Nothing like flying DCS around the boat now, so this new module will be mind blowing I'm sure. Only one week. (When does it become January 17th in the DCS Store? I need to get this the first minute it comes available.)
Just got new booties (MFG Crosswind rudder pedals). What a good experience with their new Web Store. 7 days from Coatia to MN, nice.
DCS: Supercarrier will be available for pre-order on January 17th with a 30% discount and will deliver as an Open Beta by the end of Q1 2020. Owners of DCS: F/A-18C will receive a discount when purchasing DCS: Supercarrier.****
Hmmmmm....My guess would be not,A 30% discount is already very size able ,I can't see how they could give so many owners of their Flagship Product a deeper discount than that..but...I hope I'm wrong?I wonder if the discount for Hornet owners stacks with the pre order discount? Was not even aware that Hornet owners were getting a discount, so it should be great either way.
25 to 30% is pretty darn fair IMO. I appreciate the gesture to be honest we want to keep their cash flow going to keep them in business for future products.