That's exactly the point...
Very nice Goucho! One thing at the time, without any hurry, even slow thinker like me can get it
One thing at a time... and ANYONE can do it... A case in point... Beepee just posted his panel version of the ANF 117...
using my bmp...(with my authorization) But although I reminded him to use circular gauges without bezels... he apparently was in such a hurry...
he just cleared the tableaux as I had done it... reducing it to just a flat, single value surface... and pasted his "ready to wear"
instruments from his panel -of which I had revised the art work - and the panel looks better than the original... but loses the effect
of my re-do to an important extent... the instrument bezels... look like they just hang there in midair... not really belonging
with the rest of the artwork... Basically.. I believe... a case in point of the hurry to "publish"...
Circular instrument faces... and switches with drop shadows... would make the instruments "feel" more like part of the whole...
a concept that I think many of our developers often overlook... One can cut and paste... a lot of my work uses the technique,
but... THIS IS IMPORTANT... said cut and paste must harmonize all pieces together... be "bent" into a single style...
In other words... an instrument face only gauge... all it has to do is fit inside a circle... right?... so it looks like part of the artwork
A gauge with ready placed securing screws... no drop shadows, etc. JUST LOOKS LIKE IT IS HANGING THERE...
Reminds me of an Italian associate I worked with back in Vicenza... he spoke English fairly well.. and would cut and paste pieces
of text (well related) but written in different styles... and the result would "smell" of plagiarized work... I, instead, would do the
same... but taking care of changing the verb usage...etc. and it looked like it was written by one person....
so, you are getting the message of my tutorials... with KISS (keep it simple etc.) and do so methodically... ANYONE CAN DO IT!!