P3 Update.........

All good things come to those that wait!!!

Or so my Granny said!!

Thanks for the update WM...may I wish you and yours a very Blessed Christmas...feet up...chill out and relax!
I read that 'you have Phase 2 ready and waiting'

I believe that Phase 3 does not require Phase 1 or 2 to be installed first. Its comes as a complete, self installing package. It will need CFS3, but for the intial Phase 3 install only.

Just thought I'd point that out in case you were thinking Phase 3 was an add-on install to Phase 2.

To all,
As Winder says, the delay in production was not anticipated and rest assured, there are guys just as eager as everyone else to see Phase 3 launched:
Polovski, OvS, Makai, Paarma, Capt. Winters, Rex Hannover, Shredward, Rabu, Sandbagger and Nod (Winder's support team). Plus many others who have assisted in research, testing etc.

Lets hope Santa will speed things up.
Hi ,Will it be neccessary to have a new clean CFS 3.1 ready for installing phase3 ,or can itbe overinstalled over your existing P2.? The reason I ask is that I was wondering if I may have to delete all and start again, just want to be prepared for the BIG day, thanks
Hang on in there, Gerhardt! I was told my copy shipped on 11 December and it didn't arrive until this morning.

The case is all in Dutch (Flemish?) and French (Walloon?) but I hope the inside runs in English! :confused:

PS For God's sake don't panic! I'm referring to CFS3, NOT Phase 3!
I read that 'you have Phase 2 ready and waiting'

I believe that Phase 3 does not require Phase 1 or 2 to be installed first. Its comes as a complete, self installing package. It will need CFS3, but for the intial Phase 3 install only.

Just thought I'd point that out in case you were thinking Phase 3 was an add-on install to Phase 2.

To all,
As Winder says, the delay in production was not anticipated and rest assured, there are guys just as eager as everyone else to see Phase 3 launched:
Polovski, OvS, Makai, Paarma, Capt. Winters, Rex Hannover, Shredward, Rabu, Sandbagger and Nod (Winder's support team). Plus many others who have assisted in research, testing etc.

Lets hope Santa will speed things up.

I knew I didn't have to have Phase II before I could install Phase III. I was hoping to have Phase II working so I could have everything pretty well ironed out, and see how it ran before Phase III came. I do not even know if Phase III will work for me since I have Windows 2000 Pro.
Hang on in there, Gerhardt! I was told my copy shipped on 11 December and it didn't arrive until this morning.

The case is all in Dutch (Flemish?) and French (Walloon?) but I hope the inside runs in English! :confused:

Well considering I'm in Tennessee, that may be good news that I'll actually get it, but bad news in that it'll take at least twice as long for it to get to Tennessee as it did to get to England. :kilroy:
Hi ,Will it be neccessary to have a new clean CFS 3.1 ready for installing phase3 ,or can itbe overinstalled over your existing P2.? The reason I ask is that I was wondering if I may have to delete all and start again, just want to be prepared for the BIG day, thanks

Yes you will need a clean install for P3. It is always wise to do that in any case when installing a major mod.
I was going to leave this query till when Phase 3 was out, but, if i may, I'll ask now.

I was going to not install Phase 3 on to my present computer ( which has OFF2 and CFS3, the latter modded somewhat ) - but install it on to my new computer.

Well, the new computer will be coming on a later sledge than Santa's Xmas one :) ( - late January I think ), and so it seems that Phase 3 will be yearning to go on to my present computer.
I would like to keep OFF 2, as it is, on my present computer- it is running very sweetly-.
Can I therefore keep that and install phase 3 on this same computer so that i have a choice of either?

To avoid conflict, how would i do that?

Or is the risk of a cock up too great?

Having both active hasn't been tested and not recommended but...
You could back up all OBD registry settings (export), and (for XP) X:\Documents and Settings\YOUR name\Application Data\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields" folders, and "my documents\cfsww1... " folder and WW1scenery folder, and put them elsewhere or temporarily rename them and then install P3 probably to a different master folder (still with "CFSWW1..." folder and WW1Secenery folders inside of course). Then once you are flying backup/export P3's registry and folders as above above again.

Then you'd have to swap them in and out.

Problem is P3 will use the same "CFSWW1..." folders in my documents and Application Data so would get messy I would think very quickly and we won't support it.

WM or RexH would have to comment for sure as they did the install process nut I wouldn't think you'd want to do it anyway after playing P3 lol..
Thanks Pol. That's made up my mind - that i won't attempt to have both on same machine.
Reckon what I'll do is
1.Uninstall OFF2
2. load Phase 3.
When the new puter comes, install phase 3. on it, then

If for some reason ( of comparison, or nostalgia ) I can always uninstall phase 3 and install OFF 2 on the "old" computer-

Can you clear one thing please? On the "old ", present computer, CFS3 is running very sweet with mods -scenery etc. When i've uninstalled OFF2, I should be able to install Phase 3 on this sweet running CFS3 OK,yes?
IOW, I don't have to uninstall and re install CFS3 first, do I?

Don't even think about trying to have both P2 and P3 on the same machine....

No need to change/uninstall CFS3 etc.

Then we probably should have a good sticky on how to uninstall P2.
Well considering I'm in Tennessee, that may be good news that I'll actually get it, but bad news in that it'll take at least twice as long for it to get to Tennessee as it did to get to England. :kilroy:
:wavey::jump:Waitin for the e-mail,:173go1:Hope I was'nt forgotten, I was one of the first ones to sing up for it.
:wavey::jump:Waitin for the e-mail,:173go1:Hope I was'nt forgotten, I was one of the first ones to sing up for it.

I got my copy of CFS 3 yesterday. Actually, I now have two copies, one unopened, of the CFS 3 DVD. Now I'm off to search on how to install OFF Phase II.