D4Y Suisei

As you I'm a FSDS 2.4/3.0/3.51 user. For textures I mostly use PSP7, but also PS 8, as said, I still have to try it out.

Oh man, I was a bit in panic after I clicked on the Simouthouse link last month and there weren’t any updates in CFS2 forums, then I realized that the side host has changed.

So here are news about my D4Y Suisei, the aircraft is in most parts finished, it’s needed to resolve a few bugs in the animation’s and there is still not a proper air and DP file, but it’s flyable. I still work on the textures, it’s a slow process because I’m able to work on it only every five weeks for a few days. Ok that will change next Year, when I plan to retire.



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Looks amazing Wolfi; just like all of your work. I'm very much looking forward to this AC.

Thank you for all your efforts,
A new update, but only texture work's



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Smashing paintwork Wolfi. It's worth spending the time on a project when it looks as good as this!
Here is an early Beta test of the aircraft, for all who are interested. It’s not ready yet, but flyable, the airfile works, but isn’t correct same with the DP file.

Also, the aircraft has no “level of details” models.



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Oh, I forgot to mention, that the rear gunner canopy opens by the Concorde nose key’s, there must be two keys being assigned, one to open the cockpit and one to close it. You must push the keys twice to open / close it completely. (that’s one of the animations I have to rework). The final models are separated into player and AI (but flyable) aircraft.

Wolfi - I have started an inclinometer gauge per this thread. I don't know if I'll make your dreadline or if you even want it but no worries. I was headed this direction anyway. I have the background gauge up in the game which is a big milestone and with the artwork near complete it feels like I'm close. Here's a pick from inside Blender. I'll use a photo like this for the actual flyable gauge.


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... and I had seen that one but not nearly with as clear a picture. I'll move in that direction then.

The actual indicating part (vertically down the center) looks like a clear tube and that makes me think the gauge is a manometer -- is it that simple? And the white strip just to the right is there for contrast/readability? Some of the pics I found seemed to show a recessed wheel but it was hard to tell.

And where are my manners? Your aircraft looks fantastic. Really nice job.

The 2D image I've made is below. Looks like I' over beveled -- hmm.

Oh yea, at first I had the image less crisp so as not to have a cut and past look. I have found that the shaders in Blender will take care of that issue for me and one needs a clearer image or readability suffers.


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Funny how actually reading the text helps. Specs at the bottom make it evident that its a manometer.
And funny how a new day can bring clarity. Scratch what I posted just above. A manometer works on a pressure differential. Hook up the above glass tube to say static and dynamic pressure outside the AC and, you guessed it, you have of an indication of airspeed. I'm now guessing it just a closed loop partially filled - which would indicate level. And I'm an engineer? Oopsie.

Wolfi, sorry for so much texting on your thread. I be quite now.