Introducing the Avia 51

It's gorgeous Nigel. Nice panel layout too Milton. The cockpit looks professional
and comfortable. You can add these to the long list of superlatives describing
the entire Avia series. Thank you both for the many hours of hard work you
put into the AV 57. The aircraft is stunning, inside and out.

Best regards,
Nicely Done Nigel, fire up the Avia Floater... it's time to go do some Fishin'! kick back, enjoy some Ouzo.... :salute:
kikas, Hurricane91, Matt Wynn, RobH:

Thankyou all kindly Gentlemen, I hope I have done worthy credit to Milton's awesome product of inspiration.
Gee Nigel... after looking at those pics of the interior cabin, I'm not so sure if I want to fly her, or ride in her now...:isadizzy:

Exquisite work, mate!

Well, you know....

....there never used to be be any real standards around here.

We'de go for a ride in that old corrigated trimotor, Iron Annie, and the pilot'd get all hinky with the controls. (Hey guys, watch this....!!%&*!!)
He'd throw it around, we'd float weightless for a moment, and somebody'd always cough up the cookies. We all thought it was all just big squirmie joke, business as usual.

Taildragger set down on the tarmac, somebody'd opened a hose just aft the flightdeck, and the gag would all run down to the tail and out the door held open with a bungie cord. Tail wheel would never fully pivot due to all the sticky stuff that washed down into it's support bearings.

Then we got this new generation of painters and interior designers to fit out these latest planes from Milton. Now it's all black tie and formal when you fly in these things. I'm certain there'll be a string quartet rattling off Mozart when the Avia does it's first official circuit over the town. We'll drop cup cakes and paper angels to the commoners has they look up and wave in wonder. They'll tell us how well our tuxedos go with the new upholstry, how clean shaven we all look, and how nice we smell.

I mean, it's not a bad thing. But there was something about a peeling paint Junkers with duct tape upholstry and air fresheners all over the place that made it easy to deal with passengers eating raw blubber between Inuvik and Dawson Creek. Or pulling a moon out the back door while you buzzed the Seargant's mess at Cold Lake.

Well...those days are gone.....

Now there's a passenger roster that lists members from the Montreal Ladies Morning Musical Club, The faculty department heads from The Chicago School of Fine Arts & Architecture, and some esteemed Diplomats from the local Embassy of the Czek Republic in Washington DCeeeee.....

I know it's a step up in the world, but jeeezzz. This bathing, shaving and deoderant stuff. Darning socks and renting a Captain's hat AND being pleasant to passengers. We're expected to be calm and fly level while the Flight Attendant serves refreshments and meals, and here's something new....a check list.

What the heck it THAT...?

I guess the good news is that we don't have to fly into the log-sort at Chicken, Alaska and handbomb fresh caught Salmon loose into the hold any more......

Final proviso....a memo found stapled to the hanger door...essentially it warns us about the distant unlikelyhood of finding a loose thread anywhere on the freshly loomed and hewn Avia interior resist our typical urge....and NOT PULL THE THREAD.

Instead....forward a memo upwards though the beaurocratic order of the upper management echelons....and poste-haste a smaller, faster Avia with a single Vee Twelve engine shall be dispatched to meet your flight at it's next arrival. The English gauged cockpit and Greek registration will ensure descriptively that you been met by the master arts and craft designer himself....and upon wacking the back of your hand with a small stick, shall immediately repair the new upholstry in the correct manner, thus maintaining our superior investment and appearance, therefore promoting better manners and higher standards throughout the aviation industry.


...And whatsa checklist...again...?

..But truly...

Nigel, Matt, Milton, and all creative's fellows like you that really push the possibilities of what "should be" a simple relaxing pastime, and instead present us with an interactive aviation dialogue that is most often simply sublime.

As a child, I never thought we'd see desk top flight simulators of this quality, at home, on the my lifetime. Thanks for making it happen you guys.

I'm left in amazement on a daily basis.
Magoo, it IS a simple, relaxing pastime my friend.

Your sentiments don't fall on deaf ears either.

I believe the fundamental objective for most of us is to creatively enhance the perception of realism during flying to the best of our abilities. Obviously, we all have personal preferences for the 'ideal', if such a thing exists.

Like yourself, I like nothing better than to crawl inside a cockpit with worn out seats, coffee stains, scratched paint and a scribbled flightplan stuck somewhere handy with gum.

But don't forget - this is a new aircraft being wheeled out of the factory and its still early days.

Join us for a few thousand hours in and out of dodgey bushstrips, quick turnarounds, and some good old wear 'n tear from the gang and I reckon it could become home, sweet home!
Put the rocks away fellas , don't stone me ......... :icon_lol:

It's confession time ...... I'm gonna be pulling the seats out to haul boxes into those far off rough strips up north :monkies:

Shame to get it all dirty though , the pay rates gone up for my dedicated ground crew. :icon29:

Magoo, it IS a simple, relaxing pastime my friend.
.....If it is difficult, it is done. If it is impossible, it shall be done....

Credit to you and your creative peers, Nigel. You make it look simple and relaxing.

I'll break with tradition and built a heated, climate controlled hanger for the new Avia. The least I could do. That's the "eat your cake and have it, too", clause that comes with every copy of Flightsim. You may rack up the hours and still have a brand new aircraft at hand. And when it's SO GOOD...that's the treat.
I'll break with tradition and built a heated, climate controlled hanger for the new Avia. The least I could do. That's the "eat your cake and have it, too", clause that comes with every copy of Flightsim. You may rack up the hours and still have a brand new aircraft at hand. And when it's SO GOOD...that's the treat.

mine'll be treated nicely.... by Hellenic Air Force Standards..... only need washing when you need to paint it again :icon_lol: :ernae:
mine'll be treated nicely.... by Hellenic Air Force Standards..... only need washing when you need to paint it again :icon_lol: :ernae:

I had an old car like that once, and BTW... NONE wil be treated as nicely as the "Savannah Queen". She's privately owned and those who look after this beauty always treat her with a gentle hand. A fitting tribute for such a gentle flyer.

No bouncing around the passengers here, I don't like the idea of getting the carpet scrubber out each night.... :icon_eek:

No bouncing around the passengers here, I don't like the idea of getting the carpet scrubber out each night.... :icon_eek:


yeah in Africa you'd need it out every night... imagine that smell when you're flying when it gets to the midday sun :icon_lol:... i'm lucky, always keep my Gas Mask/Respirator Handy so i can fly without that smell :icon_lol: