F-94B Starfire

OK, the paint packs are zipped up and ready.

I'm not going to release them until the full version 2 release because some of the skins need the latest version of the model, the one that's only available to those of us following this thread. No sense causing confusion for everyone else.

I see that someone has posted a CFS-2 skin based on the original non-reflective textures derived from Piglet's originals. So there is some interest among the CFS-2 crowd. Looks like someone's getting ready to go Bear hunting.

That makes me think about putting a static model of a Bear with its gear up and props turning, at 30,000 feet off Cape Cod, heading down the coast towards New York. We couldn't shoot it down in FS but we could try to find it. They didn't shoot down the Bears anyway during the Cold War, they just intercepted them and took pictures. Too bad I don't know how to make a contrail effect attached to it. That would make it plausible to actually find it, and make it look more real.

It could be an AI bear, but the chances of ever finding a moving AI plane in flight are probably about zero. At least with a static Bear we'd always know where to look for it.
Given a possible location, altitude, air speed and heading... it would still be a real challenge to find a Tu-142 Bear (as big as it is) in the vast virtual skies of FS. Maybe set up a pop-up gauge panel using the "F-16 Radar" by Marciano in the F-94B, once you are at the general location of where the Bear was last seen, the radar would pinpoint it's location... I suppose.

OK, for those who can't wait, feel free to grab the skins from my A-Drive.

Be sure to also take the model & common textures, just to make sure you have the latest model and the complete set of textures.

You can tell from the links which zip file is which. (The NACA plane is in the USAF archive.)




Abacus Vietnam Carrier Ops comes with an ai TU-95 BEAR. You would need to build appropriate ai Traffic routes.
OK, for those who can't wait, feel free to grab the skins from my A-Drive.

Be sure to also take the model & common textures, just to make sure you have the latest model and the complete set of textures.

You can tell from the links which zip file is which. (The NACA plane is in the USAF archive.)





Many thanks for your efforts. All the skins are GREAT!
One last test. This packs all of the past parts into one pack and has new sounds. Still using the basic edit of the Piglet's original texture but with l'iguane and Mick textures now out you have options.

If all is good I will put up Version 2 soon.
One last test. This packs all of the past parts into one pack and has new sounds. Still using the basic edit of the Piglet's original texture but with l'iguane and Mick textures now out you have options.

If all is good I will put up Version 2 soon.

Has there been any progress with the automated afterburner effect?

I thought L'Iguane's 59th FIS skin was going to be the stock skin. He is correcting an error in the markings (probably done by now) and I thought he was going to send the new texture file to you. Maybe he'll just re-release it as a stand-alone skin. I think it's the nicest looking skin of all of them.
Abacus Vietnam Carrier Ops comes with an ai TU-95 BEAR. You would need to build appropriate ai Traffic routes.

There's are freeware Bears available. In my hangar I have two models by Vlad Zy, a Tu-95KM and a Tu-95MS, and two models by Samdim Designs, a Tu-19M and a Tu-142M packaged together.

I don't think I'll bother with AI. I'd have to figure out where to start them from and end them at (Cuba, I suppose, at one end) but getting the flight track in the right place over the Northeast US would be a Bear (sorry, couldn't help myself) and then it would always be on the move, covering lots of distance at high speed. I'd never be able to find it. A static model would be simple to place and at least I'd have some idea where to look for it at any time. Might not be able to find it anyway though. Probably not worth the trouble.
Even with the latest effects controller, borrowed from the F-5A, it's still only actuated by a key stroke rather than a percentage on the throttle. So either I'm doing something wrong or that's just how it is. I set up a button on my joystick for "reheat" from the FS Settings in the sim. I'm not real adept at re-coding that part of the overall effects, but I'm still plugging away and hopefully I'll find another model in my library I can borrow from that will work for the F-94B.

Another afterburner effect

OK, here's another way that might hold us over until someone gets an automatic effect working, hopefully one that affects the engine's power output as well as making pretty exhaust flames.

Meanwhile, here 's a way to produce those pretty exhaust flames.

It's a manual effect using the [Smokesystem] section of the aircraft.cfg file. The zip file includes the [Smokesystem] section to patch into your cfg file, as well as two effect files that I can't credit because I have no idea where they came from.

You hit the smoke key ("I") and you hear a satisfying WHUMP! and the exhaust comes out looking like this:

Thanks Mick! Usually positioning of the "light" effect within the model can be a chore as well. You saved me a little time here, mate. Bob Chicolo is a master at creating/modifying effects for different planes as well as FDE and panel work. I may seek his advice on how to get the afterburner to work with an effects controller rather than a key stroke. I've pretty much run the gauntlet with that. :dizzy:

I finally got the Afterburner to work!!

I got the afterburner to work via throttle settings using the RCBAREND effects controller... :redfire: NO MORE BUTTONS OR KEYSTROKES, fellas... All I have to do is re-position the light effect so that is appears in the exhaust cone, rather than out to the left of the aircraft. Once I get the whole kit working properly one should be able to use any light effect for the afterburner.... and I got plans for this little jet. I'll share it with you chaps once it's finalized.

I got the afterburner to work via throttle settings using the RCBAREND effects controller... :redfire: NO MORE BUTTONS OR KEYSTROKES, fellas... All I have to do is re-position the light effect so that is appears in the exhaust cone, rather than out to the left of the aircraft. Once I get the whole kit working properly one should be able to use any light effect for the afterburner.... and I got plans for this little jet. I'll share it with you chaps once it's finalized.

Excellent !!!

I was sure it could be done, but it was a bit over my head and I couldn't figure out how to do it. I had Rob B's stuff installed and tried to apply it but got no results, and figuring out why it didn't work was completely beyond me...

A week or so ago I thought of the smoke system method, but I didn't do it because I knew an automatic system was being worked on. I shoulda knew that as soon as I worked out the manual method, someone would succeed with an automatic one. If I'd done it sooner you probably still would've succeeded immediately after.
No worries, mate. I have been working off and on with the AB effect and knew that either someone would get it right before I did or that I'd actually figure it out....

Anyway, it's ready for anyone who wants it. I consider it a preliminary project because I still have to code in the thrust on afterburner effect, (When the can lights up, the model should visibly accelerate in the spot view). I used your recent light effect with the RCB Gauges afterburner gauge, and the entry is in one of the VC entries in the panel config. Works like a charm.... maybe by the time V2.0 is ready, I'll have the whole bit set to go.

I'm a little curious about the F-94B and the way it handled, in all aspects of operation.. so I'm off to dig up what I can on the aircraft. The model seems a bit splashy in flight, but here again I'm not familiar with the "B" model. Don't let your mind wander too much while you're flying her in on approach, say about 3 - 4 miles out. Keep the throttle up and keep her trimmed... watch the glideslope! If you don't pay absolutely 100% attention to her and what you're doing... she'll just try her best to kill you.... lol!!

Here are some already made gauges for the Afterburner. They are for FS02 and FS04. http://ww71.tiki.ne.jp/~water-t/page005.html

The auto Afterburner is going to have probs. The flight model as is need 100% throttle to fly at high Alt. While at low Alt is is close to the real world and 97% of max RPM is the max continuous use setting. I beat my head into wall trying to make since of the engine but unless some one else can rework the engine an auto Afterburner may be best left out.

A clickable Afterburner light may be what we need for now.

The F-94 fly like a dog because I reworked the fuel tanks. Piglet had the Wings and Tip Tanks as one tank 10 feet from center (Really 2 tanks a left and right wing tank). I made each tip tank have the own data and moved them out to the wing tips.

With the Tip Tanks full it likes to keep rolling. This make landing vary un-fun if you need to roll a little at all.
I got the afterburner to work via throttle settings using the RCBAREND effects controller... :redfire: NO MORE BUTTONS OR KEYSTROKES, fellas... All I have to do is re-position the light effect so that is appears in the exhaust cone, rather than out to the left of the aircraft. Once I get the whole kit working properly one should be able to use any light effect for the afterburner.... and I got plans for this little jet. I'll share it with you chaps once it's finalized.

OK, I sent the NACA jet back out to Edwards and tested your afterburner. As advertised, it comes on or goes off a second or so after the throttle passes the 90% point. It comes on with a soft WHUMP!

I have no idea whether real afterburners go WHUMP! when they ignite, but I like the sound.

It doesn't push me back in my seat, but that's OK; my desk chair is on casters.
Don't know about the Allison jets engine afterburners but the early P&W engines did go Whump or bang due to the AB ignition system. P&W used what they termed a "hot streak' ignition system which send a stream of raw fuel back from the combustion section, through the turbine wheels to light off the gas being sprayed into the afterburner causing a controlled explosion when the AB fuel was torched off.
According to what I have on the F-94B, it was fitted with a Pratt & Whitney J48-P-5 turbojet. (from Wikipedia). The engine had an afterburner but even when the afterburner was ignited, it's top speed at altitude was Mach .84. Some may have been fitted with Allison engines and I read somewhere that a few variants were equipped with Westinghouse powerplants. Further research is needed there...
Allen's FDE, (or the one he is using) is pretty close to 100%, the plane was heavy when fully fueled and required near full throttle to reach it's operational altitude numbers.

OK, I sent the NACA jet back out to Edwards and tested your afterburner. As advertised, it comes on or goes off a second or so after the throttle passes the 90% point. It comes on with a soft WHUMP!

I have no idea whether real afterburners go WHUMP! when they ignite, but I like the sound.

It doesn't push me back in my seat, but that's OK; my desk chair is on casters.

I seem to recall something written by Jack Broughton about the F-94. It was the ONLY jet between the F-80 and the F-106 (inclusive) he did NOT fly; I remember his remarks being something like based on what he was told by those who had flown the jet, he wasn't missing much. It was a case of "second best tomorrow" - it was good enough to do what needed to be done at the time it needed to be done.