Thanks for all the input. Way back when I was 17, I learned to fly in a PA-140. After getting my Private, I did most of my my flying in a Civil Air Patrol Super Cub (@ $10.00 a hour). To me, flying a "tail dragger" was easier than the 140. Maybe it was just the stick thing between your legs. Last July I got the chance to fly in the Collings P-51c, man what a ride! I also got to log alittle stick time. No takeoffs or landings, can't see anything to the front from the back seat. I told myself before hand to make small inputs, roll was just fine, but pitch, just the smallest of movement and you were +/- 500' something you felt in your stomach, as I roller coasted across the sky. I tried to keep up on landing, but as Bill said I think I got to far behind, I never even seen the runway untill we crossed the theshold. Will Whiteside, the pilot, didn't bounce, just smoooooth. THANK YOU, Warbirdsim, for great and demanding aircraft to fly, from the front seat.