• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

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    Library How to

Convair CV-580

Yeah I did that. The issue is across the board on all models. Not just the 5800. The stock variant also has the same issue. After looking at this further. It goes away based on the distance and angle away from the effects I placed for the landing lights. No idea why that is, but it's now seeming more like a P3D-ism perhaps or an effect bug of some type rather than an issue with the airplane itself. I noticed it switching between wing views looking back at the engines. Found out that when I zoomed in/out or moved the camera at a certain angle, the effect I put there mysteriously appears and the strobe effect goes away. So it's rather strange.
Is that P3D V5 or V4.5 because the effects if you remember from my KGSP airport fountains and Gray Eagles comments, V5 doesn't like anything but it's OWN effects.
I use V4.5. This seems like it's an effect distance related issue. As it doesn't seem to matter what effect it is. It happens at night and during the day. Which I have 2 different effects placed on the airplane for the different times of day. It still does it during the day as it does at night. I thought it was directly attached to the attachpoint for some reason. Removed them all and it also disappeared. So that narrowed it down to it being associated with the effects I attached. So I picked different effects and it did it with all of them. So it seems like a P3D-ism. But as I said in that first comment about it, if I zoom in/out or look at the effect at a slightly different angle, the strobe light disappears and suddenly the effect I placed appears. It's really strange.
I use V4.5 too. What if you chose the landing light effect that is being used on a default P3D V4.5 Aircraft or is that what you ARE using? Just trying to help with ideas you may not have tried yet.
I use V4.5 too. What if you chose the landing light effect that is being used on a default P3D V4.5 Aircraft or is that what you ARE using? Just trying to help with ideas you may not have tried yet.
I've swapped the effect, gone back to the original model's landing light and it also does it. But I took a video just now in the sim that if I put the camera at the right angle and zoom, it literally appears perfectly.

I've swapped the effect, gone back to the original model's landing light and it also does it. But I took a video just now in the sim that if I put the camera at the right angle and zoom, it literally appears perfectly.

It isn't retracted with the main landing gear in the video???
No. Only the taxi light on the nose gear turns off/on with the gear extension/retraction. Not sure if that's realistic with the real one or not for the taxi light, but I preferred that method of automation in that respect. The wing landing lights stay down as they would IRL when operating below 10,000 feet I believe it is. Switching the landing lights on/off flips them up and down.
Spent some time messing with more model changes and with the recent changes in the models I'm doing I decided to update the list of variants. The new lineup of models and paints I have started for the models. The paints are still a WIP obviously and I will add more. But you'll get the idea. There are now 9 model variations in total.

CV-580 (AP Prop)

-Nolinor Airlines
CV-580 (HS Prop)
-Westates Airlines
VC-131H (AP Prop)
-United States Navy VP-48 Eagles
CL-66 (HS Prop)
-Canadian Armed Forces (Paint not yet selected)

CV-580F (AP Prop no windows)
Nolinor Airlines Cargo
CV-580F (AP Prop)
-Kelowna Flightcraft
CV-580AT (AP Prop)
- Conair Group
CV-580AT (HS Prop)
-Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency


Kelowna Flightcraft
IFL Group
Air Freight New Zealand
Plain White
The one on the 5800 is different to a degree than the 580F. But the legacy paints created for the 580F originally can be moved to this updated model. I didn't change the maps of the original models at all. I just built the updates around the existing paint maps to make it so those paints would still work. The 5800 is it's own little beast, as it has bits mixed between the original and new maps for it. I'm still also up in the air at how many paints to include with it and how I'll package the whole thing up. If I swing another paint for IFL, I can make one specifically for the 580F.

I was looking at the CL-66 variant today and researching it. It's military variant I wanted to make, the CC-109 Cosmopolitan has completely different engine and propeller setup than all of the other 580 variants. So I'm looking at that right now to see if it's warranted making yet another completely separate variant, or still using the same 580 base, just changing the propeller design (which I hope is what I'll have to do). The CC-109 Cosmo has slightly less powerful Napier Eland engines and de Havilland propellers. I had no idea of this difference. But being it was produced by Candair and not a Convair conversion, I should have figured as much. I thought initially they were Hamilton Standard props, but upon looking at photos closer, they are indeed not the HS props, despite being painted nearly identical to them. It threw me off.
I think that you knew already...once you get onto a project you are like me and want it be as complete as possible like I got into Greenville Spartanburg Airport which just started out as a close to home place for me to fly to and from 60J Ocean Isle NC my home field and default P3D with my Cessna 172 Skyhawk. It was a true challenge with the "Award Winning" Garden with its fountain effects. I wish that I had the information to do the Real life terminal like in MSFS but I couldn't find the information and the airport manager just wasn't cooperating and supplying me with architectural drawings as I got for a number of other airports. I know that they aren't too busy but just don't respect the reality of our simulations. I have found others in the past that lump us into the Xbox/Playstation group.
I think that you knew already...once you get onto a project you are like me and want it be as complete as possible like I got into Greenville Spartanburg Airport which just started out as a close to home place for me to fly to and from 60J Ocean Isle NC my home field and default P3D with my Cessna 172 Skyhawk. It was a true challenge with the "Award Winning" Garden with its fountain effects. I wish that I had the information to do the Real life terminal like in MSFS but I couldn't find the information and the airport manager just wasn't cooperating and supplying me with architectural drawings as I got for a number of other airports. I know that they aren't too busy but just don't respect the reality of our simulations. I have found others in the past that lump us into the Xbox/Playstation group.
That's definitely me. Plus I'm what I call a "research monkey" on top of it. I will scour sources to find as much info as I can to try and get some of these as accurate as I can. I get onto a project and it can quickly balloon in that sense and I have to tell myself to knock it off or I'll 1) completely overwhelm myself, or 2) Do so many model variations the project lasts half a year. But yes, being the 580 is a unique airplane and I think over the last several years there have been several attempts to revive it and all sort of disappeared. I figured if I was going to dive into them, try and do as many as I could to keep the platform flying in the newer sims in several different versions. The CL-66/CC-109s for me is it though, no more after it! Haha!
This is what has evolved into the CC-109 Cosmopolitan. I found out last night upon further research that a lot of the 1-09s were re-engined with the Allisons at some point. So that sort of solved my dilemma and as to why the nacelles looked so similar despite the different engine. Different window configuration and the antenna packs on the dorsal side of the fuselage were really the only things I changed on it. Paint is also still a WIP.

I think that what Manfred Jahn did for the C-47 is what you are doing for the Convair series of aircraft. Manfred created a functional startup panel such as this which I don't know if you considered doing a panel config such as this but is a nice touch. Looks like a lot of programming went into the development of this startup panel which you may not want to get involved with or have an acumen of. Just a suggestion.
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I'll look at it, but panel stuff is definitely not my strong suit. I'm procrastinating even going farther on the gauge swaps I have on it so far. But will investigate. The gents at Cal Classics have some cool stuff on this already. Like a fuel planner for estimated ranges and stuff like that.