Incredible to see what you guys have created in such a short time with so little information!
Thank you Ferry. This aircraft kind of grabbed me a year or two ago down in the Historic forums (a Moses post as I recall).
I copied the picture and found nothing to speak of on the web. So I sat it aside for a long time hoping that one day .....
Well, thanks to some great people here doing the research in places I cannot, we were fortunate to get enough information to cobble together what we have.
The Avia 51 needed to be done and the the 156 was a relatively easy by-product.
It also gave me the chance to step back from the Grumman projects and be productive while other progress is being made.
The neat benefit for me is I got time with this one to get back into the flight modeling to get these two aircraft done.
Frustrating at first, but I persevered.
Nigel has done some really awesome work on the sounds. I thoroughly enjoy the 51 package, and I look forward to the Avia 156 package now that I have a "glimpse" of what is in the works.
I am equally pleased that Oleboy graced the 156 with these beautiful photo-real based paint scheme. I am loving that.
But you know, it could not have happened this way without the behind-the-scenes research done by Elephant, Hurricane91, Moses03 and others.
The only thing I hope for now is a good "panel and gauge" guy to step up to provide some 30's era European flare to these works.

Do you know any from your side of the pond?