Once I've found a new one, I try to post it here for everyone else to take advantage of.
Getting the right reticle for the right aircraft is more than a little confusing and there are contradictions everywhere, and finding ranging info is just as hard. The Revi 12 was the main German sight for most of the war, but where it took over from the Revi 3 and phased out for the Revi 16 is kind of fuzzy, and probably not as cut and dry as we would like, though the types you mention are a safe bet I'd say. My own opinions are only based on hearsay, as I've not encountered a solid source on it, if there is one.
Oh, and it seems Ankor got the reticles flipped right side up on this latest version, which may effect some reticles now displaying upside down.
To take advantage of the zip files I posted here yesterday for MAW you can use:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="GR_OKL_Revi3d-_gunsight" PosX="0.045" PosZ="-0.15" PosY="0.6825" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

for Bf109E-3_Hung, Bf109E-3_Yugo 1, Bf109E-3_Yugo 2

and you can use:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="GR_OKL_Revic12d-_gunsight" PosX="0.045" PosZ="-0.15" PosY="0.6825" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

for DR_Bf109E-4_2.LG02, DR_Bf109E-4_3.Bulg, DR_Bf109E-4_3.JG27, DR_Bf109E-4N_T_1.JG27, DR_Bf109E-4N_T_2.JG27, DR_Bf109E-4T_1.JG27, DR_Bf109E-4T_2.JG27, DR_Bf109E-7_3.JG77, DR_Bf109E-7_3.JG77_2, DR_Bf109E-7T_1.JG27, DR_Bf109E-7T_1.JG27_2, DR_Bf109E-7T_2.JG27, DR_Bf109E-7T_7.JG26, JW_Bf109F2T_0177_42, JW_Bf109F2T_0327_42, JW_Bf109F2T_0527_41, JW_Bf109F4_0377_42, JW_Bf109F4_1053_42, JW_Bf109F4-1053_42, JW_Bf109F4T_0127_41, JW_Bf109F4T_0327_42, JW_Bf109F4T_0627_42
To take advantage of the zip files I posted here on Saturday for ETO you can use:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="GR_OKL_Revi3d-_gunsight" PosX="0.045" PosZ="-0.15" PosY="0.6825" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

for Bf_109_b, Bf_109_c, Bf_109_d, Bf109C_6-47, ETO_Bf109_SCW, SCW_Bf109E-1, ETO_Bf109E-77, w40_Bf109E-1, w40_Bf109E-3, ETO_Bf109E-2,

and you can use:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="GR_OKL_Revic12d-_gunsight" PosX="0.045" PosZ="-0.15" PosY="0.6825" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

for ETO_Bf109E-4, bf109e_4, ETO_Bf109E4_b, ETO_Bf109E-3_53_40, ETO_Bf109E-3_52_40, ETO_bf_109f_4F, ETO_bf_109f_4
I believe they are all Foutemans. I have them all plus his other BoB ac.
PM me yr email and I'll send you one of each for reference.
Okay, I found (both here and at simviation) the various FS Bf109e packages, and worked out the positioning.

In the [ReticleStatic} section of TextureMagic.ini in the Shaders30 folder you need to add:
if you are using cockpit option 1 or
if you are using cockpit option 2 or 3

In the Effects section of each aircraft's xdp file you need to add:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="GR_OKL_Revi16D_gunsight" PosX="0.0325" PosZ="0.0" PosY="0.5625" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
if you are using cockpit option 1 or 2

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="GR_OKL_Revi16D_gunsight" PosX="0.00" PosZ="-0.25" PosY="0.7425" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
if you are using cockpit option 3
This dynamic reticle should work for most of the older FW 190 aircraft that have the small sight glass with the clipped corners centered on the dash.

Add this to the Effects section of the aircraft xdp file:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="GR_OKL_Revi16D_gunsight" PosX="0.000" PosZ="0.0" PosY="0.880" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

*** This won't work for the D models, fw_190a_8z (Blue 17) and ETO_fw190_A8 (J3) that use a different gunsight system. ***
Add this to the Effects section of the aircraft Fiat_cr42_95 and Fiat_cr42_nf xdp file:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="IT_CAI_Tipo_C_gunsight" PosX="0.000" PosZ="-0.95" PosY="0.786" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
