The problem is that I don't keep such list. I know it is a bad practice, but the way I work on this mod is more like "oh, a bug, let's fix it... oh, I don't like how that part looks, let's adjust it... etc".
Still, from what I recall in no particular order.
1. Corrected dynamic reticle texture orientation.
2. Fixed weird graphics glitches and odd look of textures with alpha when dynamic reticle is visible.
3. Fixed frequent crashes after Alt-TAB when extended textures were used.
4. Fixed bright 1-pixel line appearing on the ground at certain distance and viewing angles.
5. Fixed case-sensitivity for TextureMagic.ini
6. Cloud shadows are reset when starting new missions. Previously there were some leftovers (wasn't an issue for WOFF as there is always just one mission per session).
7. The log now reports cfs3.exe version - may be useful for troubleshooting.
8. Dynamic reticle zoom switchable.
9. All objects which use textures from "buildings" folder now cast real shadows as part of scenery instead of stock cfs3 ones.
10. Improved ground self-shadowing code (shadows from hills) to avoid artifacts. Though there seems to be some issues.
11. Big overhaul of aircraft lighting - an attempt at physically based shading. Better use of fresnel effect, specular texture now control sharpness and brightness of highlights. If no specular map is available (like in WOFF) the highlight details are inferred from aircraft texture (similar to how bump mapping works). I will explain details later, first I want to know whether you like the new look

12. Cockpit and other light brightness is adjusted according to ambient lighting. I.e. lights are less bright at mid day. Cockpit light again uses red as its *specular* color (stock cfs3 uses pure white).
13. Brighter ambient light at evening/morning -- otherwise terrain was too dark. Some blue tint may be there as fog color is now mixed into ambient color.
14. Some attempts to improve game stability -- my code now tries to recover from some errors instead of crashing right away
Known Issues.
1. Once again highly reflective metallic and glass surfaces may be off. Less so for metallic, but reflection effect is very weak on glass. I had it working at one moment but with new lighting model I have to redo this effect.
2. Dynamic reticle appearing behind some cockpit objects (P47).
3. Shadows from transparent objects - I haven't looked into it in detail, but I believe WOFF relies on this oddity for some models by placing normally invisible pilot's outline into the cockpit.
4. Normal maps doesn't seem to work properly, may cause odd visuals like inverted lighting.
5. Gloss maps are not supported (I haven't explained what they were for anyway

) -- with new lighting model specular maps are used for glossiness.
Also this specific version uses experimental terrain lighting - it will be reverted to previous one, so ignore for now.
6. Low sun lighting and sky/fog brightness still needs some tuning.
But as always there might be something else I forgot

I'm not asking to test it thoroughly or look for specific bugs, any kind of feedback is appreciated.