Introducing the Avia 51

Dear Milton

Merry Christmas

I phoned some of my elderly friends,as I am from Czech neighboring country,they say mostly red but also few blue,1 says also green but that was 1 out of 4 and all of them in the 90's not that easy to remeber

Doesnt help just a hint


Very interesting Roland; thank you for that.

Maybe we can get a few of these variants done along the way. :wiggle:
I think Miltons picture is only a promotional postcard (registration OK-AVF had Letov Š-218). Avia 51 never flown in Czech Airlines colors. Česká letecká společnost (ČLS) tried the first two prototypes in 1934 - 35 (OK-ABV, OK-ABW), but they proved unsuitable for traffic. I have picture with logo and text on fuselage. But blue stripes are correct for CSA in this era. Red is color of new era - Ilyushin, Tupolev and next :)
I think Miltons picture is only a promotional postcard (registration OK-AVF had Letov Š-218). Avia 51 never flown in Czech Airlines colors. Česká letecká společnost (ČLS) tried the first two prototypes in 1934 - 35 (OK-ABV, OK-ABW), but they proved unsuitable for traffic. I have picture with logo and text on fuselage. But blue stripes are correct for CSA in this era. Red is color of new era - Ilyushin, Tupolev and next :)

Thank you for the insight. A minor correction if I may is the postcard shows OK-AVE if you look closely. That was assigned however to the Avia B-122 according to the Czech historic registry here:

You can find all the Avia 51 registrations plus the Avia 156 and 57 there. :)

If you have any pictures to share, that would be greatly appreciated. :wiggle:
Need Panel Gauge Designer

I am looking for a Panel and Gauge designer for the Avia 51 and 156.

I want the gauges to be authentic for the period and, at best guess, for the aircraft.

The gauges should be either newly created, property of the designer, or available for use by a gauge-specific written permissions agreement that can be included in the documentation.

I prefer that the works be authentic-like to the Czech aircraft for the era in appearance, function, scales, colors, and metrics.

If this cannot be done, or if no one steps up, then I suppose we must settle for less.

Interested designers please contact me here or by Private Message.

Here is it, but the quality is poor :frown:

Looks like they took that picture in a snow storm :)

That was a great picture and fortunately I have a better version of it for reference.

I do wish that there are interior pictures out there somewhere, especially of the cockpit.

I am putting together a basic cockpit with panels and gauges but without a reference, my "artistic license" will be in full force. :)
Well, it seems that no one with panel and gauge skills is willing to help out on this project so in frustration, I will do a basic one.

After many hours of manually placing gauges to create this Avia 156 panel look, I decided to buy FS Panel Studio.

The attached screenshot was a practice run for creating a VC panel look for the Avia 156.

First, I'll scrap the painted, faded red background.

Then I'll scrap the Spartan, late 30's gauges.

Then I'll adopt a more gray-painted, metal background and early 30's gauges like the Lockheed Vega.

Just the basics will be provided. I have no graphics programs beyond MSPaint and no experience with gauges other than a general understanding of how it all works. I can modify xml gauges and cobble things together.

So, give me a little time and I will get these things done.

I am pushing the other projects to the rear until these are done.
Avia b-534 on il-2 shturmovik had czech gauges if i rememer correctly, but thats not much help i suppose...
Thanks Kikas. Since I cannot build my own gauges, I prefer to use default MS gauges and give them the credits.

Of course, as a user, you can redesign the panels anyway you wish :)

They are being built to be easily modified.
Milton, did you check out the KeDi gauges? All metric gauges might be more realistic (Although some might have german text).

Great looking aircraft btw!
Milton, did you check out the KeDi gauges? All metric gauges might be more realistic (Although some might have german text).

Great looking aircraft btw!

I agree about the realism, but can not use other peoples' gauges if I do this myself.

I have asked for help for panel and gauges so that a more realistic setup could be possible but I have had no responses to that. Therefore, I will do what I can with what I have available.

Thanks :)
looks fine to me Milton, you're doing fantastic work as always! :salute:

Beers on me in the mess tonight :ernae:
I agree about the realism, but can not use other peoples' gauges if I do this myself.

I have asked for help for panel and gauges so that a more realistic setup could be possible but I have had no responses to that. Therefore, I will do what I can with what I have available.

This is from the included docs:

This is freeware.
You may use it for your own enjoyment. This archive must not be sold, included in payware or uploaded to
websites, which charge fees. Also parts of this archive must not be given away for money in any way.

So if you (Or anyone else with knowledge and fs panel studio) want to use these metric gauges, you can!
Please press the New Year Beta Release button, Sir!

It looks like you're doing capital work there Milton. :applause:
Better Sir, than a fair number of payware panels I care or dare not mention.

Your thoughts on keeping it as 'neutral' as possible makes sense, and paves the way for something more specific, if and when reference for the authentic version(s) turn up.

Both Avia's are incredible models and bring one heck of a lot of fun back to flying.

Your REAL work has already been superbly and thoroughly done, a credit to your existing fleet of marvels;

My two pence - Beta release with the basic panel, and give the good folk here a chance to fly these beautiful aircraft for themselves.

It may even serve as inspiration for a more advanced panel from someone who specialises in them.
This is from the included docs:

So if you (Or anyone else with knowledge and fs panel studio) want to use these metric gauges, you can!

Okay, Thanks Ferry. I have them downloaded and checked them out. Very nice indeed. :applause:

I think I can figure most of them out by looking at the xml that calls out the bmps.

Meanwhile, progress on the English front in getting the basic gauges in place.
Some redundancy to deal with, and missing stuff.

You can laugh now .... it is my first panel. :)

Once I am happy with the "collection", I'll try to improve it.

Then, I will attempt to do a "proper metric" version. :)

The 2D panel ... LOL ... the guys did a poor job of scraping of the windscreens :)

I need someone to volunteer to paint the windshield posts and side bars. Anyone willing to give that a shot?
looks fine to me Milton, you're doing fantastic work as always! :salute:

Beers on me in the mess tonight :ernae:

Thanks Matt. BTW, did you get those change requests I sent last week?

It looks like you're doing capital work there Milton. :applause:
Better Sir, than a fair number of payware panels I care or dare not mention.

Your thoughts on keeping it as 'neutral' as possible makes sense, and paves the way for something more specific, if and when reference for the authentic version(s) turn up.

Both Avia's are incredible models and bring one heck of a lot of fun back to flying.

Your REAL work has already been superbly and thoroughly done, a credit to your existing fleet of marvels;

My two pence - Beta release with the basic panel, and give the good folk here a chance to fly these beautiful aircraft for themselves.

It may even serve as inspiration for a more advanced panel from someone who specialises in them.

Thank you Sir! Yes, I fully expect if anyone enjoys flying these aircraft, and if they have the skills, a much better panel setup will emerge... at least I hope. :)
just checking now Milton, been checking on my phone and sometimes some messages go AWOL, so just firing up outlook...

EDIT; Sorting the changes now :salute: