D4Y Suisei

thanks a lot, this one looks close to the original.


Get the FDGv2_B6N2 Jill

Original model modified and re-uploaded by Maxstuka (has a bundled gauge file "FDG2_B6N.gau" that contains an iteration of what you're looking for shown below):


In case you want it, link to the original model by FDG2:


*This is an installer package*
A little update, I’m just working on the Panel, the one thing I really hate on Japanese WW2 Aircraft, is the asymmetry of some panels! The “inclinometer” Gauge is for the “Box C” at the picture.



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another request, are there any Japanese water-cooled engine Panel Gauges around?



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Take a look at the EGT gauges in these KI-44 gau files. They could essentially serve as both CHT and coolant temp indicators in the absence of the authentic.


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Hi Wolfi,

Do you have a picture of Judy's temperature gauge? If so, perhaps a new bitmap could be made and added to an existing temperature gauge, e.g. the RR Merlin.

… well it sems, that the upper left gauges are for the Flaps and the dive brakes, as the description says. The Yokosuka P1Y Ginga ( -has Dive bombing capability) has very similar gauges for the Flaps -and I think Dive brakes. I thought at first those gauges are temperature Gauges. Thanks for the very informative link.


According to the below link the D4Y used the 1"GOU" Cylinder temperature gauge and 1"GOU" Oil temp gauges the same as the Zero.

The below link has pictures of these and other Japanese gauges


Happy to help Wolfi,

It's a great site if you can work out how to navigate through it. There are a few broken links on the English version of the site. There's a whole bunch of great stuff if you go to the below and translate it via your web browser.


The newest picture, -an issue with the main panel caused me e few more grey hairs, a polygon appears untextured in the sim, but not in FSDS2, but that problem is solved after two days. I applied the gauges as in my new book described (Imperial Japanese Navy Aircraft Instrument Panels) -as far I have the correct gauges! A few gauges are not as in the original panel. Most of all gauges are from the stock N1K2J_GEORGE and I use a few external gauges (2x “RBP_sageyoku” for the Flap Gauges lower panel Left, also the Ki-44a!RLC_oilpress_type1, FDG2_B6N!Dive_Angle, AS350!Fuel Valve and b26!RLC_Hydraulic_Gauge).Fortunately I had the MG’s ready and textured so they caused me only little time to implement into the cockpit.



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After a long way, the Aircraft is almost ready for a test flight with pilot and Gunner. There are still things to do, like animations, materials, damaged parts, bullet holes and all the LOD models.
The aircraft need a proper DP and Airfile and a 2d cockpit.
But the most of all work is done!


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