I wonder if the model had been a Mirage 2000, or other Mirage aircraft, what would have happened?
i've figured the ui_manufacturer= line.......D-Ass-Hole (Sounds like the correct pronunciation of Dassault which is, and i'm sure the french speakers will agree here... Dass-oh/Dass-O)![]()
The situation is getting some traction outside the flightsim community. Emmanuel Dorne, aka "Korben", a well-known French blogger, has written about the situation in his blog. He even links to this thread as well as a popular Mirage related website (even borrowed an image of the aircraft in question). The title says it all, "Red Card for DA". If your French is rusty you can translate it in bits at "world.altavista.com" to get the jist -- pretty much what we've been saying here.
We'll see.VPA's first release at least is intended as freeware.
Will everyone making a Dassault related payware/freeware product (repaints, panels, sound files, etc.) have to jump through the same hoops including paying Dassault, and then see their product available the next day for free on the torrent sites?
OK, stepping off the soapbox.
Appreciate that and an occasionalI have stepped off mine, too. I only get frustrated when I think about it. I'm just going to keep an eye on this thread and hope for the best.
Exactly. Hopefully now DA will begin to feel a little better about themeslves and not worry that some flight sim models are being better received than the real thing. That aside, this is very good news for the Rafale. Certainly a huge sale. I'm jazzed.With such a good news lets hope Dassault Aviation will be in a "good mood" to confirm permission to release the VPA Team Rafale for FS9 freeware !!!
Most recent rumour imply the VPA team have proposed to Dassault Aviation to offer
the exclusive download of the VPA Rafale for FS9 freeware directly from the official
Dassault Aviation website !
If confirmed, this is a "very good move" proposal from the VPA team.
Lets wait and hope and see !
Nous sommes trois, et l'un des trois, pour l'instant, préfère ne pas le distribuer tant que Dassault n'aura pas fait un geste. Il a ses raisons.
We are three, and one of the three, for now, prefer not to distribute it as Dassault has not made a move. He has his reasons.