New Nimitz Class Carrier


DCS: Supercarrier

Requires DCS World version 2.5.6 or above!
DCS: Supercarrier is the most detailed and realistic simulation of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier ever created. A Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is a nuclear-powered fortress at sea with a crew of over 6,000 sailors and airmen. The angled flight deck with arrestor wires and four steam-powered catapults support air wing operations of up to 90 aircraft. The ship also includes a formidable air defense system that includes the RIM-7 Sea Sparrow Missile and RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) missiles, and Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) gun system. A Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is the ultimate power projection weapon.
Miles: 3490
STEAM Incompatible
Keyless product
Minimum system requirements (LOW graphics settings): OS 64-bit Windows 7/8/10; DirectX11; CPU: Intel Core i3 at 2.8 GHz or AMD FX; RAM: 8 GB (16 GB for heavy missions); Free hard disk space: 60 GB; Discrete video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 / AMD R9 280X or better; requires internet activation.
Recommended system requirements (HIGH graphics settings): OS 64-bit Windows 8/10; DirectX11; CPU: Core i5+ at 3+ GHz or AMD FX / Ryzen; RAM: 16 GB (32 GB for heavy missions); Free hard disk space: 120 GB on Solid State Drive (SSD); Discrete video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 / AMD Radeon RX VEGA 56 with 8GB VRAM or better; Joystick; requires internet activation.
Recommended VR systems requirements (VR graphics settings): OS 64-bit Windows 8/10; DirectX11; CPU: Core i5+ at 3+ GHz or AMD FX / Ryzen; RAM: 16 GB (32 GB for heavy missions); Free hard disk space: 120 GB on Solid State Drive (SSD); Discrete video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 / AMD Radeon RX VEGA 64 or better; Joystick; requires internet activation.

**Hornet Owners save 50%**

We are pleased to announce that DCS: Supercarrier is available for pre-order with great savings! Pre-order DCS: Supercarrier and save 30% off the $49.99 retail value. Owners of DCS: F/A-18C Hornet will receive an additional 20% off, for a total savings of 50%. This is on top of ED Miles you may apply."
Done. Now the only thing to do is complain about when "Early Access" will start (just kidding).
Just ordered mine. The discount and being a Hornet owner, that was a great discount! Looking forward to getting her.
Pre purchase complete. Now I am hanging for it to come out though :untroubled:

Only $24.99 USD (about $37 AUD) for me, so pretty happy with that. It's gonna be great.
Getting the DCS world update downloaded and the Carrier will be the first purchase after it completes! :encouragement:
Odie / Others - Just a reminder that the carrier will not be available for use for a couple months (AFAIK, someone mentioned 4/1/2020). I would recommend a US Navy aircraft like the F/A-18 or F-14 as your first purchase. You will get a carrier with DCS and once you have a good US Navy aircraft for it, you will be able to prepare for the release of the carrier. It took me a couple sessions before I was anywhere competent at landing on the carrier.

Here is a quick review of my Case 1 (VFR) carrier landing pattern in the F/A-18: Upwind about 10 miles ("Instant Action" release point) (a) hook down, Tacan to 74X, HSI to Tacan 10 mile you approach carrier on about a 360 / 010 heading get to 800' AGL / AWL and 400 KTS.... passing carrier to your left check clear deck and slowly count to 10, break left level at 800', pull 4 G's (or your speed divided by 100), level out on reciprocal heading (180) with speed below 275 KTS, drop gear and flaps, watch outside for carrier to about your 7 o'clock / HSI until Tacan pointer to 7 o'clock, turn back toward carrier to line up with angle deck, look for ball (I've never seen it very well, so I use HUD "E" bracket and aircraft path symbol), approach speed is between 135 - 140 (watch you indexer lights, but I find the HUD "E" bracket and aircraft path symbol a better speed indicator (bracket above path FAST, bracket below path SLOW)). Catch the number 3 wire (lol). Hook up, turn right to exit the landing area....nothing to it. (That is is quite challenging.)

Good luck. Buy now while things are on sale!
Also, keep in mind that if you own the Tomcat by Heatblur, you're getting the F-14B, F-14A & USS Forrestal & possibly an AI A-6 tanker as part of the total purchase. Not to mention Jester AI and all the missions and in game training tutorials. It's the best value in all of DCS World hands down.


Dear valued clients,
We earlier stated that DCS: Supercarrier would be available to play in early access by Q1 2020. However, we will need to postpone the early access release to 15 April 2020 in order to complete the “Stay at Home” Sale. We do not launch large products during an ongoing sale event.

This also gives us more time to complete some needed tasks before the early access release. To be as transparent as possible, we are sharing the DCS: Supercarrier task list to complete before its release:

Issue Type
Due Date (if applicable)
End date (if applicable)

Implement network deck crew behavior between players
In Progress

Optimize performance

Correct aircraft and deck static object collision behavior
To Do

Correct track replays when aircraft taxi on the deck
In Progress

Non-Carrier Aircraft or non-owner Interaction
In Progress

Long Range Line Up Light tuning
In Progress

Tune PLAT camera video
In Review

Synchronize deck crew in MP
In Progress

Synchronization deck crew at player connect
In Progress

Tune carrier and aircraft interaction physics Stopper
In Review

Correct hold back bar installation on E-2C Hawkeye
High priority

Tune the high-detail LSO Station High priority
To Do

Improve the LSO human model quality
High priority
In Review

Reset human player to catapult if player fails alignment to catapult shuttle
High priority
To Do

Hold back bar position adjustment after aircraft launch
High priority
To Do

Animation and connectors for CVN-72/73/74/75
High priority
In Progress

Correct hangar door texture of the Kuznetsov
High priority
In Progress
20/Mar/20 16/Mar/20

Static objects placed near the island can snap to highest point on mesh if mistakenly placed on part of the island structure.
Medium priority

Fix ejected pilot falling through deck
Medium priority
To Do

Synchronize server and client jet blast deflector animation
Medium priority

Correct Supercarrier unknown indication on RWR
Medium priority
In Review

Add carrier pained deck lines in ME
Medium priority
To Do

Correct damaged PAI on catapult Medium priority
In Review

Smoother deck crew transition between sitting and standing poses Medium priority
In Review

Tune visible carrier damaged model
Medium priority

Remove possible desync on first load of multiplayer
Medium priority

Include Supercarrier in the encyclopedia
Low priority

Integration of DCS: F-14 Tomcat is planned to be delivered with Release State version. However, we will try our best to add some Supercarrier functionality to Early Access version too.

Many thanks for your support and patience,
The Eagle Dynamics Team

Unique Carriers

For DCS: Supercarrier, we will be providing all Nimitz-class aircraft carriers of the Theodore Roosevelt subclass. These include:

CVN-71 USS Theodore Roosevelt
CVN-72 USS Abraham Lincoln
CVN-73 USS George Washington

These will be the first three carriers released at Early Access. After the Early Access release, we will provide:

CVN-74 USS John C. Stennis
CVN-75 USS Harry S. Truman

In addition to unique naming and numbering of the carriers, they will also have unique geometry. This is most evident in the islands (towers and antennas). Please see attached and note that they are work in progress.

Each ship will also have unique carrier communication callsigns.


Attached Thumbnails

***New FAQ***Thread***
Dear all,

We have been reading all your great feedback and questions on DCS: Supercarrier, and we wanted to create a FAQ to consolidate all of our answers. We will continue to read all of your questions, and we will update this FAQ. Please keep 'em coming.


Will Supercarrier support the F-14 Tomcat at Early Access release?

Yes. We are working with Heatblur to make this happen and we are making progress. While we cannot promise 100% that it will be ready for the Early Access launch, it will certainly be ready in short order thereafter.

Will plane directors marshal players and the AI to catapults?

Yes this is in the design specification of the module but will come after the initial Early Access release.

We also plan to have a plane director guide aircraft out of their parking location and hand off the aircraft to another plane director to guide the aircraft to the catapult.
Once the aircraft is close behind the jet blast deflector, the aircraft is then passed off to the plane director on the catapult.

Will you include a salute animation for the Hornet pilot?

Yes, we are currently updating the pilot models for the Hornet and the Viper, and we plan to include some animations. This will come after the initial Early Access release.

Is there also a key command for the Salute?

Yes, it’s Left Shift+Left Ctrl+S.

Can you collide with the deck crew?

No, at the initial Early Access release they have no collision model. Later, we hope to add a form of self-preservation logic to avoid collisions.

Will the elevators work?

Yes, they will work automatically for the AI to move aircraft off the deck to prevent over-crowding. Later with the inclusion of the Air Boss station, we will also allow players to manually raise and lower them.

Will the hangar be included?

Yes, and modeling is already underway. However, given that pilots never get into or out of their aircraft in the hangars, this is a lower priority and is scheduled for a later date.

Will red shirt ordnance animations be included?

We have no such plans at this time due to the unrealistically large investment required to support all weapon types and the huge permutations of placement on the aircraft.

How will aircraft be moved around the deck for cyclic operations?

Actual movement is not possible for static aircraft and deck crew given their nature as static. However, using the Mission Editor, adding a simple static despawn event for such units is planned.

How is the performance?

A lot will depend on your computer, how the deck is populated, and level of detail of the models used to populate the deck. However, given that the carrier is at sea, there is no terrain or ground objects to render like an airbase. It goes without saying that the larger the number of high poly count aircraft on deck the bigger the hit.

Why is Supercarrier not free or included with the Hornet?

A tremendous amount of time, effort, and capital has gone into this sophisticated module, and more is still do come. The development cost of Supercarrier rivals many of our aircraft modules. To include it with the Hornet would drive up the cost of the Hornet well over a $100. Please also note that we provided an all new carrier with the release of the Hornet at no extra cost.

How will deck crew night launch operations be supported?

We are working on the addition of glow sticks and aircraft light flash signals. Vests also have reflective patches. This will probably come after the initial Early Access release.

***mini update***
Hey everyone,
To give you a head start learning operations around the boat, we have attached a preliminary copy of the DCS: Supercarrier Guide, created by Bunyap.

Please note that this is work-in-progress and we'll be adding a chapter on using the LSO station, some adjustments to the radio messages, and some tuning of the deck crew hand signals. However, this should get you started.


Attached Files
updateHow will deck crew night launch operations be supported?
We are working on the addition of glow sticks and aircraft light flash signals. Vests also have reflective patches. This will probably come after the initial Early Access release.
What is include at Early Access launch?
• Highly detailed polygon model
• High resolution textures that include realistic weathering and markings
• Animated arresting wires and lifts (AI controlled at first)
• Animated radar antennas
• Animated aircraft elevators
• Animated catapult bubble between catapults 1 and 2
• Steam from catapults
• Deck lighting
• Risers (guard rails) around aircraft elevators when lowered
• Populated island crew
• Long range line up lights
• Animated “rabbit lights” along landing area center line
• Damage model
• Functional air defense weapon systems:
o Sea Sparrow
• Option for all Nimitz-class aircraft carriers of the Roosevelt sub-class:
o CVN-71 Theodore Roosevelt
o CVN-72 Abraham Lincoln
o CVN-73 George Washington
• Deck parking. Allow up to 14 aircraft to be spawned on deck for multiplayer missions
• Carrier radio communications for Case I, Case II, and Case III
• Static deck crew that can be placed by mission designer
• Animated deck crew for bow and waist catapults launches
• Static deck vehicles (mule, fire truck, and crane) that can be placed by mission designer
• New Kuznetsov Russian aircraft carrier
• Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer

What are the items planned for after Early Access release?
• Ready Room
• Air Boss Station
• Interactive LSO Controls like manual control of hook touch down location, hook to ramp height, wave off lights, and cut lights
• Plane directors to guide aircraft to catapults and off the landing area
• Three additional ships of the sub-class
o CVN-75 Harry S. Truman
• Rendered hangar deck
• Emergency barrier net (controlled for Air Boss station)
• Deck crew (not static deck crew) that move to avoid collisions with aircraft
• Deck crew glow sticks for night operations
• Pilot animations like the salute and right hand on grab bar

How will I take part in carrier operations if I do not own this module?
The CVN-74 John C. Stennis that was released at the same time as the Hornet will remain in DCS World as a free carrier. We will remedy all takeoff issues, but it will retain the existing model and not have deck crew, radio communications, Ready Room, LSO station, and other features included in Supercarrier.
How will it work in multiplayer if a player does not own Supercarrier”?
Anyone can join a server that includes the Supercarrier module. Owners of the module can takeoff and land on the Supercarrier, as well as use the Case 1, 2, and 3 radio communications, Ready Room, LSO station, Air Boss station, and more. Non-owners of the module will:
• See the Supercarriers, deck crew, and aircraft on the deck in missions. This will allow them to join a multiplayer mission with Supercarrier.
• Create missions with the Supercarriers using the Mission Editor.

However, if you do not own the Supercarrier module, you will not be able to spawn on the deck to takeoff or catch an arresting wire to land. You would also not be able to take advantage of the new radio communications, the Ready Room, LSO, Station, and Air Boss Station.
How will the new Kuznetsov aircraft carrier and Arleigh Burke destroyer be included?
We will keep the exiting Kuznetsov aircraft carrier as a free version, but under a different name than the new one as part of the Supercarrier module. The new Kuznestov is an entirely new model with new geometry, textures, animations, and AI taxi behaviors. In single player, ownership of the Supercarrier module is required to use the new Kuznetsova and Arleigh Burke. In multiplayer though, they will be visible to all players and can be attacked and attacked by them. This will allow players that do not own the module to still join a server that includes the module. However, in order to takeoff or land on the Kuznetsov or Burke (helos) in multiplayer, ownership is required.
What aircraft carrier communications will be included?
At Early Access launch, Case 1, Case 2, and Case 3 will be supported. After Early Access will we do additional work to include spins, pattern re-entry after a wave off or bolter, and Automatic Carrier Landing (ACL) support. You can find a preliminary version of the guide here:…69&postcount=2
***Getting Close*** :jump:





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