New planes and repaints wishlist

Naturally, when I made my list, I couldn't think of the one plane that's been at or near the top of my wish list for as long as I've been in the hobby: a Vought Corsair.

No, not the famous F4U Corsair, which should have been called the Corsair II, or perhaps Corsair III, or maybe even Corsair IV.

I mean the original Vought Corsair from the late 1920s and early 1930s, and it would require a whole series of models to depict it properly. It started with the O2U-1 through O2U-4, then went to the O3U-1 through -6, and spawned a side branch of SU-1 through SU-4 with all but the SU's operated on both wheels and floats. Like the Spitfire, it evolved through a series of very gradual changes, so there was no point where a new name or designation was needed or even appropriate (though that didn't stop the Navy from giving it three different designations through the years) but after all of the many incremental changes, about all that was left of the O2U-1 in the O3U-6 was probably the pilot's seat and control column, and maybe the wheels and tires of the landplane and carrier variants.

Corsairs flew from Navy air fields, carriers, cruisers, battleships, reserve bases and Marine bases from the late 1920s through the mid-1930s with the fleet and the Corps, and to eve of WW2 with the reserves. They were the most numerous aircraft in the Navy until the big PBY production boom of the late 1930s.

Several years ago, before my hiatus from the hobby, I was involved in an abortive project to produce that whole series for FS9. Alas, we weren't even finished with the first version when the modeler retired from his job and found that his retirement was so busy that he no longer had time for any FS modeling. (I know that feeling; I had more time for FS before I retired too!)

There was an O2U-1 for an earlier FS version, I no longer remember which one, maybe FS98, but it was pretty crude, and it lost its prop in FS9. Otherwise, I don't believe there's ever been any version of any original Corsair for any version of FS.

Corsairs, Corsairs, Corsairs! We need Corsairs! If someone would make the models I'd be happy to supply the research and the paint brush.

Hmmm...Now that's awesome fresh food for thought, if ever I saw it.

Must have come in way below my personal radar - I must say, I like it, Mick!



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Hmmm...Now that's awesome fresh food for thought, if ever I saw it.

Must have come in way below my personal radar - I must say, I like it, Mick!


Oh, yes - I neglected to mention that some of 'em even had amphibious floats. And they operated from carriers on those too sometimes, though the one in the picture is from a battleship-based observation squadron.

If you feel like making the models, I'm ready with the reference material and the paint brush.

They went through two (or three? memory is fuzzy) upper wings, two or three lower wings, two fuselages, four vertical tails, two horizontal tails, and two different kinds of floats The final version even had an enclosed cockpit. It would be a fine project and the models would be wonderful to behold, especially in their amazing variety of colorful pre-war markings.
Oh, yes - I neglected to mention that some of 'em even had amphibious floats. And they operated from carriers on those too sometimes, though the one in the picture is from a battleship-based observation squadron.

If you feel like making the models, I'm ready with the reference material and the paint brush.

They went through two (or three? memory is fuzzy) upper wings, two or three lower wings, two fuselages, four vertical tails, two horizontal tails, and two different kinds of floats The final version even had an enclosed cockpit. It would be a fine project and the models would be wonderful to behold, especially in their amazing variety of colorful pre-war markings.

I'd probably now put it above the Curtiss in my list of probables - the amphibious version clinches the deal.
Biplanes really hog the polys - after the AVRO's, I reckon we'll have more insight towards more judicious use of them.

Teh Pratt & Whitney R-1690 Hornet would be an interesting modeling challenge - love the intricacies of radial engines.

Mick; on completion of what I have in the workshop (and boat shed), I'll be more specific of what's coming next.

For now: following a host of improvements and rebuilds, the Avro series is now happily nearing completion of VC. After that, Milton's Bounty Launch and accompanying scenery will be in for finals. At last I now have all my scenery progs working after a frustrating (emotional?) upgrade to Windows 7.0.
All of the above at UKmil web-site.
Granted one or two could do with updating.



I knew I got my early model Harriers from someplace. The Jaguar on UKMil is a modification pre-Virtavia/Alphasim full release of their model as freeware so you can also get it from the Virtavia freeware page.

Alphasim/Virtavia Jaguar Set 1

Alphasim/Virtavia Jaguar Set 2

Frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing an updated F-35 since Iris' model is a little long in the tooth.
I'd probably now put it above the Curtiss in my list of probables ...

OK, just remember that you have all the reference information and a skin painter ready to help. You know where to find me!


BTW, I've been using Win7Pro for more than five years now and I still don't like it. Getting old FS-relayed software to work in can be a bear sometimes. Running a program in XP compatibility mode doesn't always work as advertised, and the WinXP Virtual Machine that comes with 7Pro version isn't al it's cracked up to be either.

I'd have stuck with XP but when I got my last rig built up it was already too late to buy a copy of XP, and it couldn't be ripped it from the old rig because that confutor had crashed terminally and the OS couldn't be recovered intact. Bah! I hate M$!

In the hope of stoking interest in the Corsair, I can't resist a quick review of the type's versatility. It started as an observation (VO) type that flew from the battlewagons to spot the fall of shot. Then they equipped the cruiser scouting squadrons (VCS) for long range search. They served with all the carrier scouting squadrons (VS) where they helped pioneer US Navy carrier operations, and with all the Marine observation and scouting squadrons. Christian Schilt's Medal of Honor mission in Nicaragua was flown in a Corsair. Corsairs served as admiral's barges, and general utility planes. They flew with the Coast Guard on border patrol in Texas. They were in every Naval Air Reserve squadron. Those planes that went after King Kong were Corsairs from the reserve base in Brooklyn. Corsairs were everywhere, like seagulls around a fishing pier; they were the stalwarts of American naval aviation for many years and they were still around in second line duty for years more.

It's always been a mystery to me that modelers apparently haven't been interested in them. They were in King Kong twice, the 1933 original and Peter Jackson's remake; you'd think that would've gotten them noticed. Curious.

OK, I'll be quiet now.
I would like to add to the wish list:

1) More freeware modelers for FS2004

2) More freeware modelers for FS9 :)

3) More people interested in learning gmax so they could fall into categories 1 and 2 :)

I am trying to develop video tutorials (to supplement my C-162 graphic one) on YouTube to ease new modelers into gmax and get them productive.
I am trying to develop video tutorials (to supplement my C-162 graphic one) on YouTube to ease new modelers into gmax and get them productive.

C-162? has in Cessna SkyCatcher? Is it the one by Abacus? I think thats the only thing they ever put out that I liked.

C-162? has in Cessna SkyCatcher? Is it the one by Abacus? I think thats the only thing they ever put out that I liked.



No, I used the C-162 Skycatcher as the example in the tutorial series. I did not release it. The one from Abacus is different.


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I would like to add to the wish list:

1) More freeware modelers for FS2004

2) More freeware modelers for FS9 :)

3) More people interested in learning gmax so they could fall into categories 1 and 2 :)

I am trying to develop video tutorials (to supplement my C-162 graphic one) on YouTube to ease new modelers into gmax and get them productive.

Milton's C - 162 is an exceptional tutorial that will put you comfortably into Gmax and exporting your first model.

The steps are beautifully clarified, and thoroughly explanatory.

Heartily recommended to anyone wishing to take the plunge. :encouragement:
OK, just remember that you have all the reference information and a skin painter ready to help. You know where to find me!


BTW, I've been using Win7Pro for more than five years now and I still don't like it. Getting old FS-relayed software to work in can be a bear sometimes. Running a program in XP compatibility mode doesn't always work as advertised, and the WinXP Virtual Machine that comes with 7Pro version isn't al it's cracked up to be either.

I'd have stuck with XP but when I got my last rig built up it was already too late to buy a copy of XP, and it couldn't be ripped it from the old rig because that confutor had crashed terminally and the OS couldn't be recovered intact. Bah! I hate M$!

I'll find you! :)

Your observations of XP versus Win 7.0 are the same as my own sentiments.

A few days ago, I finally found someone here to help me install the 'missing module (s)' which were prohibiting my Access to SBuilder and other scenery programs. The steps are relatively straightforward for anyone comfortable with programming etc. I am NOT! So was delighted to finally have a kind person help me through the steps.

Migration to Win. 7 was forced by similar circumstances to your own, Mick. Infact; simpler - it all began with a flashy NEW soundcard and went from there.


Anyways - I LOVE XP (even though I no longer have it!) :mixed-smiley-010:
I would like to add to the wish list:

1) More freeware modelers for FS2004

2) More freeware modelers for FS9 :)

3) More people interested in learning gmax so they could fall into categories 1 and 2 :)

I am trying to develop video tutorials (to supplement my C-162 graphic one) on YouTube to ease new modelers into gmax and get them productive.

My wish list looks a bit similar. I really appreciate everybodies efforts and I'm really pleased to see that there are still people willing to learn to master programs like gmax or blender. But most of all I'm pleased that there are still people, who are willing to share what they have made.
I would love to become one of them, but there is so much to do in so little time. Real life needs too much time and retirement is still far behind the horizon
Therefore I limit myself to (re) painting and enjoy the work of new talents like Nigel, Daan (Dutcheeseblend), etc.

hi to all, not sure if you would be interested in some of the aircrafts from my kitchen aswell... well, after all the years of various game development and modding I almost forgot creating add-ons for such sims (now I am focused on CFS3 development only), still I would be happy to see my stuff at FS2002, FS2004 or FSX so like at CFS2 one day. would need bit help, volunteers wanted ;)
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Not to hi-jack the thread, but is G-max still available? I tried my hand at sketchup but never really got the hang of it well enough to put out anything. I would love to learn how to build structures and ground objects for scenery.

Not to hi-jack the thread, but is G-max still available? I tried my hand at sketchup but never really got the hang of it well enough to put out anything. I would love to learn how to build structures and ground objects for scenery.



Sean, Go to to Design form down the list of forums; see here: