FS9 Evo v1 released
Hi guys and thank you for all your support!
I have released FS9 after much vaccilation and finding excuses to postpone.
I am now accepting paypal donations under
fs9evo@gmail.com and will post the download link to anyone making a modest or generous contribution. Please be a bit patient, I will send links out asap! I have to sort this out so I can keep track of things.
I will have plenty of time over the weekend to take care of any issues although I hope the beta test has cleaned most of them out already!
"Official" relase announcement
FS9 Evolution is a global texture makeover for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 ACOF.
FS9 Evo tries to create a realistic and believable environment in FS9. FS9 Evo textures are built up by hand to look photreal.
FS9 Evo tries to evolve FS9 by having individual texture files with great detail, carefully balanced within a texture set to avoid tiling. This creates a believable low-altitude experience with enough large terrain features to have an interesting high-altitude experience.
FS9 Evo replaces most texture files (default or add ons that replace default) that define the visible world outside your plane. This includes cities and towns, fields and rice paddies, forests and jungles, oceans and lakes, deserts and swamps, airport terminals and suburban houses, clouds and grass.
FS9 Evo also has dense custom autogen for all files that can be annotated.
FS9 Evo also has new and I believe unique 3D lights integrated into the autogen.
FS9 Evo is compatible with Ultimate Terrain and all other land class because basically it is just another texture replacement add-on.
FS9 Evo is optimized for UT land class. Using UT or another good land class add-on will bring best results.
FS9 Evo is also compatible with other texture add-ons although there will probably be color mismatches. If you want to mix FS9 Evo with other texture addons, use the split folder install to select the textures you want.
FS9 Evo is summer only at this time with the other seasons to follow asap.
If you want to learn more about FS9 Evo just browse through the beta thread:
http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?80737-FS9-Xtreme-Evolution-beta-testers-wanted or this thread:
http://forum.avsim.net/topic/408107-how-did-this-guy-do-it/. Both have lots of comments on Fs9 Evo.
You can also check the videos I posted on Youtube:
There are some more links in my avsim forum signature.
FS9 Evo has been publically beta tested by members of the community so should not hold any unwelcome surprises. If you do encounter issues, please post them in the sim-outhouse or the avsim thread AND send me an email to
Well that is it! I hope you enjoy FS9 Evo! Don't forget to make backups before installing!