New Nimitz Class Carrier

***Release Trailer***

​****W O W****

My point exactly!!!

There is nothing like this in any other sim. Don't get me wrong, I love P3D and all the military and Navy models in there, that talented developers have put forward for us, plus the fact that you have the whole world to operate. However, the realism of naval and combat operations in DCS and this module is unparalleled so far. What you see in these videos is real and you can experience on your computer.
After my 1st test on MP yesterday on the Supercarrier, it's going to be hard to go back to boat ops in P3D, which I was recently re-visiting and installing all my ships. Even in the Tomcat, my FPS were good on the PG map with 5 guys in the pattern.
Yup. Renders P3D completely impotent. There's absolutely no circumstance I would ever go back to P3D for anything combat related. Even with the world terrain available. Simply not even a contender. Boat ops is so utterly immersive now, it's impossible to think it was any other way....I'm so impressed with this update. MP is VERY stable ATM. No deck sliding no issues.

A few pics from the stock module:





Those shots should convince anyone on the fence. Very cool to watch the shooter after going into tension, having to look around the canopy bow in the 14 and wait...just need something on my desk to punch me in the chest for the cat stroke!
Fantastic shots Rick....My only Gripe is now I need to Re-Learn how to Plop that Turkey on the deck as my new LSO is Very wary of my Ball Calling abilities.:adoration:

Weekend News

Development Progress

Over the past six month we have been working on a human motion model with intelligent behavior for infantry and deck crews. We have started with the deck crew, and we will scale it to infantry units. Both logics will receive two new behaviours: Obstacle Avoidance and Dynamic Reroute according to the situation. Re-routing behaviour is based on a path search algorithm with any-angle path planning.
Obstacle Avoidance is based on the Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (ORCA) method used for holonomic robots with several restrictions on linear and angular speeds, linear acceleration, and discreteness of animation. The first phase of the development is complete and cases must now be considered for when aircraft are passing by, directing aircraft to and from a parking position, avoiding moving aircraft, different states of service and interruptions, etc.
Dear Fighter Pilots, Partners and Friends,
This week we bring you a preview of the new features coming to DCS: Supercarrier. For improved night time operations, new deck crew gestures such as launch bar and brake release signals, light wands and improved shadows are being finalized.
Heatblur Simulations will deliver an update to DCS: F-14 Tomcat in the next Open Beta. “Work continues with major improvements and additions. These range from visual features such as the new cockpit pilot models to some of the remaining key features including advanced jamming effects on the radar and associated displays”.
- Heatblur Simulations

Keep your eyes peeled for DCS: A-10C Operation Agile Spear Campaign by Combat King Simulations. This immersive single player campaign is engaging and fun. It’s a good way to sharpen your Tank Bustin’ skills. Enjoy!
Thank you for your passion and support.
Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics

Development Report

An important and challenging feature of DCS: Supercarrier has been the development of night operations. Over the past year, we have been working on several aspects that will soon be released to Open Beta. These include new deck crew animations that utilize the new skeletal animation system, new animations that are specific to night operations and the inclusion of light wands. This will make deck operations at night much easier and more realistic.
For the aircraft, deck crew and objects on the “roof” at night, we have improved lighting and shadows based on the deck and tower lights. We continue working on this feature to enhance performance and frame rates. Please note that deck shadows will be an option that you will need to switch on in the graphic options.
On final approach, you’ll now need to contend with the “burble” effect. This disturbed air flow coming off the back of the carrier results in a brief partial loss of lift as you close in. This can make things much more of a challenge if you are unprepared. We continue to tweak this effect and you can expect the first iteration shortly.

F-14 Tomcat
Development Report

Recently, DCS: F-14 Tomcat received an impressive update and overhaul to the autopilot and associated aircraft control systems. This has been a massive undertaking and will have a significant impact on your flying. Our aim is to provide you with the system as it would function “under the hood” in the real aircraft. This will generate the same effects that the real F-14 Autopilot would exhibit in varying flight conditions.
The Tomcat’s development continues with improvement of various systems and the addition of some final features currently missing from the module. This all means the Tomcat will more accurately reflect the functionality and limitations of the real aircraft. If you missed it, please read more here.