If you look at it, this is the market for MSFS models, the models are much cheaper than was for P3D and this is nothing new and just an exception. From our (users) point of view it is very good, for develepers I think also - ok the price is lowest but the sales are higher (+ new users for the future). The average "XBOX user" won't pay $ 30 for DLC.

On the other hand, these prices are often offered by completely new companies and people who are just starting to make models in MSFS (in a COVID situation where many people have lost their jobs or have financial problems, that's ok too). The competition here will simply be much bigger than it was, so from our, user's side its good too. Caudron 430 is an good example of this, 10Eu (and it was on sale at beginnig 8.5Eu) and the quality of 3D shape is impressive also:
As for the rest - it's nothing new. The group of flight simulator lovers is the most complaining group on the market

especially since it concerns the history of aviation and well-documented machines, which everyone has in their minds since childhood. You have to be prepared for this and simply take into account the opinions of the community, which after all has nothing wrong in mind, but only points to oversight. This is called constructive criticism if it is not exaggerated and if it's well documented. Have a good day!