Fairchild C-119

as an alternative, would the new prop texture in the C-82 upgrade posted yesterday be any good, suitably renamed of course ?
Hello Lads!

I found the thread quite interesting and my c-119 is looking (and behaving) like a charm.

I also wanted to contribute by giving you an extension to the panel with gauges for the fuel tanks and possibly (if I can screw my neurone enough) a tank selector, however, I hit a snag with the gauges i created as the needles do not want to colaborate:a1451::banghead::banghead:.

Problem is they go round and round 3 times before showing something and when they do is wrong, been looking in a lot of forums but I cannot find a solution, and the worst is I think it must be something silly (more :banghead::banghead:). Somebody up to have a look-see in the code??


P.S. I have also to say that threads and sites like this make me proud of all of us
THANKS! :salute:
Heather Sherman

Heather is alive and well over at FSEconomy

She has redone the C119 and her model is a dream...

It is for FSE members only though...

If you are wondering what she has been up to... she has done many repaints...

she just recently did a custom paint on a C177 for an FSE member to make it match his actual plane and panel... she did a knockout job...
Anyone have a recommendation for a good replacement for the stock 3-blade prop texture. I;m sure BananaBob or Cazzie have more than a few great 3-blade prop textures....I just don't know where they might be found.


You could try the BB texture for the A-26 ... 3-blade.

Here are the tweaks I did just to get her more flyable. She is not accurate but at least easily flyable.

For a more accurate FM, I would start from scratch because the air file tables need to match up better with this aircraft but this is useable.

Thanks for taking on the task aeromed202. :applause:
You sound knowledgeable in this area of model tweaking... I have an excellent visual model of a Connie EC-121 that has the front landing gear placed wrongly... IT IS AT A 90 DEGREE ANGLE TO THE MIDLINE OF THE AIRCRAFT instead of being IN LINE fore and aft... is there a remedy for this??? I have no way to contact the original designer... Please advise via private message if you know of a solution to this problem...
Shameless plug.......download the Manfred Jahn Lockheed Constellation series available at Flightsim.com. We did cover all versions of the triple tailed beauty including the military variants.
Start with the base pack of the L-1049 and the upgrades and then add the EC-121 variants from this file.


And for a simulated radar station add this.

In case that is the one you are talking about and not the older Mike Stone version then you most likely tried to modify the package for example by using a different panel folder.
That does not work .... and can in some instances cause the model animations to go haywire.


In case that is the one you are talking about and not the older Mike Stone version then you most likely tried to modify the package for example by using a different panel folder.
That does not work .... and can in some instances cause the model animations to go haywire.
Can be a solution to try (work with some Posky models when you use third party panel as it's the same nosewheel prob.. )
You must put in your third party panel.cfg .. some stances from the VC original panel.cfg and also (maybe! ) the gauges for dito...
Try some combinations and you will solve your prob hopefuly
There is a lot going on behind the scenes with our Connie. The main items that must be transplanted are the Starliner.gau file and the specific versions C-121***sim.xml file that is called up in the panel.cfg of the original package.
But even then it is highly unlikely that it will ever work correctly and fly like it should. All of them are really designed as a complete package with extensive development to make it work just like the real one did in both feel and POH numbers.

Okay. These are some files that I started about a year ago when I rediscovered Daisuke's C-82 and C-119 models. I recalled that Jay McDaniel ( Farmboy) wrote a flight model update for the C.82 Packet. It's here in the library, so I downloaded, installed, and liked it.
The C-119 was lacking, though.


What to look for here:

I'm uncertain about the flaps. They seemed small for the plane, and yes...real world pilots have mentioned that. Did I create a believeable effect here? Do they generate enough lift, drag....too much(?)....does the plane pitch the right way......believably?

Fuel......I've got FAA data on fuel tank capacity, I know this tank sits in the wing outboard of the engine nacelle, that tank sits inboard....but then there's a pair that sit within the fuselage....but where? I put them up top, inline with the other fuel tanks, away from the cargo area, where the main spar passes through the fuselage. It seems a logical guess.....would they be there on the real aircraft?

The cargo bay.

She's got 10,000 pounds of stuff to haul by my default. Seems reasonable. To keep the plane balanced, I've loaded her like this:

Cargo Bay Payload Points, 1000 lbs each default:

(Points 0-2 are flight deck crew.)

+14 feet CoG, lateral placement, 3 ft. left and right of center, No's 3 and 4

+8 feet CoG, lateral placement, 3 ft. left and right of center, No's 5 and 6

+2 feet CoG, lateral placement, 3 ft. left and right of center, No's 7 and 8

-4 feet CoG, lateral placement, 3 ft. left and right of center, No's 9 and 10

-10 feet CoG, lateral placement, 3 ft. left and right of center, No's 11 and 12

...With this data, the user can modify the loadouts through FS, or go right into the Aircraft.CFG and create heavier and/or more concentrated loads and easily maintain an effectively balance aircraft knowing the relavance of each load point to the aircraft's CoG. Users with the ACM program can simply load up the C-119 and visually randomize the load pattern with even less effort.

Next I'll work out a Curtiss Wright powered plane, a later three bladed prop variant, and then look at those jet-pod things. I haven't the slightest idea how to render a multi-type powerplant aircraft in the flight model.

Just approximating the thrust with an average of "three" piston engines seems disatisfying. My mind wanders back to gauges. Could an XML guru come with a way to evoke an auxilary jet turbine, and trigger a separate sound set as well as the thrust value, repleat with throttle lag?


Here's the files. Have at'er boys. Let me know what it does on your FS setup. It's just beta, I'm open to changes any which way but loose.

View attachment 23423

Sorry for the massive bump, but does anyone still have the file magoo mentioned?I'm also searching for the paintkit mentioned in the thread
Zip Fiel Of The FS9 C-119 Prop

There was a movie with James Stewart flying a C-82 which I found on my Cd I have kept for
years then there was a re-make of the Flight Of The Phinox but using a C-119. Then on
the FS.Com I found a copy of a dl FS9 C-119 prop but I could never get it to start its engines
or fly, I can'nt remmenber the author so I was surprised no one wrote him that there was
a problem with this very shineny C-119.

