I am going to do a little translation in hopes of helping anyone else who wants to register on the Esquadron 69 site. That page may not be all that easy to try a auto-translation service with without having errors.
Before I say more, my effort to register was successful the first try. I used a yahoo email address but I also tested my gmail and hotmail and they worked fine. It may be best to use one of those three email types to get a registration confirmation link back link back quickly.
Okay, first things first, in the upper right corner of the Esquadron 69 page, click on the tab "Registrar". Then when the next page comes up, scroll down to the bottom to where you see " He leído, entendido y estoy de acuerdo con las reglas y condiciones" and click the small box to the left of this that you agree to the terms and conditions(no need to translate them here, you're not being asked/required to "Mate with Cuban Chickens"). The click the tab "Continuar Resgistro".
Next, the list where you fill in your info.
Escoge un nombre de usuario- Choose your username
Escoge el nombre a mostrar- Choose your screen name(visible name)
Entra tu dirección de email- Enter your email
Reentra tu dirección de email- Re-enter your email
Escoge tu contraseña- Choose your password
Re-entrar tu contraseña- Re-enter your password
Paso 2: Opciones en la Web- Step 2: Web Options
Recibir email de los administradore- Receive emails from the Adminstrators
Recibir email de otros miembros- Receive emails from members
Zona horaria- Choose your time zone
Paso 3: Información Adicional- Step 3: Additional Information
Procedencia- Origin/Your Country
Joystick o Volante- Joystick type/Brand
Escarapelas Fuerzas Aéreas- Choose your Air Force Insignia
Paso 4: Verificar que eres un humano- Step 4"To verify you are a human" (lol-I love this)
Then click the register tab and you're done.
Hope this helps everyone to register and use this site.