Hs 129 is in the paintshop!

Third set of progress shots, and last for tonight lol

Added a bit of colour, and some detail work, plus a bit of shadowing and highlighting!

More tomorrow night!
No contest

Looking great! this bird opens up all sorts of possbilities...

QC between Mossie XVIII and this HS anyone? :173go1:

The Hs 129 flies well like a airborne tank. The Mossie will overwhelm it in no time at all. With the 75mm cannon the 129 flew at 370 kph maybe, the mk103 about 390-400 or so and clean 410. She is steady as a rock but no performer.
two masters at work = one masterpiece,Thank you very much for your hard work and time Gents.

Any plans for earlier model Hs 129's?

I will make a B2 version, two of these for sure. One will be a desert version and one European. If John wants to do a fourth skin for a version that just carries bombs and standard guns (no gun pod) then sure.
Having nothing written to the Hs 129 treads up to now, it´s time for my private confession:
This Schlachtflieger was subject of my wildest dreams since I´ve started with the cfs3 thing.
So I´m breathing in ever line and pic here with eyes glancing wide open and a sobbering mouth ...
:wavey: Thank you guys!
yours wolfger
Ok here's tonights progress, it's coming along nicely, managed to get most bits textured now, even got a bit of weathering done, still a way to go though!
Itl looks a bit flat at the mo, because there's no s.dds texture done yet, plus it'll need tweaking somewhat!:)
Hi Guys,

Hi John,

very nice mate, even at this stage :ernae:

:whistle: so um what does the VC look like old mate :kilroy: or am I pushing my luck :engel016:

regards Rob.
You should ...

.. she her on your computer, these picture do no justice to John's work.:woot:
Just the final detailing work to do now, plus the s.dds texture, better start hiding those t-34's!

The pit is great, your face is right in the screen, if you don't like tight spaces, this bird isn't for you!
Hope this will keep you happy Rob, until the texture is done!!:d
Hi Guys,

Hi John,

she is looking very nice, if not somewhat scary, the pit looks like its going to be a lot of fun to fly, especially those of us with trackir.

nice work, both Ted and John, cant wait. :ernae:

regards Rob.