FS9 Xtreme Evolution: beta testers wanted!

I am putting together the pre-release version. Well I say pre-release but it is a full global version for summer including lights for Europe and US + all the secondary textures (water, airports, run- and taxiways, roads & rails, clouds) and snowy winter textures. Pre-release only because the other seasons (spring, fall, non-snow winter) are not yet included. I still need to implement the US city textures in those. Spring and fall should be released as updates pretty fast!

I'm packing the stuff now for release. I still might make it today late - but if not, tomorrow night.

This is going to be really interesting. I'm hoping it all looks great and you make a lot of money selling it. A lot of work for about a year.
This is going to be really interesting. I'm hoping it all looks great and you make a lot of money selling it. A lot of work for about a year.

Why thank you for the good wishes! I hope this work will help keep FS9 on the radar for a while!

I posted another video showing a complete day over KSFO including the lights. Sorry for the frame jumping, the autogen setting is at extreme and my old computer can't manage to take videos without losing half of FPS.


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Will take a bit longer as I will provide a split package - with all files separated into folders eg forests, fields, water, cities and so on - if some of you only want to try certain texture sets. But I'm talking hours, not days ;)
Thanks Sascha!

That sounds like a sensible thing to do.
I suppose many simmers have their priority textures (like me), and would not like to overwrite them, but instead have a healthy mix of both.
This is great!

Cheers, Stuart
FS9 Evo v1 released

Hi guys and thank you for all your support!:encouragement:

I have released FS9 after much vaccilation and finding excuses to postpone.

I am now accepting paypal donations under fs9evo@gmail.com and will post the download link to anyone making a modest or generous contribution. Please be a bit patient, I will send links out asap! I have to sort this out so I can keep track of things.

I will have plenty of time over the weekend to take care of any issues although I hope the beta test has cleaned most of them out already!



"Official" relase announcement

FS9 Evolution is a global texture makeover for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 ACOF.

FS9 Evo tries to create a realistic and believable environment in FS9. FS9 Evo textures are built up by hand to look photreal.

FS9 Evo tries to evolve FS9 by having individual texture files with great detail, carefully balanced within a texture set to avoid tiling. This creates a believable low-altitude experience with enough large terrain features to have an interesting high-altitude experience.

FS9 Evo replaces most texture files (default or add ons that replace default) that define the visible world outside your plane. This includes cities and towns, fields and rice paddies, forests and jungles, oceans and lakes, deserts and swamps, airport terminals and suburban houses, clouds and grass.

FS9 Evo also has dense custom autogen for all files that can be annotated.

FS9 Evo also has new and I believe unique 3D lights integrated into the autogen.

FS9 Evo is compatible with Ultimate Terrain and all other land class because basically it is just another texture replacement add-on.

FS9 Evo is optimized for UT land class. Using UT or another good land class add-on will bring best results.

FS9 Evo is also compatible with other texture add-ons although there will probably be color mismatches. If you want to mix FS9 Evo with other texture addons, use the split folder install to select the textures you want.

FS9 Evo is summer only at this time with the other seasons to follow asap.

If you want to learn more about FS9 Evo just browse through the beta thread: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?80737-FS9-Xtreme-Evolution-beta-testers-wanted or this thread: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/408107-how-did-this-guy-do-it/. Both have lots of comments on Fs9 Evo.

You can also check the videos I posted on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4uB0zETSCR_hAP5S6HYLhg/videos

There are some more links in my avsim forum signature.

FS9 Evo has been publically beta tested by members of the community so should not hold any unwelcome surprises. If you do encounter issues, please post them in the sim-outhouse or the avsim thread AND send me an email to fs9evo@gmail.com.

Well that is it! I hope you enjoy FS9 Evo! Don't forget to make backups before installing!

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Hi Sascha, it seems difficult to evaluate the program from the videos. Will you be posting final pics of some rural and urban areas along with a list of changes? Thanks.
Hi Sascha, it seems difficult to evaluate the program from the videos. Will you be posting final pics of some rural and urban areas along with a list of changes? Thanks.

Sure, I will do this over the weekend. I didn't notice that most of the older images have disappeared from the various threads!

download links?

I am now accepting paypal donations under fs9evo@gmail.com and will post the download link to anyone making a modest or generous contribution. Please be a bit patient, I will send links out asap! I have to sort this out so I can keep track of things.

Sascha has put a large amount of work into this - and dealt with some rather particular expectations from his testers - including this deadbeat here (referring to myself), who wasn't very helpful due to his school work and was very demanding about the American Southwest...
Sascha has put a large amount of work into this - and dealt with some rather particular expectations from his testers - including this deadbeat here (referring to myself), who wasn't very helpful due to his school work and was very demanding about the American Southwest...

Yes! I'm blind!


Hi all,

I found a tiling error and posted 2 fixes for some scrub textures which showed a tiling issues. I have created a dropbox folder: /Updates_and_fixes for all upadates and fixes.
THe fixes are in the subdirectory /fixes_fs9_scenery_world_texture.

The colours of some scrub was too light when I compared this to some photos and there were faint tiling lines visible. This would most likely appear in dry areas of Spain.

Just drop the files from the zips into your fs9/scenery/world/texture directory.


Hi Sascha,

I have a question, do I need to apply the split files if I am deploying the full package first? or are they the same only broken out into separate packages?

Hi Sascha,

I have a question, do I need to apply the split files if I am deploying the full package first? or are they the same only broken out into separate packages?


Hi Sean,

you are right, they are absolutely the same. The split package is only meant for those guys who want to keep parts of their original installation or only install certain parts of the Evo textures.

At this time, the split package includes the fixes and the full package does not though because it is such a big file and my connection is rather lame. i will update this later this evening. So you only need the fix if you use the full package.

Hi guys, I uploaded a small configuration guide to the dropbox which I am posting here too:

To get a better performance and visuals I recommend the following settings:

1. In UT disable the residential lights.

2. In UT, disable all the roads except basic enhancement (all major roads). Keep bridges and tunnel roads as you like.

3. In your FS, set the the mip mapping in your display options (hardware) to 7 or lower if you have shimmering autogen (5 or 6).

4. In your FS, set texture size to massive.

5. In your FS, set the autogen density to very dense or extreme.

6. You might want to turn off the ground shadow option in FS. Try this to see if you like the visual effect.

7. Set your max visibility to 30 miles if you are using a weather tool like Active Sky because FS does not seem to be able to use proper atmospheric fading at higher settings.

8. In your fs9.cfg, set the terrain max vertex level to 20 (or lower), not to 21 as is recommended for some tweaks. 21 will loose you fps for no real gain in visuals!


9. My Nividia settings are:

Anisotropc filtering 16x
Antialiasing mode set to Enhance application
Antialiasing setting 16x CSAA
Texture filtering High quality
