F7F Tigercat SOH Project

what a beauty! loving watching her develop and can't wait to get my claws into her :wiggle: great work everyone involved i say!
.....I can almost hear the roar of the P&W R-2800's and smell the exhaust creeping a touch into the cockpit.......:ernae:

I find it amazing that you can achieve so much 3D Beauty is such a short time. Watching the F7F material from nothing to a work-of-art-to-be in just a few short weeks has been more interesting than 500 channels of cable television....well, maybe not the fishing channel, but the definitely the rest of them for sure.

When you began the Tigercat Project, I was working on updating the Alpha F7F with some new skins, better gauges and such. I have worked on that project at all since you announced that you were going to do a new Tigercat....kind of like trying to improve a Yugo GV when someone is about to give you a 1962 Ferrari 250GT Spyder.


I find it amazing that you can achieve so much 3D Beauty is such a short time. Watching the F7F material from nothing to a work-of-art-to-be in just a few short weeks has been more interesting than 500 channels of cable television....well, maybe not the fishing channel, but the definitely the rest of them for sure.

When you began the Tigercat Project, I was working on updating the Alpha F7F with some new skins, better gauges and such. I have worked on that project at all since you announced that you were going to do a new Tigercat....kind of like trying to improve a Yugo GV when someone is about to give you a 1962 Ferrari 250GT Spyder.


OBIO, I have the advantage of being able to spend most nights and almost all day on weekends to work on this. It is also helpful to be able to pull parts from other projects to reshape and resize to F7F specs. It simply requires tenacity and stick-to-it-iveness. :) However, as I said earlier, this is much like framing and closing in a house; that goes quickly. The details and VC's are what takes the time.

EDIT: Right now I am trying to determine what in this picture needs to be added as modeling and what can be in the texture.
Gentlemen, thank you. With all due respect to Oleboy and Reddog, I am certain that their intentions are pure. We all have our desires for "the next project". No harm done here I assure you.

Meanwhile I was able to get a few hours in yesterday to make a little progress on the folding wings and tail hook ... although still very much in progress.


This project is so mouth wateringly beautifull that I would like to tell you, in the most manly way possible (of course) that I love you and your work!! :D

Eagerly looking forward to this beauty!!!

Flight test is still coming along. Working on stall/spin and VMC issues. Waiting to get the 22W engines calibrated. Carrier quals still underway using the way to small CV6. New Hook arrangements work well as well as wing fold, however just to big to stuff below deck on this ship!

Cheers: T
first thing i'm gonna do with it once it's released is paint it in air race colours :) imagine an SoH race league... :icon_lol:
first thing i'm gonna do with it once it's released is paint it in air race colours :)

First thing I'm gonna do with it once it's released is crash it :icon_eek:. Not because I am a mean or spiteful person, but simply because I am a horrible pilot!

oh i was thinking bright and vibrant... kinda like my old Christen eagle, my girl picked the colours and the design i just did it... now theres an idea, let my girl design a paint and i'll do it... :icon_lol:
EDIT: Right now I am trying to determine what in this picture needs to be added as modeling and what can be in the texture.[/QUOTE]

I would think that whatever can be seen from a front view that fills the screen should be modeled. Detail like that is what makes a great model that one never tires of flying.
EDIT: Right now I am trying to determine what in this picture needs to be added as modeling and what can be in the texture.

I would think that whatever can be seen from a front view that fills the screen should be modeled. Detail like that is what makes a great model that one never tires of flying.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Yes, I was thinking the two main hinges, the folding activation assembly, the two lock receivers as the main protruding parts.
First thing I'm gonna do with it once it's released is;
put her on the tarmac at KCLM,
get out in Spot View and ogle her from every angle,
paying extra close attention to them legs
and those two mighty fine nacelles.
then, I'm going to wipe the spittle off my chin,
hop in and fly her West, out to the coast
and around the Olympics.
heading North up Hood Canal,
I might even dip my wings when I pass Belfair.
heck, I just might make that run up the Canal
on the deck at full throttle.
now, that sounds like a dream date!
Hello Milton and gang, a pleasure to see this coming together; something I seem to recall from my weekends @ 1988-90 spent playing with the Tigercat that operated out of Duxford (UK),
was that we had to ensure that the nosewheel was chocked and a safety pin inserted into the nosegear before both engines were shut down.

Apparently, it was something to do with 'civilianised' aeroplanes being a little 'light' on the nose compared to 'in-service' ones once all the military paraphernalia (guns,radar etc) was removed;
the nose gear could possibly fold due to lack of force on the lock strut.

Don't know if you can verify this from the pilot's notes you have; as I said it was a few years ago now..


Not long ago when Milton first layed this all out on the table, established the team and got to work, I expected to see bits and pieces coming out of the shop in six months or something along that line. I never in my wildest dreams expected to see anything actually looking and flying like a real FS airplane in a matter of weeks.
Are these designers holding out on us and making this look a lot harder than it is? Or have we finally met the Masters!!! Frankly, I'm inclined to believe the latter. Milton and team- You guys are amazing! I know its gratifying to go play with something you've created, but if that was your only motive, you could just have easily kept it all to yourselves. Many Thanks to Team Milton for sharing your Talents, and the FS-Fruits of your labor!!!:salute:
Not long ago when Milton first layed this all out on the table, established the team and got to work, I expected to see bits and pieces coming out of the shop in six months or something along that line. I never in my wildest dreams expected to see anything actually looking and flying like a real FS airplane in a matter of weeks.
Are these designers holding out on us and making this look a lot harder than it is? Or have we finally met the Masters!!! Frankly, I'm inclined to believe the latter. Milton and team- You guys are amazing! I know its gratifying to go play with something you've created, but if that was your only motive, you could just have easily kept it all to yourselves. Many Thanks to Team Milton for sharing your Talents, and the FS-Fruits of your labor!!!:salute:

LOL Right ... you may change your tune before this is released in 3 months. The hard work begins when the exterior shell is completed. ;-) I still have 1-2 weeks left to complete the shell details. But, we are still having fun, right? :)

Well today I have wrapped up the basics of the arrestor hook (Fliger says it works great landing on the carriers) and got some basic 3D stuff in the wing fold.
I see a wonderful ship in those screenshots. I can't wait; I check this thread a couple times a day just for updates and new screenshots (not trying to pressure ya). :d :ernae: