Mustangs are go!

Here, here ! You can never have too many Mustangs...the bigger the herd the better ! :d

Hello the guy problems with the update air file P- 51_Fighter_Leader.rar
Impossible has to install
Bandit, are you refering to your question about the aircraft.cfg file?

I think only the people from Warbirdsim can actually answer that question. However I perhaps as the initial idea was to allow only "official" repaints perhaps the size or file date of the cfg file is checked to ensure this.

cant even get a simple answer to a simple question,

I've posted this before but Post #111 (Warhorse47) has a link to a free application, Notepad++, that will open, allow editing and save the aircraft.cfg file. Standard notepad won't save the file correctly (all the line spaces go). For anyone interested I've added a repaint of my own and an autopilot successfully using this programme.

If you want to stick with Windows Notepad, you can take the 10 minutes to space the aircraft.cfg back correctly. Then any future changes work as usual.
cfg questions


I had no intention of creating a weird behaving cfg file. But one of my machines does corrupt it if I go and make any changes.

Sorry folks, glad you are finding a way round it.
If all else fails, copy and paste an existing cfg onto the desktop. Open up the Warbirdsim cfg, and copy and paste the text over, and resave.

Probably already been suggested but if not, that will work.

Okay: Here goes, I'm positive that the "eye candy" factor will be fully realized with any thing John has his hand in. However My enjoyment of sim flight is based around the Immersion factor, I.E. how accurately is the flight modelling, and especially how many controls, knobs, switches, buttons etc. are enabled and actually have an effect on the flight characteristics and wear and tear on the airframe and engine. Don't get me wrong I love the eye-candy as well, and John does that as well as anyone ever will. (salute to John) My concern is, does this product offer more or only near the same as say Sky unlimiteds versions, or A2A's P51D or warwick's. All excellent. I know there are restrictions imposed by the way the Sim is designed. Microsoft can only put so much in before you need a series of Kray super computers just to taxi. Anyway just wondering if anyone could give their impressions of the control and immersion factor. I have already read the torque is modelled pretty good, I fully expect this is a "state of the art" product. I guess I just need a little more prodding.
After all that, I've been watching this developement all year and my hat off to all you folks that can produce these types of products. AWESOME.

Ol' Jarhead

A big 'DITTO' here. Reading all the comments posted so far, I am noticing a lot of 'pay' reluctance but then those that have stepped up to the plate seem pretty pleased initially.
I may also take the plunge as I have always wanted a C model to fly! I must wait for another payday however....
- Blue Skies -
Youtube Video

Hi Folks,

Just noticed that a customer has very kindly uploaded some video to youtube.
For those who have not seen our horses, this may wet your appetite a little!

First I must thank John, warbert, and all involved in the creation of this Mustang. As a RL pilot flying almost all taildraggers I find this aircraft to be as close to the real thing possible with FS9. Ground looped on the first landing. Have not flown a real P-51 but I have flown some pretty hot ones.
LCBORDEN...get it you will be glad you did, but if you don't know how to fly a tail wheel airplane, your going to have fun learning.
The only question I have for the design team is, is it possible working with FS9, to have a more real start up and shutdown simulation? 8 or 10 blades slow turning with one or two cyl. firing and then finally all 12 at start. At shut down the sound continues until the prop stops.
The above is no big thing. For those waiting to buy....just do it.
Thanks again and bring on the "D" models. When you are done with the Mustangs, and if you plan on other types, I hope you will consider the F7F.
Bob (mustang51) I had already picked it up. Like yourself I was making an inquiry to see if there was even more realism that could be wrung out of FS9. I too feel this product is worth the money, When the engine is a cold start, it's as much immersion as you can get, (darn ol' cold Merlins anyway) I am waiting on the little fix so that the pitot switch works, and of course anythng else Warbirdsim thinks they can cram into an update. Would love vintage radios and early type era autopilot. But I'm only making a wish list not complaining. This is a superb addition to FS9, can only imagine what FSX would be. (The F7F would be a dandy, wouldn't it)

ol'jarhead :wavey:
Glad the Notepad++ is working well on the aircraft.cfg updates.

Now I'm hunting for some good WWII scenery, and looking forward to some additional skins.

In the meantime...we can also use a good screenshot thread someplace.


PS: Mustang51 - I like your suggestions on the startup and shutdown mods.
Cheers. :ernae:

Start up!

Thanks for the very nice comments!

Have not yet found a way to do what you are asking with the slow start up. This is as far as I can see, a limitation of FS9 and possibly even FSX,
as I have not got that far.
I was pleased to be able to work in the fact that the V-1650 does not start everytime, that one was a few late nighters!

Have fun!
Any update on when boxed set shipments will commence (or resume)?

Thanx to John and the Warbirdsim team for these wonderfull P-51B / C Mustangs.

Sweet and challanging to fly, and beautifull to behold.
Replicas of the real ladies to the finest detail, inside and out.
The music from her mighty Merlin is very well tuned and strong.
To describe her in one word AWESOME.
Browsing internet I found the following nice original WWII movie.

Hope many more Mustangs may roll of the production line, maybe even some modified ones, used for the Cleveland races of 1948.:jump:
Thanx again for this gift, and much succes for any future projects.
