FS9 Xtreme Evolution: beta testers wanted!

Just a few days ago I managed to recover more files that probably include the original DLs. I'll be checking to see what is there and start experimenting from a clean FS install again. It seems by circumstance FS is not running from C: in W7 which I understand is the right way to go, but it makes file exploring a little confusing. Thanks for the quick reply and your dedication to making the great even greater.:biggrin-new:
Thank you .. each update better :love-struck:

Now how I can get rid of those nice towers ... (over England) ?

Hi Navtech, can't find any reason for the towers - probably a texture with a bad object is being mixed into the rural textures there. I'll be checking all autogen annotations again anyway so hopefully I will find the object then.

In the meantime, I got rid of the towers by setting autogen to very dense.

Everything is working out very well indeed, Sascha. Thank you for these excellent textures!!

Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm still beavering away at the seasons and although real world end-of-year rush has slowed me down, I made some progress. I have a long holiday coming up too which hopefully should see me finished. Will post progress update soon!

Im so looking forward to this

Hi Sascha,

I just wanted to share with you how much I am looking forward to using your project. How does the southwest part of the US look? I live in Arizona so the desert is my home. Do you have a time frame for its release? and do you have a cost yet?

Haven't heard from Sascha in almost a month. It would be nice if he would post some sort of an update. I've been looking forward to this also but only if he's able to fix the bluish tint that seems to prevail throughout the program. This could turn into THE texture program for FS9 if done right. Most of it is simply brilliant.
Sorry guys! I know I have been neglecting my posts. I had to deal with some family issues over the holiday season and it left me feeling a bit underpowered. But I have been working away regardless and will post some first season screenshots soon. I already did them, just need to convert them.

@rich I hope I managed to fix that, I gave it my best shot. I'll upload a complete update with everything as it has gotten a bit cluttered in the dropbox.

Regards and a good year 2014 to all of you!
I admire your dedication Sascha. What you're doing is a huuuuuuuuuuuge undertaking. It changes the visuals for ACOF and the textures are turning out very nice.
Hi Sascha,

I just wanted to share with you how much I am looking forward to using your project. How does the southwest part of the US look? I live in Arizona so the desert is my home. Do you have a time frame for its release? and do you have a cost yet?


Hi Jack,

thanks for the advance kudos ;) Hopefully this project will live up to everyone's expectations. There are a number of screenshots including Grand Canyon territory over at avsim eg http://forum.avsim.net/topic/427307-my-new-sim/ and some more threads in my signature there.

Release time frame - well I just decided I will release with summer, fall and snow (hw) and just duplicate fall texture for no-snow winter season (wi) until I finish that set. Spring to follow. I have already finished the field master textures, though. So release will not be long in coming as these seasons are almost finished, autogen is updated and lights are completed, but I do want to do a (short) period of pre-release testing with the release version.

Well regarding the cost I guess that will be up to you ... as it is going to be a pay-what-you-feel-is-good policy. I would ask for a small advance donation (sum up to you) because I could not offer the support expected to everyone who would get a freeware version. So hopefully only guys who really want it will get it!

And sorry for not replying earlier!

I admire your dedication Sascha. What you're doing is a huuuuuuuuuuuge undertaking. It changes the visuals for ACOF and the textures are turning out very nice.

Well it IS a lot of fun! I have suffered the occasional bout of FS weariness which I'm sure all of us are familiar with - but never for long.

That said here are the promised first seasonal screenshots!

Summer, fall and snowy winter season summer_US.jpgFall_US.jpgWinter_US.jpg in the US of A.

Summer, fall and snowy winter season summertime_europe.jpgfall_europe.jpgwinter_europe.jpg in Germany.

Hey Sascha,

I would like to contribute early to your endevors so where do I donate? Paypal? Really looking forward to it now after seeing those screen shots.

How does the southwest part of the US look? I live in Arizona so the desert is my home.

I just produced my first real FS video and will upload it later this evening. It shows the Grand Canyon so will hopefully give you an idea of what SW looks like.
Well, here is my short video take on the Grand Canyon. I didn't manage to export a HD version. FS is running in 1920 x 1080 mode.

Does anyone of you regular video posters know a good source of freeware music? I will try to do more videos than screenshots now. I think this shows off the areas I fly in better! I used Windows Movie Maker but that is somewhat limited, I haven't decided on another program yet.

I would be interested in how the red rocks of Sedona are portrayed. That is just to the south of the Grand Canyon and have great airport on top of a mesa.

I replaced the movie because I had the credits wrong. ASN should have been ASE (thanks Jon for pointing that out) and I had forgotten the music credits as well. Here is the new movie:

I would be interested in how the red rocks of Sedona are portrayed. That is just to the south of the Grand Canyon and have great airport on top of a mesa.


Well, here are two images of the same location:

Real world

and FS

As you can see, the small butte on the lower right has been turned into a small round hill by the FS mesh that will display no rocky textures even on max vertex level. On top of that there are only two rocky texture sets for the whole US, one for Rocky Mountain type and the other for all the south. So unhappily you will see none of the characteristic red buttes in the SW.

On the upside the rest of the hills look reasonably accurate along with the brush on top and the landclass also places it accurately on the plains below.

Variety of desert texture around Sedona:
