High Definition Clouds from Pablo Diaz!

appears there are problems with comcast addreses also

Yeah, I Googled like Ranger said and got them here: http://www.eutva.com/HDE_1.0.zip

They're terrific.



I have the HDE Clouds installed and running. I saw no frame rate hit. I am running a P4 3.0gig, 2 Gig PC3200 Ram, 512Meg Nvidia Geforce 7600GS video card system. Not super old, but not a modern powerhouse by any means. I have my frame rates locked at 25, and my frames stay at 24.9, unless I am over a detailed scenery or airport. 24.9 FPS with stock clouds and with the HDE Clouds. I have all sliders at 100% other than cloud density which I have at 50%.

This is FS9, nothing in FS9 bogs on this system, not even heavy traffic and cities. Why do you think I like it? Even when recording in FRAPS, it is steady. It is still the FS Champion AFAIC. You are given two set of HD clouds, 512 and 1024, so for slower systems, use the 512 textures.

Can someone post an english translation of the install instructions. I want to be sure I get this right, and I am barely literate in the Queens own english much less spanish.

In the HDE1.0 Folder you will find 2 .txt files:
Instalacion(spanish).txt and Install(english).txt.
The second one IS in English and pretty much a standard install (copy & replace) instruction.

:stop:ONE word of caution... even though there is a Default Backup folder in case you change your mind, make a copy of the relevant folders FIRST.. esp. if you have added other scenery or textures ( like REP)

Thanks for that link. I managed to register but could not get the confirmation email. I get an error when unzipping the archive. Will install tomorrow and see.

Any chance hese can be hosted here with permission from the author?

Cheers MarkL

PM inbound
I am going to do a little translation in hopes of helping anyone else who wants to register on the Esquadron 69 site. That page may not be all that easy to try a auto-translation service with without having errors.

Before I say more, my effort to register was successful the first try. I used a yahoo email address but I also tested my gmail and hotmail and they worked fine. It may be best to use one of those three email types to get a registration confirmation link back link back quickly.

Okay, first things first, in the upper right corner of the Esquadron 69 page, click on the tab "Registrar". Then when the next page comes up, scroll down to the bottom to where you see " He leído, entendido y estoy de acuerdo con las reglas y condiciones" and click the small box to the left of this that you agree to the terms and conditions(no need to translate them here, you're not being asked/required to "Mate with Cuban Chickens"). The click the tab "Continuar Resgistro".

Next, the list where you fill in your info.

Escoge un nombre de usuario- Choose your username

Escoge el nombre a mostrar- Choose your screen name(visible name)

Entra tu dirección de email- Enter your email

Reentra tu dirección de email- Re-enter your email

Escoge tu contraseña- Choose your password

Re-entrar tu contraseña- Re-enter your password

Paso 2: Opciones en la Web- Step 2: Web Options

Recibir email de los administradore- Receive emails from the Adminstrators
Recibir email de otros miembros- Receive emails from members

Zona horaria- Choose your time zone

Paso 3: Información Adicional- Step 3: Additional Information

Procedencia- Origin/Your Country

Joystick o Volante- Joystick type/Brand

Escarapelas Fuerzas Aéreas- Choose your Air Force Insignia

Paso 4: Verificar que eres un humano- Step 4"To verify you are a human" (lol-I love this)

Then click the register tab and you're done.

Hope this helps everyone to register and use this site.

I went through all that registration jazz and got an e-mail acknowlegement Then when I went on the site I couldn't find HDE anywhere. Where do they hide it? Even when I put it in search they can''t find it.
I went through all that registration jazz and got an e-mail acknowlegement Then when I went on the site I couldn't find HDE anywhere. Where do they hide it? Even when I put it in search they can''t find it.

Helldiver, on the home page for escuadron69, click on the tab top right that says "Descargas"(Downloads). Then on the next page, "Flight Simulator", then you'll find HDE - High Definition Environment v1.0 para FS2004 at the top of the list.

Hope that helps Sir. :USA-flag: