Hs 129 is in the paintshop!

wow, i am breaking into a sweat. good job with that skin. Hope a desert one or mediterranean one will be available. thx.

On the mapping issue.
I think the best is to use planar mapping for spinners, all in one piece from the front.
Apply a planar UVW modifier, rotate as shown using the angle snap tool.
Set size to whatever is appropriate.


There'll be a helluva of stretching now that we need to unwrap.
Let's apply an Unwrap UVW modifier.
Should look like this:

The poligons farther to the rear have almost no pixel space on the texture sheet so we need to scale up the crossections, progressively more as we go to the rear of the spinner.
Selecting vertices is best done by going to the "sideview" in the Unwrapper by selecting the UW mode from the dropdown list.


Now select all crossection but those that allready have enough space on the sheet. Go back to the default UV view in the modifier and scale the vertivces up a bit so that the inner poligons on the sheet occupy fairly as much space as they do in the actual geometry.


Go back to UW view and unselect the inner crossection, or in other words, select one crossection less than before.
Back to UV and scale up again.
Repeat until it all looks fairly even and equally spaced on the sheet.
Hope that makes sense.



Tried this and well it is better. I'll need to practice a few more times but thanks. May not do it for this plane but there will be others.
Here's the first B2 version, it has the wrong exhaust stubs at the moment, but will have the correct one's soon!
Ted's done a very nice job on this one too!

This version was used a lot more than the B3, plus it was used in the MTO as well as the Eastern front! Got some nice skins lined up!
Hey John

You and Ted are truly masters
Keep 'em coming....... opss maybe someone already said that
Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Hi Guys,

Hi John,

what can I say you have done it again, great work :ernae:

and Ted, she's an awsome looking plane, thankyou so much for the work you have and are yet to do. :ernae:

regards Rob.
Woohoo!!! That looks magnificent!!

When can we start blowing up things? The explosion effects in ETO are fantastic so I can't wait...
Winter time in the east

Here is another .... some of the planes will have winter textures too
I haven't seen one in overall sand colour Hunter? If you meant this one, its a standard 70/71 splinter oversprayed with a sand squiggle.

If you can show me something in overall sand I'll do it!
Bravo/4 it's meravellous the HS in your skin , but , sorry , need to send you a skin for HS

See the attached for the correct description of Red J. From all the research I have done, the desert planes did not use the splinter pattern. Most were tan/brown and green with blue underside of RLM 80 (Olive Green) over RLM 79 (Yellow/Brown) with RLM 65 undersides with white theater stripe on the tail section.

The second shows the 70/71 with an over spray of 79.

The third and fourth picture will show additional information on the plane you have shown (Red J)with the dark shading. It seems that someone just browned the original correct 70/71/65 skin to make it appear desert, which it is not.