Rafale C for FS2004

Posted today 03:00 am European Time on VPA french forum from "P" of VPA Team :

In french :

Philippe, Paneleur

In english :

Good morning,
we will have news from Alex soon et these are good ones !!!!!

Philippe, Panel Master

Alex is the "A" of VPA team and is responsible of the negociations with
Dassault Aviation.

Let take a moment and pray together !
Alex from VPA have received the following message from Dassault Aviation :

In french :

nous avons reçu ce jour une proposition que je dois retourner afin qu'elle prenne effet :
Après approbation par courrier du produit final qui sera délivré..
Nous avons l'autorisation et uniquement dans le cadre de ses extensions de reproduire le RAFALE sur Flight Simulator (FS9-FSX) et pour le monde entier et d'en faire la
publicité sur tous support.
Nous avons l'autorisation de reproduire et d'utiliser les marques RAFALE, DASSAULT AVIATION et notamment le logo trefle dans les pays ou Dassault Aviation est titulaire
de droits pour les 3 marques en question.

Je pense donc en effet que ce tunnel ce termine.
Nous préparons actuellement un dossier complet pour l'approbation souhaitée et nous espérons vous délivrer très prochainement l'oiseau.

Toute l'équipe VPA vous remercie pour le soutien que vous avez su nous porter.
Alexandre BAFFERT "AB-MAD"

In english :

We received this day a proposal which I have to turn(return) so that she(it) comes into effect:
After approval by mail of the end product which will be freed(delivered)..

We have the authorization and only within the framework of its extensions to reproduce the Rafale on Flight Simulator ( FS9-FSX) and for the whole world
and to make the advertising(publicity) on all support(medium).
We have the authorization to reproduce and to use the marks(brands) RAFALE, DASSAULT aviation in particular the Dasssault logo "trefle" in countries or Dassault
Aviation is a holder of rights for 3 marks(brands) in question.

I think indeed that this it the end of the tunnel.
We prepare at present a complete file(case) for the wished approval and we hope to free(deliver) you very soon the bird.

All the VPA team thanks you for the support that you knew how to carry(wear) us.
Alexandre BAFFERT " AB-MAD "

What can we say ? Yes ! Yes ! Yes !!!!!!!
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-HAW! another great Fast Air on the horizon then! better get my virtual-a$$ into France to prepare to collect my Rafale when it's out.... :jump:

fantastic news indeed! :ernae:
My virtual "arse" is already there... :running: lol. I just need to clear a spot in my virtual hangars for this beauty when she finally arrives. :guinness:

... VaporZ, thank's well for news ... :salute:

( et un grand bonjour au Québec...)

Merci et bonne journée !! Thank's and good day !
That is great news indeed... what a lot of hoops to jump through for something that really is to the advantage of Dassault, eh?

If I were Rafale VPA I might be tempted to be a little naughty, and go make some money, just for insult ;)

If I were Rafale VPA I might be tempted to be a little naughty, and go make some money, just for insult ;)
Haha. Very funny. But on the surface that seems to be what they will be able to do as long as they say it is for FS9 or FSX. I noticed that Alex started using the DA logo as his avatar over at their forum this morning.

Next question is, and of course this is the wrong furum to discuss this, but how does this effect Roland Laborie's FSX payware Rafale. And what about repaints of the VPA Rafale. Do they have to be pre-approved by DA? I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade but these are valid concerns to me.
Marcel DASSAULT 1892 - 1986

During the Second World War, having refused to collaborate with the strengths of occupation, he is arrested in 1940 as Jew by the French police. Arrested with his wife and his two sons, Claude and Serge, internees to Montluc and then to Drancy, he is deported to Buchenwald in August, 1944. He stays there eight months and is saved by Marcel Paul, member of the French communist Party and the leader of the secret organization of the camp, and also by Albert Baudet. He shows afterward his gratitude by naming guiding Albert Baudet of the publicity of the magazine "Jours de France" and by overturning every year a sum of money in the "L'Humanité" newspaper and in the federation of the transported convicts FNDIRP.

French: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcel_Dassault

english: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcel_Dassault ( Information less complete )

But He is dead, twenty five years ago...
I didn't realise, or had forgotten, that his surname was Bloch, and was responsible for 15 years of Bloch French aircraft in the '30's and 40's ...
He changed his name from Bloch to Bloch-Dassaut then Dassault in 1949. Dassault was the pseudonym of his brother, General Darius Paul Bloch, in the French resistance and means "for assault", originally from char d'assaut, French for tank.
His son Serge is now 86! but still active apparently in the family firm.
Third-generation Dassault, Olivier (60) must surely start taking the reins of the parent group soon.
That is great news indeed... what a lot of hoops to jump through for something that really is to the advantage of Dassault, eh?

If I were Rafale VPA I might be tempted to be a little naughty, and go make some money, just for insult ;)


Thought I saw a rack with some bottles of that stuff on it at the local "Grab and Go" the other day. Certainly happy that I don't have to purchase a real Dassault Rafale aircraft, just so I can have the VPA model for FS9. Crikey.... where the bloody heck would I park it? What would the neighbors say... (like I really care). I'm sure a police officer would slap a ticket on it. Besides... how the heck would I get it to the nearest airport, (now that opens up a new can of worms altogether, with the questions of "where the bloody heck would I park it?"). Geeezzz. OK, I've said my 2 bits and had a little fun.

This may be old news but I saw an english version of the FM for the Rafale over at the VPA website.

I didn't realise, or had forgotten, that his surname was Bloch, and was responsible for 15 years of Bloch French aircraft in the '30's and 40's ...

That's right... From 1928 to 1940...

... Greetings to New-Zealand...
Well... :banghead:. LOL!!

Actually BB686, they just posted new versions of the French and English language manuals today. In addition to the Dassault Aviation logo that they are now required to prominently display, it includes discussion of the latest features. So good spotting there. :salute: