C-47 (FS9) uploaded

Just took this beauty up for a short check ride.....OMG what a beautiful model! Executed with extreme detail. And the VC is from the stock DC-3....I can't tell...looks so much better.

The C-47/DC-3 is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful aircraft designs of all time. Elegant, flowing, fully functional flying artwork.

Thank you Manfred and Team for this wonderful aircraft. Truly one of the greatest freeware planes of all time.

Will have to check out the FSX version as well.


Thank you very much indeed - has made a pleasant change as normally just fly Austers and nothing else. Must remember to fly bigger circuits though as had to go around 3 times at Exeter today, before made a successful landing.

I have a soft spot for the DC-3, as have been lucky enough to have sampled 4 Dakotas and a C-47 Skytrain over the years with one ride upfront. Reminded me of sitting in a mini, as was a little on the tight side, but of course well worth it. Its such a shame that people in Europe can no longer fly as passengers in them, as I'm sure for many this was their first taste of aviating.

Best wishes,

Had a great time flying past midnight last night in the new Gooney Bird.

Thought I'd make a tour of Florida and the wonderful Calclassic airfields there. Here's the new bird taking off from the Miami of about 1955 or so. Quite a change from the ultra modern MIA that I suffered through a few times the last couple of years. At any rate a quick flight to Bimini just to the east of Miami for lunch and then SW over Biscayne Bay to Homestead AFB south of Miami to meet up with my uncle who flew B-47s from that base in the 50s.

As El Presidente Batista still seems to be in charge down in Cuba (circa 1955), I'll probably fly down to Havana via Key West and pick up some cigars and rum for the boys back at the club.
A question for Manfred

Loving this little beauty, thank you so much! :salute:

As I said earlier in the thread, I'm looking at repainting her in the 'Raspberry Ripple' scheme worn by ZA947 back in the 1980's. I'm trying to understand how the paintkit works, and have made a tentative start, but it may all be for naught if I can't get the following question answered; how adjustable is the alpha on the paintkit, as this scheme really needs a high gloss finish (aside from the rudder)?
Looking forward to the RAE scheme.

how adjustable is the alpha on the paintkit, as this scheme really needs a high gloss finish (aside from the rudder)?

It is ínfinitely adjustable - from pure white to pure black?

Try it with the original alpha values first, but these may be too dark (i.e. too strong), you may end up having to brighten it up considerably.

Looking forward to the RAE scheme.

It is ínfinitely adjustable - from pure white to pure black?

Try it with the original alpha values first, but these may be too dark (i.e. too strong), you may end up having to brighten it up considerably.


Thanks Manfred. OK, I know what I'm doing this evening!!!
As the sounds are aliased to the default DC-3, I have been using Gary Jones' P&W R-2800 sounds, seems like a perfect match to me ...

Mike :wavey:
Big thanks too all involved, It's had me playing in the paintshop for a few hours, working up a South East Asia pattern scheme or two. Early WIP shots.

Big thanks too all involved, It's had me playing in the paintshop for a few hours, working up a South East Asia pattern scheme or two. Early WIP shots.


You're doing it again Steve.Meaning Great work! You're paint brushes plus Manfred's C-47 equals Heaven!:salute:

As the sounds are aliased to the default DC-3, I have been using Gary Jones' P&W R-2800 sounds, seems like a perfect match to me ...Mike :wavey:
I have found happiness in OBIO's reworked stock soundset...especially for flyby's!
Wouldn't it be grand to see in these colours?

No big thing, mate!
But let me please finish my "already-in-the-works" FSX version of this bird (to be honest, it's currently just an idea...) and then I'll squeeze the textures down to FS9 size!

I hoped this one might've caught your attention, Markus!
Great model, really looking forward to your paint.
Made it down to Havana for cigars and rum. Lots of tourists down here doing the same.

What an improvement over my previous DC-3! I guess it's off to Puerto Rico and then perhaps a flight south along the Islands to Venezuela.
Not many people have remarked on this (thanks Bill) but there is a glitch in the rendering of the discs when seen against the fuselage or engines. This is apparently due to or somehow connected with the compilation sequence of the submodels. Using this fix, simply replace the old models by the new models and you will get your normal prop discs.

At Flightsim: Name: fs9_c47_propfix.zip Size: 3,810,141 Date: 03-28-2011
FS2004 Douglas C-47 Skytrain Prop fix. This fix cures the prop transparency issue in the previous models of package C-47_BASEPACK_FS9.ZIP (released prior to 28 March 2011). To install, replace the original model folders by the ones included here. By Manfred Jahn.

Thanks for the fix, Manfred!

That's what we call "Produktpflege"... :applause:

First sketch of the NZ3546 FSX version:


The FS9 rendition of course won't show this kind of specific specular shine...
Don't mind the RCAF cowl markings, it's just an early WIP!
I must say thanks to Manfred Jahn for this lovely C-47, looks so much more like a DC-3 than the default one! Wonderful that the default VC dropped into it for FSX also works for FS9 too.
Is Manfred going to do any variants as the civilian DC3s had the shorter air intake on top of the engine and also the earlier C-47s had the air intake extended to the front of the engine cowl? Just a change of air intakes to the model, thats all.

@Markus, lovely repaint there of our NZ Dak.

SteveB, nice repaints