New planes and repaints wishlist

Milton,that DOES make me VERY happy! And thanks for considering the Raider! It could share the ramp with the Avia 57(one of my favs):adoration:


It would have already been done except I cannot find a 3-view larger than a cell phone display :biggrin-new:
Long my most wanted helo: Sikorsky S-56 / HR2S / H-37 Mohave

A state of the art B-45 Tornado with both B-45 and RB-45 models

Lockheed XF-90 with USAF and Blackhawk skins

Martin T3M on wheels and floats

Martin PM-1 and PM-2

Douglas PD

Keystone B-3 / B-4 / B-6 bomber

Curtiss B-2 Condor bomber

Martin MB-1, preferably including a long-nose MBT version

Lockheed F-94B (not the same plane as the F-94C that we have)

Curtiss F6C on wheels and floats

Curtiss XP-37

I'm sure I;ll think of more as soon as I hit Send...

Mick don't forget the H-37 had a subvariant called the HR2S-1W that would be an interesting addition to any collection. Photo:



  • HR2S-1W.jpg
    89.6 KB · Views: 15
Polair Tri-Trubo DC-3

DC-3 on floats

Ford tri-motor on floats


and oh yeah on the YC-125

Waco SRE
Might as well join in. In no particular aircraft, my wishlist is:

B-25B Mitchell
B-26-MA Marauder (Yes, the short wing version, it looks sleeker and can reach 315 MPH)
XB-28 Dragon
B-32-20-CF Dominator (Weird that no one has made one yet, though from the blueprints the gear system will be a nightmare to animate)
XB-33A Super Marauder (Though I'll actually build it myself, since the Glenn L. Martin museum sent me some amazing blueprints)
PBM Mariner, all variants (Still working on that)
XP2M-1 Mars (No one made the twin tailed version)
I found the same image but much, much larger than any cell phone display. Also a big one of the floatplane version.

Thank you Mick. I have two 3-views- one is 363X500, the other is 510x792. For modeling purposes, I would prefer something larger for clarity of details, and contains cross sections. If I cannot find that, we'll just have to make do I suspect.
Thank you Mick. I have two 3-views- one is 363X500, the other is 510x792. For modeling purposes, I would prefer something larger for clarity of details, and contains cross sections. If I cannot find that, we'll just have to make do I suspect.

How about 1200 x 1592 pixels?

Same drawing but much bigger. If you can use it I'll e-mail it to you directly. I still have your address.

There's also one in a bit less resolution of the C-125C floatplane version. I don't know if that ever got beyond the drawing stage.

How about 1200 x 1592 pixels?

Same drawing but much bigger. If you can use it I'll e-mail it to you directly. I still have your address.

There's also one in a bit less resolution of the C-125C floatplane version. I don't know if that ever got beyond the drawing stage.

Yes. please send both. :) Thank you
They're sent, in a zip file so no e-mail software would automatically shrink them.

I hope they help.

Sorry Mick; those 3-views are not correct. Do a side by side comparison with the others.

The fuselage is shaped like a C-123 and the engines shapes are off. They do not appear to be accurate drawings compared to RW pictures I have.
Sorry Mick; those 3-views are not correct. Do a side by side comparison with the others.

The fuselage is shaped like a C-123 and the engines shapes are off. They do not appear to be accurate drawings compared to RW pictures I have.

Aw, drat! :(
More paints for the wonderful MILVIZ T-50 Bamboo Bomber - Williams Field 42-71559 Y-187 With Red Cowlings

Noordyne UC-64A Norseman by Alabeo
North American B-25J Mitchell Accusim by A2A
Stinson L-1 Vigilant
BT-13 Valiant

Cessna 421 by either Carenado or Alabeo

Cessna Sovereign by Carenado
Citation X+ by Carenado

hey!! Cessna 421 by either Alabeo or Just Flight and Noordyne UC-64A Norseman by Alabeo or Just Flight same....

Antonov An-12 by Dino Cattaneo
Antonov An-70 by Dino Cattaneo
Antonov An-140 by Dino Cattaneo
Antonov An-178 by IRIS Simulations
Vickers Varsity by Just Flight

British Aerospace ATP by MILVIZ

Dornier 328(Whatever -100/110/120/130 Turboprop and -300 Jet) by IRIS Simulations
Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia by IRIS Simulations
Fairchild Merlin IIIB by Carenado
Xian MA60 by IRIS Simulations
I wish...

! wish I could finish the projects I'm already working on.

Wishlist for aircraft?


Gloster Gauntlet
Fairey Swordfish
de Havilland Vampire
Handley Page Halifax

Anyone for a Sea Fury Pack inclusive of Reno Racer variants?
