How goes the work?

Hey All,

Milton Say it isn't so!

but put the brakes on the C-162 since there is a payware version coming out soon.
I was really looking forward to this plane and I seriously doubt any payware company could do it as well as you and your team!

That said I'm assuming all the tutorials that existed prior to the "crash" still exist? There are a couple aircraft that I've been interested in for some time. I have downloaded the manuals and they have 3-views and a reasonable set of specs - plus there are a fair number of pictures - inside and out... I have been watching for other info. While they are not aircraft that many would likely have any interest in they are aircraft that I might someday try to set my sights on actually flying. I relate more to aircraft like that and that is why I was looking forward to the 162. Anyway I might start piddling around with one of these- probably the blue and white one as it's 75% cruise is 147 kts true and if you trottle back a bit from that over 1000nm range. In Canada we don't have that silly 120kt limit and many of these aircraft are fully capable of more than that although the ones modeled for the US seem to respect that limit in the models disappointing for some of those models.

Ah, it is only temporary until after their release.

Meanwhile, we have the Dash 7 release looking like February ... textures being finalized, the Grizzly looks good for April maybe, the xp47j after that ... June. Somewhere along the route the C-162 will pop back in there. :)
After many hours and hundreds of parts, still a long way to go in the VC of the Grizzly, but it is shaping up. Hopefully will be able to map the interior by Monday.
XP47J Update

Damian has started working the textures on this Republic gem, and it looks like he has it well in tow. I am really looking forward to this one. :woot:
I know that before I got into design work, I was always interested to see the wireframes of aircraft that show the depth of work that go into these aircraft. I know from comments from others that many feel the same way. So I present here the wireframes of the Beechcraft A28 Destroyer / XA-38 Grizzly.
Good idea! Another fabulous example is Luca's stunning M-346 shown over at Netwings:-


Mine are unbelievably rough by comparison, but at least they're mine! :costumes:
You are right hairyspin ... that mesh looks awesome!

The current state of the XA-38 VC work with a little help from photoshop. :typing:
How can you create an aircraft container for CFS3?

Hello pw, for an example see just about any of the stock aircraft folders in the Program Files/Microsoft Games/Combat Flight Simulator 3/Aircraft folder. However to summarise, the basic container is a folder within the Aircraft folder containing the following:-
  1. AircraftName.m3d - the model as exported from gMax
  2. AircraftName.air - the flight model
  3. AircraftName.xdp - the damage model and external stores
  4. aircraft.cfg - this file defines weights, fuel load, contact points and lots of other data concerning the aircraft, duplicating a lot of the data you ought to put in the .air file for reasons I don't yet understand
  5. model textures - these have the extension .dds
  6. Sound folder - speaks for itself, really...
  7. damage effect texture - this has the extension .mos
  8. AircraftName_cockpit0.m3d - the virtual cockpit as exported from gMax
You will also find a file named AircraftName.bdp which you don't need to bother about - it's created by the sim when it first finds your shiny new model there. On the other hand, if you alter the configuration or add new effects, you must delete this file so that the sim rebuilds a new copy including your changes.

You may find that an aircraft folder contains more than one model - to supply variants of an aircraft type, and more than one VC model per aircraft - bombers have a bomb-aimer's position and may have multiple gun turrets. These multiple models are defined and controlled by aircraft.cfg.

You may also find the model(s) and VC(s) are actually in a model sub-folder, textures are in a texture sub-folder and weapons or loads peculiar to the model are in a pylons folder, but the basic container is the folder containing all these - to delete a model, just delete this folder and its contents, but don't rush to delete the stock models - the sim depends on some of them for basic functionality :banghead:

For more info, see the SDK documentation:-
I know that before I got into design work, I was always interested to see the wireframes of aircraft that show the depth of work that go into these aircraft. I know from comments from others that many feel the same way. So I present here the wireframes of the Beechcraft A28 Destroyer / XA-38 Grizzly.

Milton - You know that I've always been a proponent of the wireframe shot.....

Just think - the ultimate flightsim modeller's magazine "Down to the Wire" with the wireframe centerfold of the month!

All kidding aside, that's where the artistry of the mesh comes out.

I get more understanding - and ideas - on how to do/adapt my modelling from seeing wireframe screenshots.
I saw one of these brutes summer before last, just 2000ft up on final approach above where I was working. It's so BIG you think it's flying too slowly to stay up. Also from where I stood the port inner engine was hidden and I at first thought the third engine on starboard was wing cargo for a repair works! :redf:

It'll be good to see this one with some more details like undercarriage - how many wheels has the Antonov?