Milton's Howard 500 a fresh look!

Thanks Nigel! That's another area I need to learn to do... weathering, and such stuff as residue from the exhaust on the nacelles. All in good time I guess. -Ted

TF, I have a photoshop file of my own generic weathering layers I'd be happy to donate to your effort. I can zip them up and post if they will help.
TuFun has the "fever" Unfortunately there is no doctor for the ailment. :icon_lol:
Looking good TF!

Lol...Happy New Year OleBoy.

Bet if we could see him, he dribbles when viewing photo's of aircraft metal and froths at the mouth at the day's beginning.

I recommend a good therapist who'll give you regular doses of naked airframe. :kilroy: days I understand that the young folks use the word,"sick" the complimentry context.

I guess that'll do.........:mixedsmi: days I understand that the young folks use the word,"sick" the complimentry context.

I guess that'll do.........:mixedsmi:

'Phat' will also work :icon_lol: though i'll stick to 70's London and use 'Pukka' :icon_lol:

i'll just go and resume drooling over some metal sheeting i found round back of my Paint hangar....
Here's how the tails look... now I'm finally going for the flaps. ;)







Absolutely beautiful :applause: :applause:

You've certainly come along way from the start of this project. :jump: :jump:

Well done. :icon29: :icon29:

Can't wait too much longer to get my grubby mits on this ..... :icon_lol:

TuFun; You're truly making the Howard take to the air! :medals:

I'm loving every minute of this thread.

Great gesture Chief re the re-mapping - TuFun will make good use of it.
Hey, TF, I would give anything for a full repaint of the entire plane by you for that reg number !!

My main focus is on the cargo variant, but I do like the TP Howards colors. I was testing the colors since the base is gray.

At the moment I only have the remapped cargo version Milton has provided. TP Howard is a passenger version, and it would be
really cool to repaint that one too!
TuFun; You're truly making the Howard take to the air! :medals:

I'm loving every minute of this thread.

Great gesture Chief re the re-mapping - TuFun will make good use of it.

I know the Chief is a busy master modeler and I didn't expect the Howard to be updated.

He did and to boot, he threw in some cool pilots!
My main focus is on the cargo variant, but I do like the TP Howards colors. I was testing the colors since the base is gray.

At the moment I only have the remapped cargo version Milton has provided. TP Howard is a passenger version, and it would be
really cool to repaint that one too!

I will send the passenger remapped version to you Sir. :)
Looks like this will be my next project!

Thanks Milton. Mr. Paz textures he did for the Howard are really hard to beat, but I try my best to give good representation.


I'm kind of getting lost here at SOH again.Are you currently doing/working on a refreshed version of Miltons Howard 500?.Has yours been released or is the refresh still in progress.

I have one of Miltons ported over Howards that works in FSX.

Anyway.Are you coming out with one of your own refreshed versions of the Howard 500?.If it is out.Where can I find it for download etc.


I'm kind of getting lost here at SOH again.Are you currently doing/working on a refreshed version of Miltons Howard 500?.Has yours been released or is the refresh still in progress.

I have one of Miltons ported over Howards that works in FSX.

Anyway.Are you coming out with one of your own refreshed versions of the Howard 500?.If it is out.Where can I find it for download etc.


This is Milton's FS9 Howard 500 cargo version that I'm repainting bare metal. It is still a work in progress (WIP). I'm learning as I go with this project, and as I improve my skills so shall the changes be applied to the model, hence updated wings as one instance. I fly this model in FSX with 2048 textures, and also have 1024 textures for FS9. I've been studying the interior also to improve textures.

Following this project when completed is the TP Howard passenger repaint. I did a test on the rudder, and I think it will be a cool project to do. -TuFun!
This is Milton's FS9 Howard 500 cargo version that I'm repainting bare metal. It is still a work in progress (WIP). I'm learning as I go with this project, and as I improve my skills so shall the changes be applied to the model, hence updated wings as one instance. I fly this model in FSX with 2048 textures, and also have 1024 textures for FS9. I've been studying the interior also to improve textures.

Following this project when completed is the TP Howard passenger repaint. I did a test on the rudder, and I think it will be a cool project to do. -TuFun!

Thanks Tufun.

I fly it as well in my FSX.I've been looking for newer paints for it as well.I haven't found any yet.

Do you by any chance have the acft.cfg text entries necessary for the shockwave lights to work?.

