That is looking very nice Oleboy! 

Well thankyou OB. Its always nice to hear from others interested in sounds.
I've never used FSsound Studio myself, so I can't be of much help there.
I prefer hand editing from scratch on each project. This allows me intimate control and familiarity - essential to how the sounds will interact and produce the required results.
Just my personal prefered method. It works well for me.
It seems you have caught me on short finals with this one.
I spent the first 7 days searching for as much genuine Hispano-Suiza 12Y material as I could lay my ears on. Then another 5, searching all this stuff for usable segments (which for many reasons often proves to be precious little - poor quality, airshow commentators, voices, other background sounds...the list goes on).
Now, after many more hours of solid work (digitally re-mastering...sometimes laborious, but always vital), I finally possess all the sounds required.
Now the creative part I love the most; fiddling, tweaking, fine tuning, adjusting:-
Thanks Milton. I may have come across as being frustrated a few times, which considering what we do, it's justifiable. LOL!
I usually reach a stage where I become highly critical of what I've put together.
Then I become angry with myself. Its a kind of barrier.
So a kind of overdrive kicks in, I push the work (and myself) harder and very often start from scratch.
Then I know I'm going to create something worthwhile!
OB, you're the artist. Trust and follow your instinct.
I have experienced an occasional frustration, especially with the common crashes of gmax when doing intricate things. Fortunately auto-backups and saves every 20-30 minutes saves my bacon.
Making some headway with the interior model here, nothing set in stone, just wanting to get some basics in place, all changeable.![]()
Those sound logical to me. How many panel sections are you planning?
I'll be a follower of this part of the plane, and let others give their input on the subject as I don't think my knowledge is suitable to critique the era. Best I could suggest is to go with what feel right, and looks aesthetically correct for the time frame.
Concerning the pit.
Milton, when you come to a point of finalization (thereabouts) would it be possible to have the mesh/template for this area also, so I can see if I can possibly work a photo-real look to it? My reason for asking is due to I've never textured the inside of a models cockpit due to never having the opportunity to get/have the mesh. It could be fun and very appealing in the end.
Of course, I would encourage anyone who paints to do their own thing with this. It is actually much easier and simpler than the exterior.