LOL Pete
Beta test update; issues found, some resolved, some to be done:
1) Aircraft overstress when flaps deployed: corrected, air file attached above
2) Icons: Other Controls INOP
3) Panel Lighting Switch No Work: Works for me but, there is no gauge backlighting on this old aircraft; using fx_vclight but will add two sprays of light for VC panels before release
EDIT: I see I left out the fx_cabinlights so that would explain the NOOP cabin switch issue. Also used fx_vclilght_Red ... may not be a default so you may not have that. Changed to use vclight default effect.
4) Fuel Tank selector for #3 INOP
5) Ref and Checklist differ on RPM settings for takeoff/climb (s/b 2200): Corrected
6) Remove fx_red/green wing tip lights as they are modeled in gmax-Done
7) Gear Drag may be too low: increased by 40% to test (not included in air file attachment above)
8) Panels: Pitot and Cabin Lights not labeled on panel texture
9) FSX Transparency issues in cockpit: Black alphas changed to white
10) Stall Light: partial on bmp
11) Gen#1 Switch animation incorrect - goes up only halfway
12) Window glare could be brightened
13) Roll vs Rudder (Yaw) - Cl_dr: should be more neutral; Elevator sensitivity may be a bit high
14) FSX Mouse overs seem problematic: Will investigate, no issue seen here in SP2 Accel DX9 - ensure your viewpoint is not in the seat or headrest. EDIT: I was wrong (had old version in FSX), mouseable issues will be corrected.
15) FSX: Some VC textures on switches and metalware could be improved.
Thank guys; great work so far.