I would like to add to the wish list:
1) More freeware modelers for FS2004
2) More freeware modelers for FS9
3) More people interested in learning gmax so they could fall into categories 1 and 2
I am trying to develop video tutorials (to supplement my C-162 graphic one) on YouTube to ease new modelers into gmax and get them productive.
I always thought that when I retired I'd learn to make models in G-max. Little did I suspect that when I retired I'd have less hobby time, not more. I had G-max installed on my previous confutor but never registered it and never even booted it up to check it out. It isn't on my present rig, though of course I still have the FS9 installation disks and could presumably install it from them. I thought I'd read somewhere that the publisher had either gone out of business or abandoned the program, and that it was no longer possible to register it and get it working. Is that correct?
I would like to check out that video on You Tube - can someone post the link? Given some good instructions, and assuming I can get the program installed and working, I would like to check it out.