Gmax Video Tutorial Series - Beginning Modeler

Thanks Milton. Been wanting to do some buildings for some new OZx airport scenery but could never get my head around it. I have downloaded these 4 and look forward to more.
Thanks Milton. Been wanting to do some buildings for some new OZx airport scenery but could never get my head around it. I have downloaded these 4 and look forward to more.

Well, good; I'm hoping the tutes will be helpful in getting started.
Since I am a slow talker, I find that changing the YouTube settings at bottom, you can speed up to 1.25 and things move faster yet are still very understandable. Give it a try.


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No.....I think slow talking will be just fine for me. :encouragement:

Thanks heaps Milton, I will be downloading and going through all your tutorials. I did some of the GMAX tutorials years ago, but never really used it for FS Design. Instead I cheated and made objects for a few sceneries with Flight 1's Instant Object Studio, which was fine for basic models, but I soon found it had a lot of limitations. The last time I tried to make a model it was for Rose Bay in Sydney Harbour as I did a PR base for it. I tried using IOS to create the Rose Bay Wharf, and became so frustrated with crashes and the inability of that program, that I haven't tried modelling anything since. It didn't help that I found a professionally modelled version of the entire Rose Bay area, which I was aspiring to recreate for FSX. That was bad for my morale. :biggrin-new:

I have been meaning to get back in to modelling. I have continued with a lot of PR work (actually I did all of France, although that needs some more detail and close attention in certain areas) but I would like to make a few airports again. Maybe one day when I have heaps of spare time, I'll even try an aircraft. I am often reading aviation magazines and see some weird and wonderful plane I would love to see created for our sims. I would love to have the skills to tackle one.


Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #6

Objective: Learn to Set up 3-Views with Calibration Box - Part 1

Author: Milton Shupe

Topics: Importance of Data Collection, Quality 3-Views, and Setting up 3-View Plans in Gmax

Intro: Importance of data collection (Quality 3-views, dimensional data, performance data, reference pictures, and
manuals), and impact on project success

1) Create a calibration box using aircraft dimensions
What is a Calbox; how is it used?

2) Apply the 3-view textures to the calibration box
Importance of aspect ratio

3) Ensure accuracy of the plans before starting
How? Why?

Helpful Links:

1) Optional Calibration Box Graphic Tutorial (if you would like a graphic approach):


2) The CONVERT tool by Josh Madison:


Data Collection: Before the project begins, we must prepare

The key to getting started well is to gather a lot of reference data and facts to ensure credibility in the design
process. Here are some of the things that are essential.

3-Views: High quality graphics are essential to construct accurate models. There are many sites that carry these
3-views, some are free but the best will cost you. This site is a great resource with a lot of links to available


Airfoil Data: As a minimum if you can get the wing root/tip airfoil NACA numbers you have a source to construct the
wing shape accurately. If the 3-view does not have the shapes to copy, there are sites that can help.

Type Certificate Data Sheets: The Type Certificate Data Sheets (TCDS) database is an official FAA repository of

Make and Model information.

Official Pilots Operating Handbook (POH) and PIREPS:

There are several sites around where original publications can be found.

Other References: Simply searching the web for aircraft information will yield many resources that will be helpful.

Vary your search arguments and try different search engines to get the most information about your target
aircraft. Keep your eyes open for information about props, tire sizes, sounds, clubs, support groups, etc.

Asking for help collecting data resources will often yield excellent results. Visit your favorite forums and get others
involved. Occasionally, you might even interest a real world pilot to join the team and that is always helpful.

Good luck with your adventure and project.
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Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #7 - Part 2

Objective: Learn to Set up 3-Views with Calibration Box - Part 2 Starts the Calibration Box and Mapping for Textures

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe

Topics: Setting up 3-View Plans in Gmax

Intro: We set up the calibration box, apply 3-view textures, and verify positioning and size across the views

1) Create a calibration box using aircraft dimensions
What is a Calibration box; why is it used?

2) Apply the 3-view textures to the calibration box
Importance of aspect ratio

3) Ensure accuracy of the plans before using
How? Why?

Helpful Links:

1) Calibration Box Graphic Tutorial:

2) The CONVERT tool by Josh Madison:
Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #8 - Part 3

Objective: Learn to Set up 3-Views with Calibration Box - Part 3 Completes the Mapping Process and calibration Box Series

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe

Topics: Setting up 3-View Plans in Gmax

Intro: We set up the calibration box, apply 3-view textures, and verify positioning and size across the views

1) Create a calibration box using aircraft dimensions
What is a Calibration box; why is it used?

2) Apply the 3-view textures to the calibration box
Importance of aspect ratio

3) Ensure accuracy of the plans before using
How? Why?
Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #9 - Building the Fuselage - Part 1

Objective: Create the basic Fuselage Shape using Splines

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe

Topics: Using Cross Sections and Splines to Shape the Fuselage


1) Using splines, create circles to match the fuselage cross sections

2) Center and align the local coordinate pivots

3) Move the circles to the center of the universe

4) Move each circle to the appropriate cross section position per the side view and verify its fit to the side fuselage drawing

5) Convert the front 1st circle to editable spline

6) Attach the remaining circles in order, front to rear

7) Add a cross section modifier to the stack

8) Add a surface modifier to the stack

9) Collapse the stack and convert to editable poly


Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #10 - Building the Fuselage - Part 2

Objective: Create the basic Fuselage Shape using Splines

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe

Topics: Using Cross Sections and Splines to Shape the Fuselage


1) Using splines, create circles to match the fuselage cross sections

2) Center and align the local coordinate pivots

3) Move the circles to the center of the universe

4) Move each circle to the appropriate cross section position per the side view and verify its fit to the side fuselage drawing

5) Convert the front circle to editable spline

6) Attach the remaining circles in order, front to rear

7) Add a cross section modifier to the stack

8) Add a surface modifier to the stack

9) Collapse the stack and convert to editable poly
Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #11 - Building the Fuselage - Part 3

Objective: Complete the basic Fuselage Shape

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe

Topics: Adjusting the New Fuselage Shape to the 3-View


1) Make adjustments to cross sections in height and width
2) Extend the nose and finish the prop spinner section
3) Eliminate unnecessary cross sections
4) Final review of shape and smoothness
Slow Talk?

It's absolutely amazing how much you do in a few days. I need 5 hours to make a 5 min video using Fraps. You might be a slow talker but you must have a long...err.. stride! And a fast DSL connection to upload. I got neither. Plus I am 76 yrs old and the gray matter wants to doze off when reading technical matter. But I can use YouTube downloader and take my time watching video (at 1/2 speed - hehe).

I wound be interested in making vehicle models. Specifically race car models. I hope these videos can get me going in the right direction. Or is vehicle modeling entirely different in some way? I know you made the Ford Pinto dragster (which I enjoy driving very much - thank you for that jewel). I am retired and do simming 24/7 so I got time. THIS YEAR I will learn GMAX...maybe. But it can take 2 years. I don't care. As long as I can get results I want. Must be perfect (well..99.9%). I will download your videos and take my time with steps. Thanks again for all your hard work. You are incredible. Cheers.
Chuck B
It's absolutely amazing how much you do in a few days. I need 5 hours to make a 5 min video using Fraps. You might be a slow talker but you must have a long...err.. stride! And a fast DSL connection to upload. I got neither. Plus I am 76 yrs old and the gray matter wants to doze off when reading technical matter. But I can use YouTube downloader and take my time watching video (at 1/2 speed - hehe).

I wound be interested in making vehicle models. Specifically race car models. I hope these videos can get me going in the right direction. Or is vehicle modeling entirely different in some way? I know you made the Ford Pinto dragster (which I enjoy driving very much - thank you for that jewel). I am retired and do simming 24/7 so I got time. THIS YEAR I will learn GMAX...maybe. But it can take 2 years. I don't care. As long as I can get results I want. Must be perfect (well..99.9%). I will download your videos and take my time with steps. Thanks again for all your hard work. You are incredible. Cheers.
Chuck B

Hi Chuck :)

LOL I have invested full days now for the last week trying to get this going. It took me 8 tries to get both the 1st and 2nd videos finalized. Finally figured out the issue; Camstudio cannot handle file sizes over 2Gbytes. So, I figured out how to get the file sizes down and gained 9 more minutes in recording time. But that varies based on screen activity.

Once I have the .avi file, I then compress it using VSDC that reduces the file by about 92%. So, my uploads run around 50-80Mb each, and uploads only take about 5 minutes.

The first several are mainly gmax introduction and setup for new gmax users, mainly talking and explaining screens.

Then we start creating basic objects and primitives.

After that, we setup 3-views, then we start building.

I wanted to take it slow to allow new users to get familiar with gmax, terminology, tool names, how to access and use. Because one can't accomplish a lot in 15 minutes while explaining, I now have to keep it moving but at least now modeling, it all comes naturally and I can talk and model more easily.

I do talk/think slowly at times as sometimes its early morning, or late in the day when I record. But, I am improving with each video.

Working on best methods for canopy creation now. Cockpit windshields and canopies always seem hard for us to do well. It takes a lot of time due to complex curves and angles.

Once you learn the tools and methods, they apply to any object being modeled-aircraft, ships, cars, etc.

You will likely learn quickly using the video tutes. Seeing someone doing it, using tools, finding where to click, icons, sequence of events, it comes quickly.

Thanks for your comments Chuck. :) I was wondering if anyone was actually interested in the videos since I am investing so much time to create them.
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I only just noticed you are doing this series. This is fantastic! Can't wait to watch them all, thank you so much!

You're doing a fine job Milton, I play 'em at faster speed too! I've started pointing people to this thread as opportunity arises; these will be an invaluable resource for the beginning modeller.
I only just noticed you are doing this series. This is fantastic! Can't wait to watch them all, thank you so much!

Thank you Barry, I hope the tutorials are helpful to you.

You're doing a fine job Milton, I play 'em at faster speed too! I've started pointing people to this thread as opportunity arises; these will be an invaluable resource for the beginning modeler.

Thank you Tom; getting over that initial "new tool" hump seems to stop a lot of otherwise talented people from getting started.
With this, they can see it in action, and see just how easy it can be.
Hi Milton,

Just discovered this thread. Wow, thanks a lot! Now I know what I will be doing this weekend. :)

Best regards,
Hi Milton,

Just discovered this thread. Wow, thanks a lot! Now I know what I will be doing this weekend. :)

Best regards,

Melo, thank you so much for your comments. It is encouraging to know that people will use the videos and that the videos are helpful.

I am working on videos #12 & 13 right now, Constructing the canopy.

Once we get a canopy and wind screen constructed, progress will pick up at a pretty good clip.
Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler - Building the Canopy

KoiGmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #12 - Building the Canopy - Part 1

Objective: Construct the Canopy Shape - Part 1

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe

Topics: Two Ways to Construct the Canopy - Part 1

1) The Canopy and the Wind Screen - two separate parts
2) Using the 3-view shapes E and F, we build the canopy shape
3) Adjusting the height and width and curvature
4) Repeating the process using the standard primitive Cylinder

Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #13 - Building the Canopy - Part 2

Objective: Construct the Canopy Shape - Part 2

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe

Topics: Two Ways to Construct the Canopy - Part 2

1) Using a Cylinder to build the canopy shape
2) Adding cross sections and scaling to fit 3-view shape
3) Adjusting the height and width and curvature
4) Use boolean to cut the bottom to fit the fuselage

Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #14 - Canopy Windows - Part 3 of the Canopy Series

Objective: Cut in Canopy Windows

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe

Topics: Boolean Cuts for Canopy Windows

1) Build cutting tools for the windows
2) Use Boolean tool to cut out shapes
3) Cleanup and validate window shapes
4) Detach the window polys
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Gmax 1.2 for the Begin Modeler-Building the Windshield Frame

Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #15 - Wind Screen Frame - Part 4 of the Canopy Series

Objective: Construct the Windshield Frame

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe


1) Build cutting tool for the windshield frame
2) Use Boolean and tool to cut out frame shape from fuselage
3) Extrude the new cut polys
4) Shape the frame to accept the new windshield glass

Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #16 - Wind Screen Frame - Part 5 of the Canopy Series

Objective: Build Windshield Glass and Attach to Windshield Frame

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe


1) Finalize the frame shape
2) Build the windshield glass polys down to the frame
3) Attach to frame
4) Cutting in the front facing windshield support frames

Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #17 - Wind Screen Frame - Part 6 of the Canopy Series

Objective: Cut Frame Posts into the Windshield Glass

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe


1) Use the Slice tool to cut the front facing windshield support frames
2) Verify our work before detaching glass
3) Remove the temporary frame polys
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Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler v18 - Finish Fuselage

Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #18 - Finish Fuselage - Part 1

Objective: Cockpit Cutout, Spinner removal, Engine Crankcase Housing

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe


1) Detach the spinner and refinish the rear fuselage
2) Build the engine crankcase housing
3) Remove cockpit sitting area

Gmax 1.2 for the Beginning Modeler #19 - Finish Fuselage - Part 2

Objective: Add Props. spinner cutouts, canopy inner skin, gun ports, and exhaust ports

Youtube link:

Author: Milton Shupe


1) Use the array tool to demonstrate prop and spinner propagation
2) Explain use of cylinders to create gun ports
3) Boolean exhaust ports
4) Create inner skin of canopy
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These tutorials are perfect for me. It's great to have access to an accomplished modeler's processes while demonstrating the care and patience necessary to complete a project.

I have made many attempts to model but of only completed a few. Problem solving, getting painted into corners and vertex pushing is the nature of the beast. Planning based on experience is one aspect that is obvious from your work that appears key to ensure success. The building struggles that I've now seen you deal with have encouraged me to renew my attempts.

I enjoy these a lot and look forward to more.

Thanks you for your time and effort.

