Just finished a new 2D panel for the Storch..

This quaint aeroplane has many possibilities..


It looks to me that it was made for fs8, or cfs2, thats why there's no pilot and prop, right? But it looks really good, would be nice to have one for fs9. Your paint as alway looks good too :encouragement:
Does that mean there is no way?

It looks to me that it was made for fs8, or cfs2, thats why there's no pilot and prop, right? But it looks really good, would be nice to have one for fs9. Your paint as alway looks good too :encouragement:

Isn't there any way to have the crew show in FS9?
Advise, if any, appreciated...
Isn't there any way to have the crew show in FS9?
Advise, if any, appreciated...
I downloaded it and at least prop shows up, but crew is missing, its CFS2 model, some of them, like Akemi's models, work fine, others, like this, dont.
I downloaded it and at least prop shows up, but crew is missing, its CFS2 model, some of them, like Akemi's models, work fine, others, like this, dont.

I just cooked a quick tutorial on texturing doped fabric surfaces for Jynx...
maybe someone else might find it useful... If there are any questions.. just fire away...
(we are working with him on a between the wars biplane)...


Here's a plastic surgery procedure on the ANF 117 panel

I just cooked a quick tutorial on texturing doped fabric surfaces for Jynx...
maybe someone else might find it useful... If there are any questions.. just fire away...
(we are working with him on a between the wars biplane)...



To wit:

That's exactly the point...

Very nice Goucho! One thing at the time, without any hurry, even slow thinker like me can get it

One thing at a time... and ANYONE can do it... A case in point... Beepee just posted his panel version of the ANF 117...
using my bmp...(with my authorization) But although I reminded him to use circular gauges without bezels... he apparently was in such a hurry...
he just cleared the tableaux as I had done it... reducing it to just a flat, single value surface... and pasted his "ready to wear"
instruments from his panel -of which I had revised the art work - and the panel looks better than the original... but loses the effect
of my re-do to an important extent... the instrument bezels... look like they just hang there in midair... not really belonging
with the rest of the artwork... Basically.. I believe... a case in point of the hurry to "publish"...
Circular instrument faces... and switches with drop shadows... would make the instruments "feel" more like part of the whole...
a concept that I think many of our developers often overlook... One can cut and paste... a lot of my work uses the technique,
but... THIS IS IMPORTANT... said cut and paste must harmonize all pieces together... be "bent" into a single style...
In other words... an instrument face only gauge... all it has to do is fit inside a circle... right?... so it looks like part of the artwork
A gauge with ready placed securing screws... no drop shadows, etc. JUST LOOKS LIKE IT IS HANGING THERE...
Reminds me of an Italian associate I worked with back in Vicenza... he spoke English fairly well.. and would cut and paste pieces
of text (well related) but written in different styles... and the result would "smell" of plagiarized work... I, instead, would do the
same... but taking care of changing the verb usage...etc. and it looked like it was written by one person....

so, you are getting the message of my tutorials... with KISS (keep it simple etc.) and do so methodically... ANYONE CAN DO IT!!
Salem Representative upon request...

Just did a quick paintjob of the FTDG old P-51b with british Malcom canopy in the livery of the "Salem Representative" to
fulfill a request by an SOH member...




Downloaded the wonderful repaint of the Zero... and couldn't resist doing a little
treatment to the wide screen panel....
I see Shessi is about to release a couple more Hornisses... got to see this!
As usual, the repaint is available through PM...


Working on a panel for his bird...

I have repainted Ito's new addition... and working on his 2D panel... mm lots of work needed...
Panels are not definitely Ito's territory... he just does not seem to care much for that...





will probably finish the panel today....
As usual, repaint is available, just PM me...

Here is the panel for Ito's Mitsubishi "Babs"

I did finish it today....
As usual, repaint is available, just PM me...


A panel redo for Scrubb's recent release of the Ta 152...

Just did it today....
As usual, repaint is available, just PM me...


Dear Gius... continuing our tutorial...

Here is a concise illustration on how to make your P-40 panel a bit more
"convincing"... and with the addition of some shadowings, wear and weathering to
follow this tutorial... you'll see some really "tangibility" in your panel...
To wit:


Last edited:
Here is a concise illustration on how to make that your P-40 panel a bit more
"convincing"... and with the addition of some shadowings, wear and weathering to
follow this tutorial... you'll see some really "tangibility" in your panel...
To wit:



Hello Carlos,
Please take a look at my thread in Cfs2 forum, and let me know your opinion on my last work...
Sarò in grado di contattarti via Skype domani, grazie ancora per i tuoi tutorial....
Thank you for the correction Dave....

Pardon the slip.... I have corrected the texture... and will send you some pics with it when I am finished...
with the right codes this time lol .... Indeed it is QP and NOT PQ... sorry about the lapsus... no
problem to fix it because I keep the originals in layers... and can do changes "on the fly"...


Back to the future.... so to speak, a T-2 Buckeye (USMC)

Just downloaded a very promising freeware T-2 Buckeye... so far I redid the 2D panel...
and started work on a repaint for a USMC trainer... It is worth the effort, I think, a
deign challenger to Ito's old classic model...
As usual, all repaints available upon request via PM...


I opted to do a USN livery.... but .... mmmm.... I think I'll stick with Ito's version for repaints...
This one is a nightmare of a mapping.... can't seem to get it right, change after change...
comes out ....mmm.... not the best... but acceptable...
I must say... Ito is very exacting... and apparently patient with modeling... and since
painting and detailed cockpits are not his "bag" he just glosses over that...
His mappings are a pleasure to redo or repaint... and even his panels can be worked on easily...

As usual, all repaints available upon request via PM...




Working on a Sabreliner USAF....

I must say... this is one nice little plane...
It would be such a fine thing if the author had mapped the interior.....
Nonetheless... it renders a very nice meal finish
As usual, all repaints available upon request via PM...






I certainly feel encouraged by the number of people following this thread... Thank you...
I anyone has a request for a tutorial or any particular livery... you can use this space
to make your desires known....
I thoroughly enjoy helping folks like Gius... Jynx... etc. or collaborating with guys
like Shessi.... and it gives me something to put my skills creating things to good use....

Working on a panel and textures for an Ukranian An-2

The Antonov An-2 Colt by Pigley really has caught my fancy....
Doing new Ukranian textures and a 2D panel...
Still quite a way to go... but this a WIP shot of the main texture... no weathering yet...

It further illustrates the points brought out in my tutorial for you... relating to the use of "chiaroscuro"
techniques for shadowing, shaping and adding volume...
When finished... the textures will be available to all...

