Here's the first finished skin, I've got a couple more waiting in the wings, Ted just has to do a couple of tweaks, then it will be complete!
I'll be moving onto the cockpit next!
I've been reading about this aeroplane, very interesting stuff!, This gun actually slowed the aircraft down by 6 mph when it was fired!
Here's some extracts from actual pilots who flew the Hs 129!
Flying his Hs 129 B-3, Gebhard Weber recalled a successful attack he made against a Russian tank in a street in Breslau. As the tank was situated in a built up area, an attack from the side was not possible and Weber made his approach against it's rear. Flying along the street at low level, Weber opened fire. The tank exploded almost immediately, the force of the explosion sending the turret cartwheeling through the air high above the attacking aircraft. It eventually crashed through the roof of a house some distance away.
"We would normally open fire at a distance from the target of between 45 and 60 metres, and from such a close range the 30 to 40 degree firing angle brought the aircraft dangerously close to it's target"
( Hauptmann Franz Oswald II.//Sch.G 1, 8 (Pz)/Sch.G 2, 13.(Pz)/SG 9 Fuhrer der Panzerjager, Kommandofuhrer Erprobungskommando 26.)
"When we land, our groundcrews find that all of our aircraft have been hit by machine gun fire. They set to work immediately to repair the damage, though this is their sixth night without an hours sleep. how they manage to mend and restore our damaged machines to working order is often unbelievable".
(Feldwebel Otto Ritz 10.(Pz)/SG 9)
My Staffel attacked in relays and the enemy suffered heavy losses. Our pilots could see the panic-stricken response of the Russian tank crews and retreating armour presented splendid targets for us. each pilot made his run-in at low level and fired his armour-piercing shell at just the right instant, just like a firing range. when we went in for the kill, a steady approach and well aimed shot were vital to knock out a tank- I would say that it was a real art."
(Oberleutnant Geog "Drops" Dornemann Staffelkapitan 4./Sch. G1 & 10.(Pz)/SG 9)