Fairchild C-119

Following along faithfully here. One of my favorite aircraft. Thanks for all the work being done here. Only wish I had more skills and time to really help out.
Took her for a short flight, everything correct, only problem with all wingtip lights, but that can be sorted in minutes.

Great effort Magoo!!

Hi Magoo,

feel free to post any questions at theCalClassic forum - I'm sure a C-119 would be appreciated there as well. Someone might come up with additional infornation.

Best regards,
Following along faithfully here. One of my favorite aircraft. Thanks for all the work being done here. Only wish I had more skills and time to really help out.

same here...well said, modelr.
nothing more to add
except, many thanks, indeed. :salute:

Thank's for FM

only problem with all wingtip lights, but that can be sorted in minutes.

For those who don't have free minutes ... :)


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 3, -0.6, -54.52, 3.4, fx_navredh
light.1 = 3, -0.56, 54.52, 3.4, fx_navgreh
light.2 = 2, -0.51, -54.52, 3.4, fx_strobeh
light.3 = 2, -0.54, 54.52, 3.4, fx_strobeh
light.4 = 2, -51.86, -14.26, 5.68, fx_navwhi
light.5 = 2, -51.86, 14.27, 5.68, fx_navwhi
light.6 = 1, -47.95, -14.32, 17.89, fx_beaconh
light.7 = 1, -47.95, 14.30, 17.89, fx_beaconh
light.8 = 4, 14.66, 2.76, 1.96, fx_vclight
light.9 = 4, 14.67, -2.74, 1.94, fx_vclight
light.10 = 4, 9.30, 4.29, 1.94, fx_vclight
light.11 = 2, 3.93, 0, 7.05, fx_strobeh
Thanks to all who have shared their skills and knowledge to get this classic flying.


and thanks to you, Pete,
for getting the ball rolling on this one.

I flew a mission in a C-119
way back in '69.
we had just kicked the cargo
out the back door,
when the pilot banked hard
to see if we hit the target.
there I was, standing there,
looking straight down at the ground,
centrifugal force holding me in place.
damn, that was fun!

BTW, Happy Belated Birthday

the candles have burned out,
the music has died down,
the ice cream has melted,
there's only one piece
of stale cake left,
and worst of all,
we drank all the beer.
dang, what a bunch of
worthless, inconsiderate hoons

Banana Props

FS2004 Fairchild C-119 Prop Texture
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: c119prop.zip Size: 182,815 Date: 08-25-2008 Downloads: 521

FS2004 Fairchild C-119 Prop Texture. An alternative prop texture for Daisuke Yamamoto's C119 Flying Boxcar (C119BXCR.ZIP). By Bob Rivera.[/SIZE]
Hmmm....yeah. The BananaBob prop textures really add a good visual to this mdl. There's some nice paints out there too, USAF textures by Eric Joiner, a really nice RCAF texture by Jim Hanson, among a host of others. I think Heather Sherman created some paints that you'd want to bring to a party. All great stuff.

Just hit the file search function at Fightsim, type in "C-119". Then just separate the Daisuke mdl paints from the Mike Stone ones, and you're into the grande buffet.

Thanks for the kind words regarding the flight model, boys. I've twiddled up an R-3350 version, it was an interesting and short excercise on how to skin a cat in a slightly different manner. The CT engines seem to develop a flatter torque curve in the FS program, but I'd defy the average sim-pilot to notice the difference. I'll test it a bit tonight, and then put it up.

Pete Ham has offered to send me some really good info, we'll see what happens once it's in my hands. Maybe it'll change everything, maybe not. Keen to see where my "guesstimates" have left me.

I'll probably make up a downrated late model variant (street-survivor) with three bladed props next....and then take a hard look at XML gauge stuff. It be a dream if one could program a seperate jet pod that could be powered up at will, deliver independant thrust, smoke and noise.

No promises there, rather than methodically put my foot in my mouth. It may well be over my head, but worth a looksee anyway....

Happy flights!
I tried your tweaks Magoo and thought they made the aircraft fly kind of like it had little mass to it. I know I tend to go a bit far the other way and when I review something I've done in the past end up scaling back the carry-through on surface inputs, like I'm doing now. My sliders are at 3/4 or closer to realistic. I'm also limited to CFG alterations.

Like the cargo points, haven't put them in yet. Sprinkling in Miltons comments too.
Yes, Magoo has the aircraft loaded up pretty heavy as the default. Simply lightening the load (points) should make a big difference.

BTW, I run all realism sliders maxed, and of course, our controls are likely set for differing sensitivities and null zones. Always makes it tough for a developer of these things. :)

Thanks for all your efforts.

EDIT: BTW, for those folks who like to do the circuits and shorter flights, it might be good to lighten the load and set fuel to a lower level so as not to exceed the max weight for landing.
As with Milton, I run my sim with realism sliders maxed out. I'd advise all sim-pilots to open the fuel and payload window while selecting the plane, reducing all freight entries to zero, drop the fuel load to 25-30%, and having an instructional flight. I don't know if you could barrel roll it with enough altitude....but I wouldn't be surprised.

Maybe empty the wing tanks and see.....

With 56 cylinders and FlightSim's high octane avgas.....Ol'Dollar Nineteen will certainly stand up and beg, and will not be easy to get back on the ground with zero payload and vaporous fuel tanks.

Don't let those pesky FAA guys catchya doin' that......
Working on the livery shown below. Just starting actually using the layered paint kit I manufactured:
Coming along. One thing I've noticed though (and this is in FSX right now) the L/H vertical stab has no texture and I don't see a texture file for it in the folder.
C119_03 and C119_12 are the two Rudder textures in my folders. I'd check first if they are both there and have the correct formats. I think one was a mirror image of the other....but I am not positive on that one.

Thanks Stefan, I found it in another texture file. Not sure why it didn't copy over to the new texture folder, but all is well now. . .Thanks again!!:salute: