Introducing the Avia 51

I am uploading a corrected Avia 51 FSX version to my site for the missing textures.

I also corrected the autopilot function.

Should be ready within 30 minutes.

EDIT: Revised Avia 51 for FSX now loaded and ready for download from my website.

For those already having the FSX installed with the SCW texture that would like a corrected aircraft.cfg for the Autopilot function, it is attached.
Otherwise download the latest version that includes the SCW version and the corrected aircraft.cfg AP function.
Things pretty hectic the last few days...

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Recording some rare wildlife sounds in the Amazon Rainforest, dash up to Cheb to oversee the finishing touches to Avia 51 'Olympic Flame' then on down to the Southern Hemisphere to put the final trim on the Avia 51 'Seaplane Safaries Ltd' for our fine New Zealand Gentlemen flyers.

Keeps you on your toes, but Milton's Avia masterpieces are such a pleasure to work on.

Now, quick ouzo with you guys and I'm gone...'someone' fancied flights around Lake Nakuru, Africa...never could refuse an offer like that!​
glad to see ya about buddy :salute:

fine looking screenshots (despite it being the heathen-sim)...

ouzo? count me in! "Yiamas!" :jump:
glad to see ya about buddy :salute:

fine looking screenshots (despite it being the heathen-sim)...

ouzo? count me in! "Yiamas!" :jump:

Only the first one!
9 forgot to include jungle and rreal rriver wata.

You thought it was more than one 'illegal' pic cos you's already been gulpin' 'ouzaki'...

...ampt ya?(!) :icon_lol:

"Yiamas!" :jump:
You thought it was more than one 'illegal' pic cos you's already been gulpin' 'ouzaki'...

...ampt ya?(!) :icon_lol:

possibly :icon_lol:.... gonna have to go raid a distillery, after this 12 hours bottle to throttle time has passed, think the Greek staff would mind a Civvy XA-38 mounting a midday raid on their Distillery? land the bugger in a big enough field, run over, nab some barrels and boxes then scapa :icon_lol:

..... now where's the electrolytic/energy drinks gone?! need that to take the edge off the ouzo and keep hydrated... :icon_lol:
View attachment 61760 View attachment 61761

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Recording some rare wildlife sounds in the Amazon Rainforest, dash up to Cheb to oversee the finishing touches to Avia 51 'Olympic Flame' then on down to the Southern Hemisphere to put the final trim on the Avia 51 'Seaplane Safaries Ltd' for our fine New Zealand Gentlemen flyers.

Keeps you on your toes, but Milton's Avia masterpieces are such a pleasure to work on.

Now, quick ouzo with you guys and I'm gone...'someone' fancied flights around Lake Nakuru, Africa...never could refuse an offer like that!​

Oh Man, that work is stunning!
Just FYI, the first pic in FSX Nigel took was using FS9 contact points.

This is how she looks using FSX contact points. :)
I'll wait for those rather nice liveries before doing the Recorder Module Group, meanwhile Nigel, this is especially for you: commercial-free, just a little Tchaikovsky to introduce all that noise.

Oh Man, that work is stunning!

Thanks Delta Victor Juliet, it all boils down to another superb Masterpiece from Milton.
With such a remarkable piece of engineering to work on, the rest was just a breeze.

We're experiencing a flightsim Renaissance....aren't we?

Amazing work, Nigel.:guinness::guinness:

Magoo, as long as there is the enthusiasm from all you fine flyers; YES! the way I see things, fs2004 is just in its teething stages.

Renaissance; count me in!

Now, race you to Stewart, BC! (last one in, gets an extra ouzo!).

Excellent work Nigel :applause: :applause:

Just sent you an email :wavey:


I just figured Nigel was overloaded with Ouzo :icon_lol:

Well, I mean the aircraft.


Appreciate the kind comments Pete...

Bugger!...good thing you're more sober than I, otherwise the flak on the "Seaplane Safaris" would have put a grimace on my face the likes of which even a Maori Warrior would be shocked by.

Yeah, must be the fumes from all those barrels I'm carting down to you blokes in NZ.

Eyes of an eagle, this Gentleman.

Good on ya Pete!

I'll wait for those rather nice liveries before doing the Recorder Module Group, meanwhile Nigel, this is especially for you: commercial-free, just a little Tchaikovsky to introduce all that noise.


Hey Wing, there's plenty of the 'good stuff' for you too in the cargo too my friend.

Very much looking forward to the Avia Video (Wing's video contribution to the Gumman series, is a must, to watch!!!).

Tchaikovsky eh?...are you thinking of the 'Nutcracker' suite, by any chance? Lol.

If you 'gets' to the ouzo first, it may turn out to be Mozart's 'Mid Summer Nights Dream'...okay, okay... I'll be Ee-aw!
(icon: Mozart's famous 'silly laugh':icon)

Just FYI, the first pic in FSX Nigel took was using FS9 contact points.

This is how she looks using FSX contact points. :)

Milton Sir, I was just using the floats as...extra reserve tanks.

Thought you wouldn't notice (keeping it as a surprise),...foolish of me Sir!

Thankyou for giving us such awesome aircraft as these!

Milton Sir, I was just using the floats as...extra reserve tanks.
.....Well....a major issue with floats is the ongoing fight against corrosion. I understand that Ouzo may not only be used as a de-icing agent on surfaces and in fuel lines, and notable too as a performance enhancing octane booster in fuel tanks, but bush pilots here in the wild-wild North love the stuff for it's superb anti-oxident and preservative qualities, on aircraft alloys and in pilots generally. :mixedsmi:

...What's this about Stewart, BC? Something amiss up there, I've been hearing rumours at the Flying Beaver about a previously unknown Avia floater running registration numbers that I may be familiar with. I said," boys must be mistaken, it must be an old Norseman with a fixed pitch climbing prop, and a deaf old pilot who's white knuckled hands forever smell like whitefish."

They said,"no, it's an Avia with a crushed velour interior like Whitehorse Palour own by a certain Madame that we flyboys all admire.....

Now....I'd say they're all full of beans and just pulling my finger, but lately these vaguely suspicious pictures have been surfacing in familier places....and what with photoshop and things like that that being what they are, and the internet being what it is in this day and age....

...I figure I'd better just haul myself up there and sit and wait with a box of sandwiches and some of Nigel's deicing fluid, until this mystery Czech Avion shows up....

View attachment 61786 to ride until your friends find out. Real men run radials. One's good, three or four are that much better.

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View attachment 61760 View attachment 61761

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Recording some rare wildlife sounds in the Amazon Rainforest, dash up to Cheb to oversee the finishing touches to Avia 51 'Olympic Flame' then on down to the Southern Hemisphere to put the final trim on the Avia 51 'Seaplane Safaries Ltd' for our fine New Zealand Gentlemen flyers.

Keeps you on your toes, but Milton's Avia masterpieces are such a pleasure to work on.

Now, quick ouzo with you guys and I'm gone...'someone' fancied flights around Lake Nakuru, Africa...never could refuse an offer like that!​

The '56' in the first pic is going to SINK! Did you remember to put the stoppers back into the floats after you drained them last fall? Prolly not, huh? Well, at any rate... the skins on those planes are sharp!!! Very nice work, Nigel... and you've captured the nostalgic look of the plane perfectly in those shots, mate.

The '56' in the first pic is going to SINK! Did you remember to put the stoppers back into the floats after you drained them last fall? Prolly not, huh? Well, at any rate... the skins on those planes are sharp!!! Very nice work, Nigel... and you've captured the nostalgic look of the plane perfectly in those shots, mate. BB686:USA-flag:

...thought you and Matt did a good job of drainin' em last night...

or was that just a pair of stray intoxicated Howler monkies rolling around on the cockpit floor this morning.

From now on, I'm taking Magoo's sound advice concerning 'float preservatives', but I'll get a welder to seal the stuff in!
And spare not the beans!

Thanks for the good words Bravo - Bravo, now to persuade Magoo to spill the beans on that amazing Stewart scenery...

or was that just a pair of stray intoxicated Howler monkies rolling around on the cockpit floor this morning.

one of 'em was me with hangover.... don't know who the other was, woke up, had splittin' headache, rolled around a bit then grabbed my chute and headed to the DZ... blow the cobwebs out :icon_lol: