Fairey Firefly


I have been looking for a suitable sound file for my tests, I even tried using the sound file from an FS9 Shackleton but that was not satisfactory. I hope that you are more successful Doug.

Maybe you can try the sounds included in this plane .. they are not bad ...

FS2004/FSX Supermarine Spitfire Pr XIX
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: spit19.zip Size: 15,630,313 Date: 10-12-2009 Downloads: 828
FS2004/FSX Supermarine Spitfire Pr XIX. The Spitfire Pr XIX was the last Spitfire to be used in operational service. It was the first of the Griffon-engined photo reccoversions to enter large scale production. Based on the Mk XIV airframe and the 2375 hp Rolls Royce Griffon 65 or 66 engine with a Rotol 5 bladed propellor giving it a maximum speed of 723 km/h (452 mph) at 6242m (20,500 feet). It was an unarmed photo recco machine. This is a model of Spitfire PR XIX, PPS888, No. 81 Squadron, as flown in Singapore 1954. Sound file by RB Design. Gmax model by A.F. Scrub.

// This Sound.cfg file created by FS Sound Studio - http://www.fssoundstudio.com
// Built Wednesday, November 07, 2007 at 15:09 FS Sound Studio Build:7716
// Built by Richard/ RB Design
Lawdog has a Griffon sound package in the CFS2 library. You know wiht a name like Lawdog, it's bound to be good (paraphrasing the slogan from Smuckers Jams and Jellies). Wouldn't take much tweaking to jazz the package up for FS2004 (canopy sounds are the only thing lacking).

Firefly Mk 6

For Claudius24:

The Spitfire19 file is not available at present. (16th Oct 2009)

I tried the Griffon sound file but I found a sound file from another Griffon powered Spitfire easier on my ears!

Thanks to both forum members for providing thse pointers.
Silence during the past three weeks!!!

Any news on progress would be much appreciated. Many virtual pilots are looking forward to flying this aircraft.
Fairey Firefly Mk5-6

Hi Claudius24:

The Firefly we want to fly is being made as a new model of the MK5 or 6.
Hi guys, not a lot of change you would notice. Still fine tuning stuff. I'm not an aircraft developer yet, this is my first project, I'm learning as I go (and getting much appreciated assistance from one of the best, Milton Shupe). It could take a while still. There are lots of parts that relate to each other in the building process and they have to be systematically built, reworked, and assembled.
So be a little patient fellas, I can only get back to this project when life stuff permits. But know this, you have my word that it'll be the best model I ever made! :icon_lol:

Your Firefly sure looks better than all the Tic Tacs, balls and sticks I have managed to model in Gmax. And I am sure it will fly a lot better as well.


Allthough the anticipation for your creation is building up, I'm sure all of us are patiently waiting for this wonderfull creation of yours.

Given your mentors (you mentionned Milton) and the obvious tallent you have judging by your screens, this will be worth the waiting! And then some.

Take your time, PLEASE!!

(and if ya need a betatester, I'm here :D)

Take care mate, you're making a lot of FS9 warbird fans very happy!!!

May the positive Force of The FSM, His Noodly Goodness, be with you!!
Fairey Firefly Mk5-6

Standing by for delivery.

Meanwhile getting some deck landing practice in with a Sea Fury.
hmmm...Fairey-Youngman flaps

Guys, I'd like to ask your help. I'm hoping there is someone here who knows a bit about the Fairey-Youngman flaps and how they actuate. I feel like I've got the degrees of deployment animated fairly accurate according to the only 2 videos on the net, but what I'm looking for are details on the the actuator links themselves and how they attach to the flaps. I've seen a few photos of Fireflys in flight, and that may be my only source of reference since I can't find any mechanical details of this flap system. Are there any pilots out there with insight? You can PM me if you like, I'd appreciate your help.
Wow, nice find! Wonder why I didn't see that. Thanks alot Claudius24 that's going to help me out a great deal.:ernae:
I'm so excited!! The Firefly is alive!! Fairey Youngman Flaps, Wingfold Sequence, Tailhook, 3 Exits, oh boy....:jump: