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There is a link to the Aircraft Airfile Manager in a post by sparks,the thread is here:

No offense pw, but I'd recommend spending $20 US and doing most of the work with AirWrench. For an FDE newbie like me, it saves a lot of headaches. The one thing I'd emphasise is getting aircraft.cfg fully done before firing up AirWrench. Works with CFS1, 2 and 3 as well as FS8, 9 and X; which is more than AAM can do afaik.

AAM could be used later when I've a better idea what I'm doing, but only for fine adjustments imo......
I really dont know because i cant open AAM


I have FS2002 installed as well. So, if I want to use AAM, I simply copy my FS2004 aircraft folder I am working on to FS2002. Then open AAM configuation, browse to the FS2002 main folder, and open it. Works fine that way.
XA38 Progress

Well, if we keep it up, we will ultimately be able to beta test this. :)




Thanks Milton, but i dont have FS2002 or 2004, i only have CFS1,CFS3, and just started FSX,so i think i will work whit the work book,BTW the grizzly looks awesome!
With the Grizzly work mainly behind us, back to the xp47j and admiring Damian's excellent bare metal work.



I suspect you can look at the Grizzly bear metal textures to see what is done. Damian Radice (windrunner) did both. Excellent work on his part.
Trying to get the basics of the AT-11 in place while taking a break from the Grizzly, and before I get back into the xp47j. We now have the nose and the new/old round windows cut in. We'll need some roof work, a turret, some bombay doors and bombsite door and we will be on our way ...

Here's what I have been working on. I am new to this so it's not perfect. I have always enjoyed flight sims and when I found out I could design my own it was a revelation. Now I can't get enough. Here are a couple shots of my WIP s. I need to work on surface animations and proper texturing. I will gladly take any suggestions.

Thank you Milton for your tutorials and reposting 'UVW Mapping' by the late John Howard White. Truly excellent works!
Tobob, looks like you are way ahead of me. That Beaver looking one looks nice!

I started on this one last night. I'm working in another program, but I've successfully imported it to .3DS format, so it looks like I'm going to be able to use the program I am more familiar with for most of the work - which is nice because it shortens my learning curve dramatically as far as modelling goes.




It's a conecpt aircraft. I decided to do something that's not real for my first attempt, so that I'm don't get too bogged down in trying to get all the details right. It's a concept for a 21st century update of the OV-10 Bronco.

I'm going to start all the cockpit modeling tonight and see how that goes.

I don't think it looks too bad considering I've got all of about 3 hours into it so far.

Great progress on your projects. :ernae: Hmmm, I wonder what happened to your attachments or screeenshots ...

JSpal, obviously you have some great skills in your design program to get this far in a few hours. That is great looking modeling even if you are not worrying about details at the moment.
Thanks for the kind words fellas. Here is a re upload of my screenshots. Not sure what happened to them, the server problems not helping I'm sure.

JSpal, that is incredible work for a couple hours. I have spent dozens of hours on these and there still no where near perfect.
To cut down on the complexity of my first project - expecting texturing and animation to take me a while to muddle through - I started a second, more basic plane today.



I'll call this one "inspired by the Zenair CH750" (link). I say "inspired" because as close as most of the fuselage and wings are to the real thing, the nose is way off and I worked on three different versions of the nose for more than two hours just to get it this close. I spent longer on the nose that entire rest of the aircraft.

I've still got a lot of work to do on it, but I think it will be easier to finish this one than the previous one since I won't have any landing gear or many other details to animate. I'll come back to the other one once I get through with this one.

I've got it imported into Gmax now, but glancing through the tutorials just now, I realized that the version of Gmax I have installed (the one from my FSX Deluxe SDK) doesn't have an option to export to .MDL.

Is there a script I need to download to do that or am I missing something???

I work quickly on the modeling part because I've been playing with this same program for about 8 years now so I know all the tricks to get things done fast, but the texturing it going to be the hard part for me. I've never messed with anything like that before. The modeling program I use (SolidEdge) handles all of the texturing inside of the program in a much different way than 3DStudio or GMAX do, so I'm exporting the model to GMAX and dealing with textures from there.
The face of an aircraft, just like with humans, can make or break it. Looks great here to the untrained eye though.

Gmax does require a gamepack plugin which is FsModelExp.DLE. MakeMdl (the compiler) and FsModelExp.DLE (creates the .x file) comes with FS2002 Pro version and with FS2004. It also comes with the Scenery SDK from MS and I believe is downloadable from FSDeveloper.
I have to say I have learned so much from the C162 Tutorial. I'm way more comfortable with using gmax now. Cutting and slicing were unknown to me before this as well as a whole arsenal of tools and techniques. I was using fs design studio for awhile but now I realize how powerful gmax really is.

So, here is my C162 in the works. I still need landing gear and will attempt the suspension animation. There really is a wealth of information in this tutorial and recommend it to anyone interested in modelling. There are quite a few gmax tutorials out there but this one is, in my opinion, one of the most thourough and informative.
Wow! That is looking great! Looks as if you are getting the hang of gmax for sure. :ernae: :jump:

Thanks for the kudos too; I appreciate that.
I have been busy! Here's another WIP. It's a Cessna CR-3. It was a race plane used in the 30's I believe.

I just got hitched on the 30th. Now I'm going on my honeymoon so I will be taking a break from modeling and taking care of someone else!!