don't take my word for it.
this is not the gospel according to milo.
lest we forget, i'm a student as well.
last night, i played with vectors
and their construction, trying to understand.
i'm still in the dark,
but, this is what i found.
first, the set up...
as you know, seeing these buggers
with all the parts and other vectors,
is, at best, difficult.
i thought, for a brief moment,
about deleting stuff, to have an unobstructed view.
then, wait a minute...look at the graphic editor
when ad2k is first fired up
and a 3DM has not yet been selected.
lookie there, a blank slate.
okay then, from the Utilities menu,
Show Vectors, key F4
Make a vector, key Ctrl+F4
apparently, the default original point
(Null point) coordinates are 0,0,0
BUT, it can be moved by mouse only
fortunately, the extremity point
coordinates can be defined with the keyboard.
check it out...if you enter coordinates in a box,
then, click on another box, the vector will move
to the point you selected.
this is a nice feature, if say,
you are trying to fine tune
the location of the gear pivot point.
the menu option is also available to edit the vector,
but, as with making one, the origin (null point)
can only be moved with the mouse.
i don't really like this, but, maybe it's because
i don't understand the vector concept.
about your prop build;
i'd say, if building it at the finish location
works for you, build it where you want.
as i said above, one of the reasons
i like building, especially complex sections,
at 0,0,0 is because, basically, it's the view point
for most sim models or close to it.
panning a round the model and observing
how parts fit is much easier.
also, about the prop build,
i know it's your model
and i guess i'm nit picking,
but, to me, Ivan's prop blur,
as good as it is, infers movement.
if that is the case, why would you want
to infer movement when the props are not turning?
just a thought.
one final nit pick,
did you change the spinner/prop build sequence, yet?
i noticed there was a prop bleed through
when viewed headon.