Just been catching up on all the great discussion on the flight characteristics of the P-51, here. I must say, Great Reading! :ernae:
I've personally, for all the sim P-51's I've flown, taken Dudley's words from an online article of his that I read. He said he'd always keep speed up around 140-150 on final to see over that nose, and use those 'triangles' on the bottom left and right of the canopy, once flaring.
Now, I've not really had any trouble at all landing this ship nicely, both three pointer and wheel. I keep it at around 130 MPH on final, slowing as I go, and then as I see I'm getting close to the runway, I begin chopping power as I gently lift the nose up into that three point attitude.
I've found a neat trick for remember that three point attitude: When parked on the ground and facing a flat area on the horizon, just simply look at where the horizon would run through the panel. Typically, with P-51's, it's usually right under the bottom of the gunsight.
Raise her up to that attitude or a shade under, and flare into 75 or 80 MPH with full flaps and chopped power, and you're in for a nice three point landing.
Another word of advice from the Dudley, and it's about the throttle. Don't ever jam it forward, or you'll 'auger in'. In every plane I've flown in real life, my Dad and others would say "Push the throttle in over a three-second count". Seems to work nicely for the smaller ones... Wonder how that method works on the P-51... :d