Beta Testing Help
Thank you all for your continued interest and support.
We are preparing a beta test package and will ask several of you to help with the efforts.
I ask that you be a thorough as time allows to check these aircraft from cold and dark through all flight phases, day and night, dusk and dawn, inside/outside, 2D and VC, all gauges, all liveries, short and long strips, engine out scenarios, with your realism settings, against available documentation (such as it is), flight parameters, and crash tests. If you are willing to report on all of this, then we hope we make it easy for you.
Issues and problem reporting required, recommendations and observations are welcomed.
I will send out download links late Monday or Tuesday. I would like your reports by Friday. Barring substantial issues, we look to release the package next weekend.
If you do not have the time over this test period, please say so up front (all of us are not retired

. We need honesty, forthrightness, and genuine, critical, observational efforts to help deliver a problem-free package.
I have developed a list of potential testers who have shown a lot of support and interest. These include:
PeteHam, Magoo, Hurricane91, BB686, Kikas, Moses03, Sunny9850, Duckie, OldPropFan, StuartCox, LemonAdeDrinker, Jagdflieger, and Matt.
If you prefer not be on this list due to time constraints or any reason, just let me know.
For everyone else, if you think you should be on this list (and are not) and have the time to be thorough, speak up.
Thank you in advance for your help.