Orbx TBF/TBM Avenger Released

Speaking of KTX2 textures, when working on converting all of my CAS Piper Cub repaints to that new format for the MSFS 2024 model, I couldn't get any KTX2 textures to be read/displayed in the sim when saved with the Nvidia Texture Exporter, no matter what bit version I used. I ended up using the script called "ImageToMSFSKTX2" developed by Flak99/TheFlakNine, which uses the MSFS 2024 SDK Package Builder to save the .PNG files as the KTX2 files that MSFS 2024 will actually recognize and display. The great thing about it too is that you can convert whole batches of .PNG files at one time.

This video helps explain it, as well as provides a link in the description to download the ImageToMSFSKTX2 script:
John, Nvidia Texture Tools Exporter 2024.1.1 is running backwards and forwards on my side without any problems. I deal with 24-Bit PNG, DDS DXT1 or DDS DXT5 if alpha is needed.

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John, Nvidia Texture Tools Exporter 2024.1.1 is running backwards and forwards on my side without any problems. I deal with 24-Bit PNG, DDS DXT1 or DDS DXT5 if alpha is needed.

Thomas, have you tried converting any of your T-33 liveries?
I've come unstuck with my RAF one - the NVidia tool converts some textures OK but others don't display, Ini have also changed the decals so I think I need to bake them into the main textures now, and finally although the 'old' cockpit was being used in my livery it suddenly changed to the new cockpit for no reason and I don't see how to revert :(
No, I haven´t work on my T-33s for 2024 yet. Generally, to bring decals in KTX2 you need yours in DDS DXT5 compression. Don´t go with PNG.

Had a look at the texture layout, but alas, everything is mirrored, apart from the nose.
So no camo schemes, just basic symmetric paints, and then rubbish around with decals, groan....
So no paints from me I fear, just not worth the hassle, for now.
I particularly like that French one - great work, JanKees. I hope a patch is released soon for the TBF, because it's such a beautiful model.
I spoke too early, I now have three paints, with one uploaded so far:
110 (00007) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Great to know you spoke too early ! :cool: Looks wonderful, Jan Kees !

And very cool to finally see the crew inside ! But that's just FS2020 i guess. I remember the days when we had to fly FS models without transparent windows... That's about 40 years ago. We've come a looooooong way ! Only to have to fly FS models without visible crew...... They might as well make that canopy glass opaque again.

Say, Jan Kees, what do you think, see anything interesting for you to dip your brushes in this here collection ? :


We had 'em all in FS9, remember ? Would be magical to have 'em back here in 2020 and 2024, don't you think ? ;)
I'm trying to find the courage to go for the 3-tone and Atlantic schemes, the RN only if Orbx adjust the textures. I've asked them, and got a mildly positive reply, so we'll see...
And what about the Koninklijke Marine?

Manwhile, one more blue scheme:
89 (00004) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
now on fs.2.

And yes, 2020, I deleted 2024, it just didn't work on my end. After several try's, I even got my money back.
I'm trying to find the courage to go for the 3-tone and Atlantic schemes, the RN only if Orbx adjust the textures. I've asked them, and got a mildly positive reply, so we'll see...
Thanks Jan Kees, great news ! :encouragement:

Orbx adjusting the textures otherwise no camouflage for the Tarpon, right ? The model is just too good for them not to follow up on that !

And what about the Koninklijke Marine?

That would be wonderful ! Thanks very much in advance ! :cool:
Great to see the very first MLD Avenger in MSFS2020 ! Thank you ! :encouragement:

Few little nitpicks if you don't mind, Jan Kees. The dutch roundel on the fuselage should be quite a bit bigger. The bottom of the white part falls a bit less than halfway the two radio-room windows, the top is about at the right place. The numbers on the front fuselage and wings also want to be bigger (i couldn't find a photo or drawing of 071 but 070, 072 and 074 will do too regarding size and placement, right ? ). The fuselage number is not situated on the cowling as such but just in front of the wing's leading edge *behind* the cowling. Here are a few examples :


Already years ago i tried to find the Kon.Marine font without success and it still doesn't seem to be available in the net. I do know now that it's called 'Rijkshuisstijl' but actual fonts that are shown on their website don't resemble that of the drawing above very much. F.i. the N is very typical and doesn't look like it at all. But ! I think the font that you used does a good job as a placeholder.

Btw, Jan Kees, does the Extra Dark Sea Grey/Sky scheme of number 20 beneath number 70 on the Dutch Decal cover tickle your fancy ? A nice addition to the blues don't you think ? Ok, most of the MLD Avengers wearing this scheme lost the turret and had a modified radio room canopy but i bet a standard outfit might've been flying in this nice dress just as well. I hope you might give it a thought.

Thanks very much for the dutch turkey's, Jan Kees ! (no idea how 'de jantjes' nicknamed it.... 'Kalkoen' ?....too obvious, right ?....;-) Seems i'm going back to the ol' FS2020 !! :love:

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Jan, thank you for you excellent analysis, but I knew all of this already. Unfortunately, the textures of the fuselage and wings are mirrored (so same textures for left and right sides) which makes asymmetric textures, like any text and Dutch rundels impossible to use. The original textures come with a decal sheet, which I have used to get as close as possible to the original textures, but unfortunately, that also means the they will not be correct. This is true for all the paints I've thrown in your general direction so far. Better than just the one texture I came with I hope? I've asked Orbx if they are willing to give us unmirrored textures, and they said they were thinking about it. We'll see. This is also why I haven't started on 3-tone or Atlantic paintschemes yet, never mind camouflaged Tarpons.
So unless Orbx gives us properly mapped textures, this 'kalkoen' is what you're stuck with now...

and as for the font, I checked your 'rijkshuisstijl' font, but that was very different, so I took a picture of a Neptune and drew this:
Kon Marine by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

you want me to update my paint with this (even though the rest is all wrong anyway)?
Dang, dang, dang en nog eens dang ! That's very sad and frustrating to hear, Jan Kees ! Particularly for you ! Putting a lotta work in it while knowing you can never get it right ! Dang Orbx !! :banghead:

Sorry to have put you up with this my friend. I figured camo is out of the question but i didn't expect just about nothing can be realized as you want it. And on top of that all don't even think about FS2024.... What a bummer, mate !

On the other hand, that Kon.Marine font you created looks fantastic !! Well done ! 👏

I'd hanger that damn Orbx Turkey if i were you, Jan Kees, until they come round and give you something worthwhile to work with. I have never ever returned a payware aircraft to get my money back but i have a good mind to start with that right now ! The damn thing is... i love that model so much... :mixed-smiley-027:

It's clear now, this Orbx sad and sorry Turkey deserves only one livery and one livery only :


And please do that with all my suggestions for the time being, Jan Kees. If it has to be like this it is not worth your precious time and brushes.

Again very sorry to hear about this setback. Atleast for now, we'd best fuggedaboudit, right ? What a debacle....
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Had to throw these in since I've been playing WOTS in between MSFS2024, when I don't have time for a real flight.
