
The shot sequence is flying north to Rangoon, then overlying Mingaladon.

Decided to try & create a texture set for CBI, & ended up doing shorelines, wide muddy rivers & making a landclass with some more variety in it than Rhumbas CFS2 Tropical.

Once I was invested, it was a short stretch to start researching airstrip locations, though there's precious little info out there, especially on layouts👀
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Yes, I guess the texture set would do for a late summer early autumn European set, but I think the textures used for the hilly jungle areas further north would look a bit strange.

TBH getting the right "feel" is difficult. A lot of the satellite views of this area are too built-up to be useful, & the cropland surrounding the towns & cities in lower Burma/India just looks brown through the winter, or green (or flooded) through the summer & monsoon. It's not "European", but it's not SWPTO either...

There's no real middle ground, & the bare brown earth look just doesn't look right next to the hilly jungle Highlands, & doesn't blend well in CFS2.

Sometimes compromises have to be made, given the limitations we have with texture format types that work for CFS2.

So I went for a vaguely European farmland look, with SWPTO rice paddies, then shifted the pallette to give an autumnal brownish tint.

Of course, users could always create their own mix of textures (Pactex etc) 🤣 to use with any landclass that covers this area (Rhumbas CFS2 Tropical?), or (god forbid!) make their own landclass 🤪 instead. 😉
Hiede, I have no desire to revise parts of southern China:dizzy: , but it will cover the AVG's fields in Burma, so the early missions COULD be revisited. ;)

I'm more interested in heading south, the mismatch with Rhumbas mesh through Malaysia & Singapore REALLY does need looking at... :pop4:
Rangoon had a very distinctive landmark, the ShweDagon Pagoda. It's even commented on in pre-war Short Empire flights, saying it was easily visible from the air.

Well, thanks to KDriver supplying me a poly-heavy 3ds model of this pagoda, I was able to make a much lower poly version & get her textured & into the Sim...
