Cliffy old chap,
I don't s'pose it's occurred to you that this forum was probably put in place mostly in order to allow positive and constructive input and interaction from those of us that actually like the game?? (Also, please note the emphasis on the term "positive".) Not that there's no place for constructive (and when I say constructive, I mean constructive) criticism here. Any time I've seen that particular form of criticism put forth, it's always been pretty well received and put to good use by the developers. It's a valuable asset in terms of their being able to address some of the nagging little issues that are bound to occur within any software product, and I'm sure they wouldn't want to do without it.
The vast majority of us (or so it would seem) are extremely loyal and supportive of the developer's efforts to date. I for one, am extremely thankful for what their collective efforts have managed to produce so far, as well as for their unsurpassed level of support in terms of addressing people's issues or concerns. You won't see that level of committment to customer satisfaction too often, and it speaks volumes about the overall integrity and dedication of the team itself.
When I say "supportive of the developer's efforts to date", that's exactly what I mean. I get the feeling they have a reasonably strong intention of continuing support for, and continuing to develop and improve on what has become without a doubt, the finest WWI combat flightsim available to date. (And no, Cliffy....that's not cheerleading or kissing a$$'s a simple and undeniable fact, wether you like it or not).
Now, if I found there was something seriously wrong with the product, or even mildy annoying for that matter, trust me, the developers would be the first to know. I would NOT however, troll a post in here with a title that was obviously negative or angry in nature within it's reference to the game. I would more than likely place my post in a thread that was specifically aimed at general concerns or troubleshooting. The forum is here in general I believe, to PROMOTE the game and encourage it's further development, not to dishearten and discourage those who have worked so hard to bring it to fruition. That is merely my humble opinion of course. Perhaps the forum is in fact here for those who like to engage in mindless and seemingly endless debates about who has the right to be critical of someone else's opinions and what the acceptable protocol for doing so should be. Perhaps it's here to allow a steady stream of insensitive and negative posts that will eventually annoy the developers to the point that they feel it's just not worth the aggravation anymore and pack it in completely. That should be real good for the flightsim community, particularly for those of us who like WWI stuff, huh?
Instead of arguing about the real or perceived injustices of someone using a positive, complimentary (or even negative for that matter) theme in their thread titles, wouldn't our energy be better spent on assisting and encouraging OBD to carry on with their efforts in the most positive way we can ??
Once again.....nobody here is suggesting people shouldn't provide negative feedback or point out something they think is lacking or can be improved upon. What I think we are suggesting is that it's done in a reasonably positve "tone". At least to the point where it's not hurting this forum's intended purpose, and as I said, in my humble opinion, that should be to promote and encourage both the support and development efforts of OBD Software, not just in general, but also with specific regard to the product the forum heading is named after??