New planes and repaints wishlist

Basler turbine engined c-47

I would really, really, really love it if Manfred produced a Basler Dakoto/C-47 for FS2004. Although there are not that many out there in the real world, the ones that are have really great colours applied to them.

A turbo-prop C-47 is always on the top of my 'hope someone makes it' list.

Should not want more fine a/c than I already have, but the need for more runs deep . . . .

Manfred! Please hear my prayers and bring comfort to my soul. I love you C-47s for FS2004 and want more. I realise that we hangers on in FS9 are slowly wasting out, but let us die happy.

Happy New year y'all from deepest Wales.
It would have already been done except I cannot find a 3-view larger than a cell phone display :biggrin-new:


I have a flight manual for the YC-125 in PDF format. I've ordered an Erection and Maintenance manual which I should have tomorrow or the next day.

aka P3aewguy
! wish I could finish the projects I'm already working on.

Wishlist for aircraft?


Gloster Gauntlet
Fairey Swordfish
de Havilland Vampire
Handley Page Halifax

Anyone for a Sea Fury Pack inclusive of Reno Racer variants?



Transall C-160 Aircraft Factory by A2A!!!!

Did you notice this version ?


I have a flight manual for the YC-125 in PDF format. I've ordered an Erection and Maintenance manual which I should have tomorrow or the next day.

aka P3aewguy

Thank you Dave. I have this one, but I can use whatever you can share. :jump:


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Thank you Dave. I have this one, but I can use whatever you can share. :jump:

That's the FM I've got as well. I also have the Erection and Maintenance manual which has a lot of details. Attached a few here. I'll try and set up a dropbox for the whole manual.



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hey!! Cessna 421 by either Alabeo or Just Flight and Noordyne UC-64A Norseman by Alabeo or Just Flight same....

Antonov An-12 by Dino Cattaneo
Antonov An-70 by Dino Cattaneo
Antonov An-140 by Dino Cattaneo
Antonov An-178 by IRIS Simulations
Vickers Varsity by Just Flight

British Aerospace ATP by MILVIZ

Dornier 328(Whatever -100/110/120/130 Turboprop and -300 Jet) by IRIS Simulations
Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia by IRIS Simulations
Fairchild Merlin IIIB by Carenado
Xian MA60 by IRIS Simulations

And none of those will happen for fs2004.
All those developers threw fs2004 out like a worn out tyre once X came along, despite most people at the time being unable to run X becaause the system specs weren't there.
P'raps you should ask in FSX forum.


! wish I could finish the projects I'm already working on.

Wishlist for aircraft?


Gloster Gauntlet
Fairey Swordfish
de Havilland Vampire
Handley Page Halifax

Anyone for a Sea Fury Pack inclusive of Reno Racer variants?


Thanks Nigel,

I really look forward to the Gauntlet. To fly, but also to paint it, as I love these interwar British Aircraft.

! wish I could finish the projects I'm already working on.

Wishlist for aircraft?


Gloster Gauntlet
Fairey Swordfish
de Havilland Vampire
Handley Page Halifax...

I wish you could too! I've wished for years that Paul's SOC had a wheels version, and his floatplane is old and not up to the state of the art today.

I've long wished for a really nice Swordfish on floats, and a new one on wheels would be nice too.

The others appeal to me too, so I hope you can get them finished.
Thanks Nigel,

I really look forward to the Gauntlet. To fly, but also to paint it, as I love these interwar British Aircraft.


First I must finish what is in the pot. I heartily share your love of interwar aircraft, Huub - hopefully you'll like the AVRO series now moving towards finish Line.
I wish you could too! I've wished for years that Paul's SOC had a wheels version, and his floatplane is old and not up to the state of the art today.

I've long wished for a really nice Swordfish on floats, and a new one on wheels would be nice too.

The others appeal to me too, so I hope you can get them finished.

Well Mick - no harm in giving it our best.

Have always had a love affair with the Swordfish for some reason.

It's a massive machine - same height as a London double-decker would you believe.
When I worked in London (many moons ago) I used to spend whole lunch breaks pawing over The Imperial War Museum's example.

Yet in the Air, its perceived clumsiness becomes agile and magestic grace.

Forgot to mention the Sherpa Turbine bush plane. Looks like a beast but fun to fly.



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Naturally, when I made my list, I couldn't think of the one plane that's been at or near the top of my wish list for as long as I've been in the hobby: a Vought Corsair.

No, not the famous F4U Corsair, which should have been called the Corsair II, or perhaps Corsair III, or maybe even Corsair IV.

I mean the original Vought Corsair from the late 1920s and early 1930s, and it would require a whole series of models to depict it properly. It started with the O2U-1 through O2U-4, then went to the O3U-1 through -6, and spawned a side branch of SU-1 through SU-4 with all but the SU's operated on both wheels and floats. Like the Spitfire, it evolved through a series of very gradual changes, so there was no point where a new name or designation was needed or even appropriate (though that didn't stop the Navy from giving it three different designations through the years) but after all of the many incremental changes, about all that was left of the O2U-1 in the O3U-6 was probably the pilot's seat and control column, and maybe the wheels and tires of the landplane and carrier variants.

Corsairs flew from Navy air fields, carriers, cruisers, battleships, reserve bases and Marine bases from the late 1920s through the mid-1930s with the fleet and the Corps, and to eve of WW2 with the reserves. They were the most numerous aircraft in the Navy until the big PBY production boom of the late 1930s.

Several years ago, before my hiatus from the hobby, I was involved in an abortive project to produce that whole series for FS9. Alas, we weren't even finished with the first version when the modeler retired from his job and found that his retirement was so busy that he no longer had time for any FS modeling. (I know that feeling; I had more time for FS before I retired too!)

There was an O2U-1 for an earlier FS version, I no longer remember which one, maybe FS98, but it was pretty crude, and it lost its prop in FS9. Otherwise, I don't believe there's ever been any version of any original Corsair for any version of FS.

Corsairs, Corsairs, Corsairs! We need Corsairs! If someone would make the models I'd be happy to supply the research and the paint brush.