High Definition Clouds from Pablo Diaz!

OBIO thats one of my most flown routes SLC or Hill AFB or even SLC Municipal #2 (U42) out to the salt flats for a day of speed, these clouds make it fun... am tempted to revive my old Thrust SSC just so i can tear up the flats at a blistering pace! :jump:

While I was flying over the Salt Flats, I thought that it would be so cool to have some AI speedsters down there going for records. Some highly modified Model Ts, some vintage motorcycles. That would be neat.

If you're gonna use a vintage setup like GW, then someone needs to make Burt Monro's Indian to run up and down the flats!
MAIW (Military AI Works) NAS Miramar Top Gun Complete Package has "Maverick" riding his bike. It was done by Mike MacIntyre.

Pete "Maverick" Mitchell takes rides on his motorcycle twice a day everyday. He starts from a parking spot just northeast of the TopGun hanger, drives west along Regulus Road and turns right onto Tiger Avenue. He then turns left onto Miramar Way and zooms off to the west.

change the bike and get it on the flats...I'd love to see Burt Monro's Indian screaming across the salt.
not as fast as racing bikes, but worth a trip across the salt....

FS2004 Hovercraft SRN-6
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: hvrcrfts.zip Size: 1,552,638 Date: 09-23-2006 Downloads: 3,477
FS2004 Hovercraft SRN-6. Features hull that goes up and down when the engine is started and stopped. Hover craft by Mitsuya Hamaguchi.[/SIZE]

FS2004 Soviet Lebed Hovercraft
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: lebed.zip Size: 5,385,346 Date: 09-26-2006 Downloads: 1,954
FS2004 Soviet Lebed Hovercraft. The Lebed Hovercraft was made for the Soviet Navy in the 1980's and '90's. Capable of carrying light tanks, vehicles and missle systems to shore during operations. Twin turbines provide lift and propulsion. Self defence was provided by a 30mm Gatling type cannon in the right forward turret. This model has VC, vehicle deck, opening ramp and doors. By Tim Conrad.

Well I've been drooling over these clouds, between bouts of beating my head on the table:isadizzy:
I've downloaded from 5 different sites and am unable to un-zip the darn thing. I get "error reading file". My current attempt is FlightSim, here's hoping:jump:

My head is much better now, FlightSim came through. Anyone else having problems go there now!
be warned !

PLEASE, please note that the file at flightsim is not the same as Pablo's original !!!

The flightsim file is 20 Mb big while Pablo's in only 12 Mb. I don't know who posted the file at flightsim, and it may well have been Pablo himself, but there is no way to tell without going into their internal records. It's also possible that Pablo has done an update, but I checked the escuadron69 site and they still show the original, so, caveat emptor ...
hope this helps,
I compared both. The Flightsim version has 17 jpeg's in the zip's root. The rest appears to be the same. I picked one of the cirrus bitmaps at random and compared the file properties from both zips, and they were the same.

On a side note, I'll be taking one of those jpeg's and converting it for use as the backdrop for the aircraft viewer - "7c" is a stunning shot! I just wish I had a higher rez version for a wallpaper!
Well, 7c didn't turn out like I hoped, but I was able to use 1c. Here's what my main screen looks like now. Please don't ask for the file - I need to get permission from Mr. Diaz to upload it since it's based on his work. Once I get that, I'll get it uploaded here and possibly Flightsim.
I loaded the clouds and sky colour at maximum res and ran GW3 (first time for 6 months) and was amazed by the results:applause: I've been considering removing all traces of Fs9/GW3 from my HD but I've decided not to.



My two cents are a satisfied thumbs up for Pablo's work:applause:. My system struggles with detailed clouds so loading all the cirrus, #2 cumulus, and all the sky colors brought back ugly low FPS rates. But dropping the 3D clouds to 20% did almost nothing to the great looks and put FPS back up to acceptable. I mean to try all the files with this package to see which is best, after I enjoy what I have for a bit, and many thanks to Mr. Diaz for the thoughtful file size options.
I really like the wispy, semi transparent effects. Maybe I am imagining a little but it seems that all the ground textures are a bit less blanched out as well. So far all positive:ernae:
One of these days, I really need to stop being such a spend thrift and buy that Stinson Trimotor....that is one seriously beautiful plane!

I need to get permission from Mr. Diaz to upload it since it's based on his work. Once I get that, I'll get it uploaded here and possibly Flightsim.
I've gotten permission, and sent him a copy of the readme for his final approval. I should be uploading the background bitmap tomorrow.